PascalP and it's companion programs are copyright (c), 1987 by C.B. Falconer. They may be distributed on public systems, and used for personal non-profit purposes. They may not be sold, nor included in packages for sale, without the express written permission of C.B. Falconer. This library directory is datestamped. All files are protected by CCITCRC checksums, in both crunched and uncrunched form. Extract with LT (available separately). After (optionally) customizing the timer systems in INTERPC and INTERPCI, rename them to be RUNPCD and RUNPCDI respectively. Use of the Profiler system requires a timer installation. TEST319.PAS demonstrates some of the new features of PascalP v 3.1.9. This release includes generation of .COM files, which requires SLRMAC (or Z80ASM) and SLRNK (or SLRNK+) from SLR systems. The resultant code is 8080 executable (or on V20's or 8085s). All features of earlier documentation still apply, however compilation is now much faster, and can execute in less memory. (I compile 7000 lines of PascalP, with over 1200 identifiers, in a 63k CPM system at 2.5 Mhz at up to 200 lines per minute). PASCALP IS ISO/ANSI STANDARD - except for GOTO out of procedures and passing functions/procedures as parameters. L80/M80 is not presently supported, because a) library main- tenance is impossible with LIB80 (it consistently looses the last portion of large libraries), and b) the 6 character name limitation can cause unexpected errors and c) it is slooow. Contributions Contributions are solicited. Contributions of over $50 will receive the full source code of the systems programs on (your choice) Kaypro 4 format or IBM 9 sector DSDD format disks. Contributions of $100 will also receive the full source of the run-time library, allowing generation of ROM mounted systems and custom I/O packages (e.g. A/D converters mapped into files of reals, etc.). This system is ideally suited to critical processing, such as medical systems, since full overflow checks are made, and complete run-time range checking is the default. Note that CPM is simply one possible system under which this can run. Power-on and go dedicated systems can be routinely created. Commercial users should contact me directly for licencing. C.B. Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk., Hamden, Conn. 06517 (203) 281-1438.