------------------CRLZH/UNCRLZH v2.0 Patch Information-------------------- Time/Date stamping patch areas: In addition to the 'standard' patching areas that are accessable with ZCNFG or via the overlay file provided, there is space available in the v2.0 release modules for the addition of user-defined patches for time/date stamping (or whatever other kind you like) patches. These areas are: CRLZH: 2000-20FF CRLZH (Z-System version): 1E00-1EFF UNCRLZH: 2400-24FF UNCRLZH (Z-System version): 2200-22FF Note that these areas are "beyond" the provided .COM's address range (for example, if you load CRLZH under DDT the 'NEXT' address will be 1F00). Not to worry: the patch areas are just past the UNINITIALIZED (and, hence, unloaded) data areas. The patching loader MLOAD (for .HEX files) and RMLOAD (for .REL files) are capable of handling patches which 'extend' the .COM files being patched.