/* >>:yamsys.h 9-27-82 * * global equates for specific installation and modem ports * Other modem specific stuff is in yam5.c * */ #define ANSWERBACK "\r\n5036213193 C FORSBERG PTL\r\n\021" /* files have single letter ext so pip yam?????.? gets all source but no crl */ #define HELPFILE "YAMHELP.T" #define PHONES "PHONES.T" #define USQ #define CPM /* #define CDOS * a variant of cp/m, perhaps better, certainly different! */ #define BDSC char inp(); /* for tighter compiled code ... */ #define CLKMHZ 4 #define MOMCAL 600 #define SCREAMER 9600 #define SECPBLK 8 /* standard 1k blocks on 4fdc */ /* ********* following string must be in UPPER case ********* */ #define DISKS "ABCD" /* legal disks for default selection */ #define MAXUSER 15 /* defines for TU-ART board with modem port at 0x60 */ #define FLAVOR "YAM (TUART)" #define TUART /* type of modem port */ #define T4014 /* for the big flash ... */ #define EXPANDTABS /* compile code to expand tabs */ #define INITBAUD /* Initialize to default baud rate */ #define DEFBAUD 9600 /* initial baud rate setting */ #define SPORT 0x60 #define DPORT 0x61 #define MIREADYMASK 0100 #define MIREADY (inp(Sport)&0100) /* value != 0 if char available */ /* define MIERROR (inp(Sport)&03) != 0 if any error condx */ #define MICHAR (inp(Dport)) /* get char assuming miready */ #define MOREADY (inp(Sport)&0200) /* modem ready to load next char */ #define MODOUT(x) outp(Dport, x) #define MODATA (Dport) /* modem data output port */ char bios(); #define POREADY bios(15,0) #define LPOUT(x) bios(5,x) #define CIREADY (inp(CSTAT)&CIMASK) #define CICHAR (inp(CDATA)) #define COREADY (inp(CSTAT)&COMASK) #include "bdsciotu.h" #define TTYOUT(x) outp(CDATA, x)