PUSER14.DOC PUSER is a PBBS utility designed to print the entire user list on the display or the printer. It is a dual purpose utility as it operates in two different modes. One being a stand alone utility for the remote user that will display the user base as follows: USER NAME CITY/ST Last login: DATE The program checks the wheel byte defined in PBBSHDR. If set, the user will get a prompt line asking where he wants the output routed to. He may either send the output to the display or the printer. When sending to the display, the output will appear as follows: USER NAME CITY/ST TELEPHONE DATE When printing the report, the output shows all information contained in the user record except terminal id code. The generated report is identical to the printout of PBBSULST.BAS. The advantage, other than the options, is that PUSER14 is written entirely in assembler making it smaller and faster. You will also not have to keep BASIC around. You may place PUSER anywhere in the path and it will automatically open the USER file in the drive/user area defined in the PBBSHDR file as the SYSDRV and SYSUSR. Upon exit, the user will find himself in the same drive/user area he was in when he called the program. You must assemble with PBBSHDR.MAC and BDOSHDR.MAC in the same drive/user area as the source code (PUSER14.180). You must then link with both the PBBSUBS.REL and the SYSLIB36.REL files. The SYSLIB file is included in this library. This code was assembled using SLR180p and linked using L80. You may assemble with M80 if you wish. Please refer to the notice in the beginning of the source code for instructions on assembly and linking. NOTICE: This program was written by Terry Pinto of Access Programming RAS. It is hereby released into the public domain for release with the PBBS files. I do, however, retain all rights to the program and it may not be sold or bundled with other software for sale, or offered as an insentive to sell other merchandise, without the express written permission of the author. Please report any 'bugs', fixes or suggestions to me at the following address. Terry Pinto Access Programming 14385 SW Walker Rd. B3 Beaverton, OR 97006 (503) 646-4937 Voice (6:00pm to 10:00pm ONLY) (503) 644-0900 (300/1200 24 hours/day) Access Programming RAS