These two sort programs complement one-another. MSORT is extremely fast, but is limited to files it can load into memory, and cannot specify a sort field. On most systems it will not be able to sort a file larger than about 48k. It will announce any overflow, and preserve all files, so go ahead and try it. SORT is about 4 to 5 time slower than MSORT, but can sort on a specified field. It has NO limits on file size, apart from disk space available. (You should have room for at least two copies of the file to be sorted). SORT puts its temporary files on the default (logged in) drive. Both SORT and MSORT can write back to the original file if desired. MSORT will give a warning. Both SORT and MSORT can ignore case differences in letters, by the "-u" switch. Sorting is based on the ASCII collation sequence only. Tabs are just another character, and may confuse the results if present. RETAB program is available to expand or insert tabs if needed. MSORT gives help when run with no parameters. SORT gives help when run with a "?" parameter. SORT i/o parameters require the "<" and ">" redirection indicators. MSORT filenames may be separated with commas or spaces as desired. MSORT can input/output across DU (drive/user) areas. SORT uses only the logged-in user area. SORT can input and output from devices (default console), using the file names RDR, PUN, LST, CON, while MSORT can only operate on disk files. MSORT accepts wild cards in the input filename, and sorts ONLY the first one found. MSORTS default output file name is the input filename, and a different DU may be specified. Both SORT and MSORT use C.A.R Hoares' quicksort algorithm, and thus the sorts are not stable, i.e. lines that are equal may not appear in the output in the same order as in the input. SORT.COM and MSORT.COM are protected by CCITCRC checksums, and should yield a 0 value under CCITCRC. C.B. Falconer. (86/2/2)