program xydemo; { Demo of XYPLOT } { Sample SUBMIT File for Compiling this program with the libraries XYPLOT, TRANCEND, FPREALS, and PASLIB -- mtplus xydemo $$oa ea v linkmt xydemo,xyplot,a:trancend,a:fpreals,a:paslib/s } type rarray = array [1..200] of real; str = string[20]; var i : integer; theta, r : real; x, y : rarray; dev : str; external function xyplot (dev1 : str; ndata, nsx, nsy, nnp : integer; x, y : rarray) : integer; begin { Test } writeln('XYDEMO: Demo Program of XYPLOT Subroutine'); writeln('Output Device Options are:'); writeln(' CON: = Console'); writeln(' LST: = Printer'); writeln(' = Disk File, Like P.PLT or A:P'); write ('Option -- '); readln(dev); writeln('XYDEMO: Computing --'); for i:=1 to 90 do begin write('.'); if (i mod 45) = 0 then writeln; theta := (i-1) * 4 * 3.14159 / 180; r := cos (2 * theta); x[i] := r * 50 * cos(theta); y[i] := r * 50 * sin(theta); end; writeln('XYDEMO: Plotting --'); if 0 <> xyplot (dev, 90, 50, 50, 100, x, y) then writeln('XYDEMO: Error in Outputting File'); writeln('XYDEMO: Test Complete'); end.