FLIPKEYS.DOC For the Osborne-1 Author Curt Edwards 11/11/85 Notice: This program may be used and distributed freely but under no circumstances may it be used for the purpose of sale or profit. INTRO: Flipkeys was a product of my learning to program in assesmbler. I wanted to come up with a simple yet functional first time programing project. PURPOSE Flipkeys simply flips between CP/M and Wordstar arrow key definitions without having to stick another disk that has been 'Setup' for one or the other (like when you come out of Wordstar and want to do something in CP/M). You invoke Flipkeys simply by typing it's name at the A prompt. I would suggest you set up one of your Wordstar disk function keys with: FLIPKEYS Then when you come out of Wordstar simply hit your function key and you have your CP/M keys back. HOW IT WORKS The program first checks to see if the Osszie is a single density or double density (since each hold the key definitions in a different place in ram). Next it checks to see what definitions are in place, at that time it will swap either Wordstar for CP/M definitions or vise versa. DISCLAIMERS The program has been tested on a single and double Density Oszzie using 1.3 and 1.4 ROM, if it will work on older models I don't know. I would appreciate any information on compatibility with the older Osbornes. Also I know that this probably is not the cleanest ASM code ever written, but it was awfully fun writing it and knowing maybe someone else (a least one) could get some use out of it. I know there are patches that exsist so Wordstar automaticaly does the switch, but this program is intended for the novice who doesn't like to fool with patching. I hope you enjoy! Send any feedback to: Curt Edwards SoftStone RCP/M FOG System 24 P.O. Box 694 Crestwood, Ky 40014 modem (502) 241-4109 300/1200 Baud 24hrs. 7 days a week