Documentation for M7FNK.COM v1.10 - by Sigi Kluger 02/19/84 NOTE: This program depends on NUMLIB being at 0E00H! ---- --------------------------------------------- M7FNK.COM is a program used to alter the function key assignments for MDM724 and later versions. M7MFNK takes no arguments on the command line. You will be prompted for the full file name to be installed. Drive/user spec is ok. Next, the intercept character, the function key assignments and free memory are displayed. Command options are prefixed with a character (A..K, Q and S). Enter an "A" to change the intercept character. It can be set to almost anything, but should be a rarely used character (such as ^). It can also be a rarely used control character, such as an 'escape' or CTL-A. Enter a "B", "C", etc to change the respective key definition. The key can be as long as free memory allows. After entering the key definition you have a chance to retain or delete the trailing RETURN, and then the key will be inserted into the table, provided it fits. To totally blank a key, enter a null string and answer "N" to the trailing CR question. When you are finished, you can use the "S" comamnd to save the file back to disk. As an alternative, you can also abort without update. NOTE: a ^C aborts to CP/M anywhere except when entering a new INTERCEPT CHARACTER.