XFRTOOL v4 XFRTOOL, XFR.LOG, and RIC.LOG, are copyright 1987 by AB17/HOST Systems of Dayton, Ohio. The XFR4.BAS program may be altered for accuracy of the mathematical algorithms only and may not be distributed as a higher version unless such changes are in an associated DOC file. All such alterations should be made only with the express consent of the authors of the program. No changes may be made to the XFR.LOG or RIC.LOG output files also referred to herein as "screens", at all, except for local use and display. Likewise, no additional data may be entered or the location of any of the data items. If changes are made to the screens name the library differently, take credit for all the work done here, and suffer the consequences. PURPOSE: XFRTOOL provides the RCP/M sysop a method of analyzing two LOGS formerly of little use to anyone except as a curiosity. With this single program you can quickly make more than just a guess as to the use and usage of your system, as well as be informed of your users most common hours and file transfer habits. Additionally, these two screens can be quickly converted to a COM file using TXT71 or NOTE2 for the (normally A0:) system drive of the RCP/M so that all users can also find useful information from them also. You can keep a previous month XFR and RIC program as well as a cumulative stats file on-line at all times - there is no real limit to the size of the files the programs will analyze except perhaps the limits of your operating system! PREPARATION: XFRTOOL requires COPIES of two files on the default drive: KMD.LOG and the CALLERS file (preferably PBBS378 or higher). The output files, XFR.LOG and RIC.LOG, normally take up 2 to 4k each on a 2k block system. There are no intermediate files as with previous versions - all calculations are done entirely in memory in a cumulative manner and performance is much much faster than previously, especially for really long files. XFR4.BAS requires some alterations to properly run on your system. Check the CLS$ variable to make sure it is ok for what you have - distribution = Kaypro machine. Canadian and other countries using the DD/MM/YY format for dates should look at the KMD.LOG input starting areas for starting locations of these variables. Another area to look at closely begins with the read in of the variable "B$" from the CALLERS log. Make sure the length of each record is compatible with your CALLERS file. Some PBBS users have HAKked the "@" out of the CALLERS file for extra characters in the user's names - check the starting location for everything that follows this if you have done this or something similar. Make sure you enter the 2 or 3 character indicator for your state or province or you will end up with all out of state or all local calls and screen funnies... BARFIES: XFRTOOL does not like high bits in either the KMD.LOG or the CALLERS file. KMD handles high bits just like Wordstar - if they are there when the file was transferred to disk then they are in the file. The only way to get rid of them is to use FILT7 or an equivalent PRIOR to using XFRTOOL. The CALLERS file for PBBS will normally contain a character at the head-of-file which must be removed as well as all the null characters that precede each record. The rule here is edit first and then use FILT7. It should go without saying that both input files MUST be squeaky clean or the statistics will be meaningless or even worse - misleading. The biggest offenders for the KMD.LOG are KNEW and Wordstar edits. For CALLERS it is the method of input that is usually the culprit - let's face it folks lots and lots of users can't read what is in front of their face so unless you stay on top of your CALLERS file or are willing to set down and edit it for an hour or so each month this program won't give you good stats. It would be nice to have a "smart" program that did all these neat things with a single command but first we have to educate the programs that made the input files... ODOMETER: XFRTOOL runs as two connected modules with XFR.LOG output as the first product and RIC.LOG as the second. Throughout the operation of the program you are kept aware of the current status with an output line indicating the current date and the record number the program is analyzing. You may stop the program at any time with ESC or if under MBASIC with ^C. All files will close before the program stops. If you are having problems with the program watch the status line first all the way through - XFRTOOL will output erroneous data or DIE if the two files are not COMPLETELY sequential and it WILL NOT cross over years. If you thought you started with July and all of a sudden it is March chances are you have trouble... CRYPTOANALYSIS: XFR.LOG - Shouldn't be any terms here that are confusing. You get basically two columns or rows of information, one with the raw totals for each category and then one of the same data as a percentage of the total. RIC.LOG - Uses the XFR.LOG as the source for several items of data which have confused some individuals not versed in the acronymics of computercountry. In the upper left-hand corner is a data element named "CPH Factor". This is the "Calls per Hour" for the system for the period of time analyzed. See the source for the formula. In the upper right-hand corner is a term "XFR Factor". This is the "File Transfer Factor" and is derived by taking the total hours the system was in a file transfer mode from the XFR.LOG and dividing this time by the total time the system was in an "active" mode. Note that an AWFUL lot of things affect these factors. It is possible for example to exceed the the total time on-line of CALLERS in XFR.LOG with heavy KNEW entries. Also in the upper right corner is the term "utilization". This is derived with an XFRTOOL subroutine taken from the public domain program oft called TWODATES or something similar - it determines the days between two dates. "Utilization" simply means the percent of time the system was in an active state for the period. If you were down for any length of time or the power went out then this one is meaningless. If your system does not log your time it is misleading (mine does). WARNING: For any of these last three mentioned factors the two files should BOTH be from the same period - anything else would be meaningless. Operators having two KMD logs and only one CALLERS file I'll leave it up to you to figure out the mechanics of the matter.... The rest of RIC.LOG is pretty much like XFR.LOG and should not require any further explanation. APPEARANCES: Neither XFR.LOG or RIC.LOG were meant to be used as Bulletins or INFO files inside of a BBS. As 23-line screens they were developed expressly for use as a COM or TXT file on-line in the system drive of the RCP/M. However if you insist on using them inside of the OS then please insert a carriage return in the first line so that it doesn't append itself to the last PBBS command. You may want to remove one or more of the "---" lines so that they will show without the "[more]" key interfering with the stats if you do this. Note that with PBBS it will appear ok without the CR if you run it LOCAL but take a look at it remote (yech..). PROBLEMS: These programs have received wide-spread use since their initial release in March of 1987. To date the calendrical routines seem solid, however, the foibles of calendars and computers in tandem are widely known so it is not impossible that a problem will turn up in the future. Random two-week samples from two systems were analyzed manually as test data as well as donated older KMD and CALLERS LOGs (thanks to Al Hawley and others). Additionally, converting the formally four programs to one required re-use and alteration of some names and terms so it is possible a bomb is in there somewhere... AUF WIEDERSEHN: Thanks to all who have contributed to the development of this program including Norm Beeler and Peter Essl as well as Ian Cottrell whose threats of writing something better have been a constant spur these last few months. Tom Ensminger AB17 Remote Systems [513] 879-6263 6 September 1987