April 18, 1984 Fm: Larry Snyder, L D Snyder and Associates Inc. P O Box 4876, Winter Park, Florida 32792 To: All MP/M 816 Modem730 Users Sb: Difference between stock Modem730 and this version >> Before this software will work, the modified RSPs must be linked into the system. The modified RSP's are available from the above vendor. These modules will enable users to customize most communications packages on the market. Pleaså  notå  thå  followinç changeó froí thå  attacheä  Modem73° useró  manuaì implementeä undeò CompuPrï MPÍ versioî È  witè  thå modified XIOS.MPM and MPM.SYS files. - - - - - Beforå  usinç thå modeí program¬  thå consolå porô musô bå turneä oî bù runninç COMÍ ± OÎ oò COMÍ ² ON¬ dependinç oî whicè porô yoõ arå  usinç foò youò modem(s)®  Wheî thå communicationó  porô  ió turneä on¬  iô ió seô foò originatioî only® Wheî thå porô ió ofæ (ieº  COMÍ ± OFÆ oò COMÍ ² OFF© thå porô wilì looë anä acô likå á regulaò terminaì port®  Duå tï á probleí witè thå modeí  echoinç thå initializatioî routinå aô bootup¬  iô ió recommendeä thaô thå customeò  adä  á  submiô  filå  calleä  AUTO.SU  (seå  thå  MP/Í Technicaì  anä Installatioî Manual© thaô wilì executå thå COMÍ  ± OÎ ¯ COMÍ ² OÎ linå aô booô time. Wheî  callinç  uð  thå modeí program¬  useró musô  specifù  whicè communicationó  porô theù wanô tï use®  Onlù thå portó thaô  arå turneä  oî  foò originatinç calló wilì bå acknowledgeä  froí  thå modeí program®  Iæ nï porô ió specified¬ thå prograí wilì returî to MP/M. Thå  SEÔ commanä iî noô activå iî Modem730®  Tï changå thå  bauä ratå and/oò stoð bits¬  returî tï MP/Í anä issuå thå BAUÄ commanä which is self explanatory. Thå controì Ð commanä whicè ió useä tï togglå thå printeò oî  anä ofæ  wilì checë thå XIOÓ tï seå iæ thå printeò ió available®  Iæ thå  printeò ió noô available¬  thå erroò messagå "Printeò  Busy¢ wilì bå returneä tï thå terminaì througè thå modeí  program®  Tï changå  tï  anotheò printer¬  exiô tï MP/Í anä issuå thå  printeò command. Thå  CPÍ commanä whicè ió useä tï returî tï thå operatinç  systeí has been rename to MPM. Thå connecô routinå haó beeî changeä duå tï thå structurå oæ  thå XIOS®  Wheî  á  calì haó beeî connected¬  thå terminaì  wilì  gï directly to the terminal mode.