; NUPH-1.INS - NUBYE insert for Philips "Happy Man" P2000C - 04/21/86 ; ; Zilog Z80-SIO and 8430 CTC timer ; ; Note: This is an insert, not an overlay. ; ; ; ======== ; ; 04/21/86 Modified for NUBYE ; 07/17/85 Written for use with BYE5 - Irv Hoff ; ; ======== ; PORT EQU 28H ; Data port MDCTL1 EQU PORT+1 ; Modem control port BRPORT EQU 21H ; Baud rate generator port (CTC) ; MDRCV EQU 1 ; Modem receive ready bit MDSND EQU 4 ; Modem send ready bit MDDCD EQU 8 ; Data carrier detect ; ; First byte of CTC Command: ; BDCMD1 EQU 47H ; Counter mode ; BD300 EQU 128 ; 300 baud BD1200 EQU 32 ; 1200 bps BD2400 EQU 16 ; 2400 bps ; ; See if we still have a carrier - if not, return with the zero flag set ; MDCARCK:MVI A,10H ; Reset status OUT MDCTL1 IN MDCTL1 ; Get status ANI MDDCD ; Check for carrier RET ; ; Disconnect and wait for an incoming call ; MDINIT: MVI A,0 ; Setup to write register 0 OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,18H ; Reset channel OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,4 ; Setup to write register 4 OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,44H ; Set 16x, 1 stop bit, no parity OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,3 ; Setup to write register 3 OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,0C1H ; 8 bits, Rx enable OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,5 ; Setup to write register 5 OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,68H ; DTR off OUT MDCTL1 PUSH B ; Save in case it's being used elsewhere MVI B,20 ; 2 second delay to drop any carrier ; OFFTI: CALL DELAY ; 1 second delay DCR B JNZ OFFTI ; Keep looping until finished POP B ; Restore 'BC' MVI A,5 ; Setup to write register 5 OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,0E8H ; Turn DTR back on OUT MDCTL1 ; IF IMODEM ; If using an intellegent modem CALL IMINIT ; Go initialize it now ENDIF ; IMODEM ; RET ; ; Input a character from the modem port ; MDINP: IN PORT ; Get character RET ; ; Check the status to see if a character is available. If yes, return ; with the zero flag set and use 0FFH to clear the flag. ; MDINST: IN MDCTL1 ; Get status ANI MDRCV ; Got a character RZ ; Return if none ORI 0FFH ; Otherwise set the proper flag RET ; ; Send a character to the modem ; MDOUTP: OUT PORT ; Send it RET ; ; See if the output is ready for another character ; MDOUTST:IN MDCTL1 ; Get status ANI MDSND ; Ready for a character? RET ; ; Reinitialize the modem and hang up the phone by dropping DTR and ; leaving it inactive. ; MDQUIT: IF IMODEM CALL IMQUIT ENDIF ; IMODEM ; ; Called by the main program after caller types BYE ; MDSTOP: MVI A,5 ; Setup to write register 5 OUT MDCTL1 MVI A,68H ; Turn off DTR until next time OUT MDCTL1 RET ; ; The following routine sets the baudrate. NUBYE asks for the maximum ; speed you have available. ; SETINV: ORI 0FFH ; Make sure zero flag is not set RET ; SET300: MVI B,BD300 ; Set for 300 baud JMP SETBAUD ; SET1200:MVI B,BD1200 ; Set for 1200 bps JMP SETBAUD ; SET2400:MVI B,BD2400 ; Set for 2400 bps PUSH PSW ; SETBAUD:MVI A,BDCMD1 ; Get CTC command word OUT BRPORT ; Send first byte of command MOV A,B ; Restore the baudrate OUT BRPORT ; Send rate XRA A ; Say rate is ok RET ; ; end of insert ; -------------