{$C-} program Unsqueeze; { unsqueeze file from in_file to out_file } { This program unsqueezes a file which has been squeezed or compressed to reduce the space required to store it on disk. The program was converted from the original version written for CP/M in the C language. This program can be used to unsqueeze files which have been downloaded from RCP/M systems where almost all files are saved in this squeezed format. The technique used is the Huffman encoding technique which converts the most common characters in the input file to a compressed bit stream of data. This program unsqueezes such a Huffman encoded file. PUBLIC DOMAIN - Feel free to distribute this program. Do not distribute it by commercial means or make any charge for this pgm. Version 1.0 - 09/05/82 Scott Loftesness Version 1.1 - 01/06/83 Added capability to strip off parity bit if output file is text. Ernie LeMay 71435,730 Version 1.2 - 07/20/84 converted to Turbo Pascal. Steve Freeman Version 1.3 - 12/30/84 changed file I/O to run on CP/M as well as MS-DOS. Changed filetypes to 'file' and used blockread/write for file I/O. Jeff Duncan } const recognize = $FF76; numvals = 257; { max tree size + 1 } speof = 256; { special end of file marker } dle: char = #$90; buffersize = 128; (* 128 byte buffer *) type tree = array [0..255,0..1] of integer; hexstr = string[4]; var debug : boolean; in_file, out_file: file; in_FN: string[30]; dnode: tree; inchar, curin, filecksum, bpos, i, repct, numnodes: integer; c, lastchar: char; origfile: string[14]; docfile, eofin, abort: boolean; abortM: string[50]; infilebuffer : array[1..2048] of byte; (* allow for a 2k input buffer *) infilepointer : integer; (* pointer into buffer *) infilesize : integer; (* input filesize for buffer loading *) inbuffersize : integer; (* maximum count for buffer pointer *) outfilebuffer : array[1..128] of byte; (* output buffer will be minimum *) outfilepointer : integer; (* pointer into output buffer *) outbuffer_num : integer; (* how many buffer-fulls used *) { iftext -- find out if output file is text and return true if so. EL } function iftext : boolean; var answer: char; begin repeat write('Is the output file a text file? '); read(kbd,answer); answer := upcase(answer); until (answer in ['Y','N']); writeln(answer); if answer='Y' then iftext:=true else iftext:=false; end; function hex(num: integer): hexstr; var i, j: integer; h: string[16]; str: hexstr; begin str := '0000'; h := '0123456789ABCDEF'; j := num; for i:=4 downto 1 do begin str[i] := h[(j and 15)+1]; j := j shr 4; end; hex := str; end; function getc: integer; begin if (infilepointer > inbuffersize) and (not eof(in_file)) then begin (* is input buffer empty and more data to follow *) if infilesize < 16 then (* less than 2048 bytes left? *) begin blockread(in_file, infilebuffer, infilesize); (* no get rest *) infilepointer := 1; inbuffersize := infilesize * 128; end else begin (* full 2048 left so get maximum *) blockread(in_file, infilebuffer, 16); inbuffersize := 2048; infilepointer := 1; infilesize := infilesize - 16; end; end; if not ((infilepointer > inbuffersize) and eof(in_file)) then begin (* another character to read available *) getc := infilebuffer[infilepointer]; infilepointer := infilepointer + 1; end; end; { getw - get a word value from the input file } function getw: integer; var in1,in2: byte; begin in1 := getc; (* use getc for these to simplify buffer manipulation *) in2 := getc; getw := ord(in1) + ord(in2) shl 8; end; procedure initialize; var str: string[14]; begin abort := false; { no error conditions presently exist } repct:=0; bpos:=99; origfile:=''; eofin:=false; clrscr; gotoxy(1,5); write('Enter the file to unsqueeze:'); readln(in_FN); assign(in_file,in_FN); {$I-} reset(in_file); {$I+} if (IOresult = 0) then (* file is found *) begin inbuffersize := 0; (* dummy for first pass *) infilesize := filesize(in_file); (* filesize at initiate *) writeln('Input file ', in_fn,' is ',infilesize * 128,' bytes.'); infilepointer := 1; (* point beyond buffer, so we get data on entry *) i := getw; end else i := 0; if (recognize <> i) then begin abort := true; abortM := 'File is not a squeezed file'; (* could be not found also *) numnodes := -1; end else begin filecksum := getw; { get checksum from chars 2 - 3 of file } repeat { build original file name } inchar:=getc; if inchar <> 0 then origfile := origfile + chr(inchar); until inchar = 0; writeln('Original file name is ',origfile); write('Output to (return to default) ? '); readln(str); if length(str)=0 then str:=origfile; assign(out_file,str); rewrite(out_file); outfilepointer := 1; (* good idea to start at beginning of buffer *) outbuffer_num := 0; (* not neccessary *) numnodes:=ord(getw); { get the number of nodes in this files tree } if (numnodes<0) or (numnodes>=numvals) then begin abort := true; abortM := 'File has invalid decode tree size'; end; end; if not(abort) then begin dnode[0,0]:= -(speof+1); dnode[0,1]:= -(speof+1); numnodes:=numnodes-1; for i:=0 to numnodes do begin dnode[i,0]:=getw; dnode[i,1]:=getw; end; { following is for test } {for i:=0 to numnodes do writeln(lst,'#',i:3,' ',hex(dnode[i,0]),' ',hex(dnode[i,1]));} end; end; procedure dochar(c: char; text: boolean); begin if text then c:=chr(ord(c) and $7F); {strip off parity bit} outfilebuffer[outfilepointer] := ord(c); (* save data in output buffer *) outfilepointer := outfilepointer + 1; (* increment the pointer *) if outfilepointer > buffersize then begin (* we have a full buffer, lets write it out *) blockwrite(out_file,outfilebuffer,1); outfilepointer := 1; (* reset pinter *) outbuffer_num := outbuffer_num + 1; end; end; function getuhuff: char; var i: integer; begin i:=0; repeat bpos:=bpos+1; if bpos>7 then begin curin := getc; bpos:=0; end else curin := curin shr 1; i := ord(dnode[i,ord(curin and $0001)]); until (i<0); i := -(i+1); if i=speof then begin eofin:=true; getuhuff:=chr(26) end else getuhuff:=chr(i); end; function getcr: char; var c: char; begin if (repct>0) then begin repct:=repct-1; getcr:=lastchar; end else begin c:=getuhuff; if c<>dle then begin getcr:=c; lastchar:=c; end else begin repct:=ord(getuhuff); if repct=0 then getcr:=dle else begin repct:=repct-2; getcr:=lastchar; end; end; end; end; {getcr} begin { main } debug := true; initialize; if not(abort) then begin docfile := iftext; writeln(output,'Tree loaded sucessfully. Un-squeezing begins...'); while not(eof(in_file)) or not(eofin) do begin c:=getcr; dochar(c,docfile); end; if docfile then (* to close the file we have to write the last buffer. If it's a text file we need to append a ^Z to the buffer before writing. *) if outfilepointer <= buffersize then outfilebuffer[outfilepointer] := ord(^Z); blockwrite(out_file,outfilebuffer, 1); close(out_file); (* write last buffer of data *) end else writeln('Error -- ',AbortM); close(in_file); end.