File : READNEWS.DOC Program: READNEWS.COM, RDNWSKP.COM Date : March 1987 Author : Bob Stephens Summary: READNEWS is short program that helps automate my reading the news on STARTEXT each morning. It works in conjunction with MEX to display the headlines from STARTEXT and write a script file that MEX can use to get the news items selected. READNEWS is configured for my QX-10 and writes the news files to the ram disk. RDNWSKP is configured for a Kapro10 and writes the news file to the default disk. Use: The file HEADLINE.MEX is the script file I use to download the headlines from STARTEXT. My ST profile contains a list of keywords like NATION, METRO, SCIENCE, SPECIAL. When done, I have a file called simply NEWS that has all the major keywords and the headline describing each. This file can run while I get my first cup of coffee. I use READNEWS while I sip that cup, selecting which stories I think I need to read (even downloading some mail). READNEWS writes out the script file for me when I'm done skimming the headlines. Before going off to shower and dress, I simply enter the command: A>MEX READ GETNEWS and by the time I am done, the paper is ready to TYPE using MEX or read with a word processor. Technical stuff: READNEWS is simple. It provides a screen of text and a prompt line. The user simply enters the keyword he/she wants followed by a return. A lone return will show the next page of text. An ESCAPE will abort the program, writing the keywords entered to that point to the script file. A ^C will abort the program by warmbooting and not saving the keywords already selected. READNEWS looks for several files before it gets started. The file NEWS must exist on the logged in drive (or on the M: drive for the Epson version). The file GETNEWS.HDR must be on the A: drive. It will write GETNEWS.MEX onto the A: drive. You will need to change both HEADLINE.MEX and GETNEWS.HDR to send out your id# and password to STARTEXT. READNEWS and RDNWSKP were compiled using the MIX C compiler. The source code is provided for both files to permit experimenting. (I do not claim to be a C programmer, so there must be more pleasing ways to write this.) It should be able to be compiled for MSDOS machines, but of course the script files will have to be changed for QMODEM or whatever. Credits: Much thanks to Marv Woolard for contributing the SCREENC information. I was wondering how I was going to do that! Bob Stephens