BETA-TEST March 23, 1988 Dick Roberts Holly Park RCP/M (201) 757-1491 Gentlemen and Ladies: Encloseä  iî  thió  LiBRarù  arå whaô É hopå wilì  bå  thå  formaì  releaså versionó  oæ  LCALLERÓ ¦ LNEW® É  apologizå  foò thå greaô delaù sincå thå initiaì distributioî  oæ  theså programs¬ but¬ mù 2° meç developmenô systeí decideä Christmaó timå waó jusô peachù tï starô trashinç thå directorù oî thå harä disk¬  anä I losô á gooä deaì  oæ  thå originaì sourcå code®  É spenô Januarù buildinç á ne÷  (i.e® surplus) 40 meg development system, so, I should be able to keep up now. Althougè onlù testeä thuó faò oî á PBBÓ system¬ É wilì bå releasinç alì thå sourcå codå afteò thå initiaì 'bug-report§ period¬  so¬  anyonå  interesteä shoulä  bå ablå tï 'adapt§ thå programó tï his/heò individuaì system®  Thå majoò requiremenô foò thå Lasô Logoî featurå iî LNE× tï  work¬  though¬  is thaô  yoõ arå runninç BYE51° anä youò BBÓ prograí ió settinç uð á  LASTCALÒ witè LASTOÎ datå strinç iî memorù througè BYEBDOÓ Calì 80. Iæ  yoõ havå anù questionó oò difficulties¬  pleaså calì Hollù Parë anä leô må know. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thå onlù changå tï LCALLERÓ waó á re-writinç oæ thå ABORÔ routine¬  aó  waó donå  iî LNEW¬  tï providå botè programó witè aî easily-modifiablå tablå oæ selectablå aborô characters® Thå currenô versionó oæ botè programó arå seô tï aborô witè ^C¬ ^K¬ ^X¬ K¬ anä X® Ó wilì pause. LNEW¬  oî thå otheò hand¬ haó undergonå á majoò hachet-joâ tï brinç iô dowî tï á 2ë boundary®  É alsï addeä 'nï pause§ tï thå Sysoð optionó oæ Alì anä Downloads® Thå commanä variationó foò LNE× are: NEW - Shows all Uploads, with pauses NEW / - Shows all Uploads, no pauses NEW A -*Shows ALL transfers, with pauses NEW AA -*Shows ALL transfers, no pauses NEW D -*Shows all Downloads, with pauses NEW DD -*Shows all Downloads, no pauses =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thå  followinç arå thå byteó iî thå beginninç oæ eacè prograí  thaô  you'lì neeä tï check/seô foò youò owî system: LNEW.COM Starting at 0103H: drive: db 'A' ; XMODEM.LOG stored here in your system user: db 13 ; XMODEM.LOG stored here in your system msdos: db 1 ; 1 = separate area for MS-DOS file, 0 = No ibmdrv: db 'C' ; Drive to find MS-DOS NEW and FOR files ibmusr: db 14 ; User area for IBM files wheel: dw 003eh ; Location of WHEEL byte for RCPM use dwnld: db 0 ; 0 = not in use, 1 = downloads only pgpaws: db 1 ; 0 = no pause, 1 = normal page pause showal: db 0 ; 0 = uploads only, 1 = all file transfers edate: db 0 ; 0 = mm/dd/yy, 1 = dd/mm/yy ;VER: DB 1 ; Version ;VERR: DB 00 ; Revision signon: db cr,lf ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 db 'Last Logon NEW - 03/23/88 ' db 'Kopywrited <~> 1987 by Dick Roberts',cr,lf db 'NEW / for no pause, ',0 sign2: db ' S = pause, ^C,^K,^X,K,X = abort',cr,lf,0 Compileä  foò  XMODEM.LOG®  Eitheò ediô witè DDÔ tï KMD.LOÇ oò changå  thå namå oæ youò log. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LCALLERS.COM Starting at 0103H: drive: db 'A' ; CALLERS stored here in your system user: db 13 ; CALLERS stored here in your system wheel: dw 003eh ; Location of WHEEL byte for RCPM use pgpaws: db 1 ; 0 = no pause, 1 = normal page pause ;VER: DB 1 ; Version ;VERR: DB 00 ; Revision signon: db cr,lf ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 ; 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 db 'Last Logon CALLERS - 03/23/88 ' db 'Kopywrited <~> 1987 by Dick Roberts',cr,lf db 'CALLERS / for no pause, ' db ' S = pause, ^C,^K,^X,K,X = abort',cr,lf,0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Good luck, and please supply me with both positive and negative feedback. Thanks...