BatchCom Version 1.0 by John C. Gilbert For instructions enter parameter HELP with call BATCHCOM is designed for use in transferring a group of files between computers using MODEM and XMODEM. It expects the list of files being transferred to be in a file named NAMES.SUB. This list can be prepared by a text editor or by FMAP.COM. A is required between file names. BATCHCOM also uses SENDOUT.COM. By convention, the above named files are expected to be on the 'A' disk with the files to be sent or received on the 'B' disk. BATCHCOM operates by creating a file named $$$.SUB in the format prepared by CP/M's SUBMIT.COM. CP/M accepts this as a legitimate list of commands to be executed. By default, BATCHCOM will send the files from MODEM using the parameter S.600. This may be changed with a parameter in the call to the program. The form of the parameter is MODEM(A.SSS) where A is the single character S (send) or R (receive) and SSS is the speed;e.g. 300,450,600. The format is important. BATCHCOM also accepts the name of a program to link the two computers prior to transfer. This call is executed as the inital command and effects a smooth linkage withot a possible timeout. The format is DIAL(NN...N) where NN...N is a program name such at CMTN30 or DIAL3. In addition, HELP will provide this printout.