PROGRAM GSigns; {****************************************************************************** ** ** Robert W. Bloom ** ** Function: This program reads input from the terminal and creates signs. ** The sign can be either horizontal or vertical in a number of ** formats. The file CHARS.DAT is used to read the fonts of the ** input characters. ** ** Notes: This is a generic Pascal version of Signs. ** See Signs.DOC for more information ** *****************************************************************************} CONST Date = '30 Apr 86'; {date of last revision of this prog} MaxHeight = 12; {10 plus 2 for desenders} MaxWidth = 10; {actual character may be smaller} MaxLength = 220; {max number of characters on a output line} { TRUNC(16.5cpi * 14" line) } TYPE CHARREC = RECORD {record type used for random access} character : CHAR; {the character} width : INTEGER; {how wide is it} height : INTEGER; {how high} pic : ARRAY[1..MaxHeight,1..MaxWidth] OF CHAR END; {record} {its 'picture'} FFTYPE = FILE OF CHARREC; S80 = STRING[80]; {for input} SIGNARRAY = ARRAY[1..MaxHeight,1..MaxLength] OF CHAR; VAR fontfile : FFTYPE; infile,outfile : TEXT; availchars : INTEGER; {width of output device} chrrec : CHARREC; {global's easier than passing pointers!} fontfn : STRING[14]; {global problem parameters} signtype : (sign,banner); blocktype : (letter,overstrike); osstrng : STRING[10]; multw : INTEGER; multh : INTEGER; inputdevice : (keyboard,textfile); infn : STRING[14]; numcopies : INTEGER; outputdevice : (screen,recdfile); outfn : STRING[14]; devicesize : (wide,normal); givenoffset : INTEGER; givenwidth : INTEGER; centering : (yes,no); {************************* Procedures called: ********************************} EXTERNAL PROCEDURE @HLT; PROCEDURE main; FORWARD; PROCEDURE menu; FORWARD; PROCEDURE askparameters(VAR ffopen : BOOLEAN); FORWARD; FUNCTION outputparameters : BOOLEAN; FORWARD; PROCEDURE calcavailch; FORWARD; PROCEDURE outsign (VAR inpline : S80); FORWARD; PROCEDURE outbanner (VAR inpline : S80); FORWARD; FUNCTION checksign (inpline : S80; VAR actualwidth : INTEGER; VAR outarray : SIGNARRAY) : BOOLEAN; FORWARD; PROCEDURE findrec (inp : S80; position : INTEGER); FORWARD; PROCEDURE outchar (ochar : CHAR); FORWARD; {************************* Start of Program ****************************} PROCEDURE main; {****************************************************************************** ** Purpose: puts entry into input line or takes appropriate branch ******************************************************************************} LABEL 1; VAR ans : CHAR; textinput : S80; done,ffopen : BOOLEAN; result,lcv : INTEGER; BEGIN fontfn := 'GChars.Dat'; {initialize parameters} signtype := sign; blocktype := letter; osstrng := 'IMW'; multw := 1; multh := 1; inputdevice := keyboard; infn := ''; numcopies := 1; outputdevice := screen; outfn := 'Signs.Out'; devicesize := normal; givenoffset := 0; givenwidth := 0; centering := yes; done := FALSE; ffopen := FALSE; WHILE NOT done DO BEGIN menu; WRITE('Entry -->'); READLN(ans); CASE ans OF '?' : WRITELN; {redisplay menu} 'p','P' : BEGIN {change parameters} askparameters(ffopen); END; 'x','X' : BEGIN {quit} WRITELN(''); done := TRUE END; 'i','I' : BEGIN {input a line} WRITE('enter input line to signize -->'); READLN(textinput); IF LENGTH(textinput) = 0 THEN GOTO 1; IF NOT ffopen THEN BEGIN calcavailch; ASSIGN(fontfile,fontfn); RESET(fontfile); ffopen := TRUE; END; {if font file isn't open yet} IF inputdevice = textfile THEN FOR lcv := 1 TO numcopies DO BEGIN WHILE NOT EOF(infile) DO BEGIN READLN(infile,textinput); IF signtype = sign THEN outsign(textinput) ELSE outbanner(textinput) {if sign} END; {while not eof} RESET(infile) END {for each copy wanted} ELSE IF signtype = sign THEN outsign(textinput) ELSE outbanner(textinput); {if sign} {if input from file} WRITELN; END; {process line} ELSE WRITELN('That''s not an option!'); END {case} END; {while not done} 1: IF ffopen THEN CLOSE(fontfile,result); IF outputdevice = recdfile THEN CLOSE(outfile,result); IF inputdevice = textfile THEN CLOSE(infile,result) END; {PROCEDURE main} PROCEDURE outsign; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: (VAR inpline : S80); ** Purpose: given a input line, outputs it in sign form ******************************************************************************} VAR pageoffset,pgoslcv : INTEGER; widthlcv,heightlcv,multhlcv : INTEGER; strikes,oslcv : INTEGER; outarray : SIGNARRAY; {'Sign' output line is built into this} linewidth : INTEGER; overflowerr : BOOLEAN; ochar : CHAR; BEGIN overflowerr := checksign(inpline,linewidth,outarray); IF (NOT overflowerr) OR (inputdevice = textfile) THEN BEGIN IF centering = yes THEN pageoffset := ROUND((availchars - linewidth) / 2) ELSE IF overflowerr THEN pageoffset := 0 ELSE pageoffset := givenoffset; {if overflow} {if centering} IF (outputdevice <> screen) OR (inputdevice = keyboard) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Available line width -> ',availchars:1); WRITELN('Actual width of line -> ',linewidth:1); WRITELN('Added leading spaces -> ',pageoffset:1) END; IF blocktype = overstrike THEN strikes := LENGTH(osstrng) ELSE strikes := 1; {end if} FOR heightlcv := 1 TO MaxHeight DO {output line} FOR multhlcv := 1 TO multh DO BEGIN FOR oslcv := 1 TO strikes DO BEGIN FOR pgoslcv := 1 TO pageoffset DO outchar(' '); FOR widthlcv := 1 TO linewidth DO BEGIN IF (blocktype = overstrike) AND (outarray[heightlcv,widthlcv] <> ' ') THEN ochar := osstrng[oslcv] ELSE ochar := outarray[heightlcv,widthlcv]; outchar(ochar) END; {for width} IF (strikes <> 0) AND (strikes <> oslcv) THEN outchar(CHR(13)) END; {for overstrikes} outchar(CHR(13)); outchar(CHR(10)) END; {for height multiplier} {end for height} outchar(CHR(13)); outchar(CHR(10)); inpline := '' {zero input} END ELSE WRITELN('Input line is too long, correct or re-enter!') END; {PROCEDURE outsign} PROCEDURE outbanner; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: (inpline : S80) ** Purpose: given an input line, outputs it in banner form ******************************************************************************} VAR pageoffset,pgoslcv : INTEGER; oslcv,strikes,charnum : INTEGER; widthlcv,heightlcv : INTEGER; multwlcv,multhlcv : INTEGER; ochar : CHAR; BEGIN IF centering = yes THEN pageoffset := ROUND((availchars - (MaxHeight * multh)) / 2) ELSE pageoffset := givenoffset; IF (outputdevice <> screen) OR (inputdevice = keyboard) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Available line width -> ',availchars:1); WRITELN('Actual height of line -> ',(MaxHeight*multh):1); WRITELN('Added leading spaces -> ',pageoffset:1); IF outputdevice <> screen THEN WRITE('processing ... ') END; IF blocktype = overstrike THEN strikes := LENGTH(osstrng) ELSE strikes := 1; {end if} FOR charnum := 1 TO LENGTH(inpline) DO IF ORD(inpline[charnum]) >= 32 THEN BEGIN {skip bad input} findrec(inpline,charnum); FOR widthlcv := 1 TO chrrec.width DO FOR multwlcv := 1 TO multw DO BEGIN FOR oslcv := 1 TO strikes DO BEGIN FOR pgoslcv := 1 TO pageoffset DO outchar(' '); FOR heightlcv := MaxHeight DOWNTO 1 DO FOR multhlcv := 1 TO multh DO BEGIN IF (blocktype = overstrike) AND (chrrec.pic[heightlcv,widthlcv] <> ' ') THEN ochar := osstrng[oslcv] ELSE ochar := chrrec.pic[heightlcv,widthlcv]; outchar(ochar) END; {for multiplier horizontally} {end for height} IF (strikes <> 0) AND (strikes <> oslcv) THEN outchar(CHR(13)) END; {for overstrikes} outchar(CHR(13)); outchar(CHR(10)) END; {for multiplier vertically} {end for width} outchar(CHR(13)); outchar(CHR(10)) END; {if char is in proper print range} {end for each input char} inpline := '' END; {PROCEDURE outbanner} FUNCTION checksign; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: (inpline : S80; VAR actualwidth : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN; ** Purpose: creates outarray for sign, checks for overflow ******************************************************************************} LABEL 2; VAR heightlcv,widthlcv : INTEGER; multwlcv : INTEGER; charnum : INTEGER; err : BOOLEAN; BEGIN err := FALSE; FOR heightlcv := 1 to MaxHeight DO FOR widthlcv :=1 TO MaxLength DO outarray[heightlcv,widthlcv] := ' '; {initialize line array} IF (outputdevice <> screen) OR (inputdevice = keyboard) THEN WRITE('processing ... '); actualwidth := 1; FOR charnum := 1 TO LENGTH(inpline) DO {build line} IF ORD(inpline[charnum]) >= 32 THEN BEGIN {skip bad input} findrec(inpline,charnum); IF (outputdevice <> screen) OR (inputdevice = keyboard) THEN WRITE(chrrec.character); IF (actualwidth+(chrrec.width*multw)) > availchars THEN BEGIN WRITELN('<- overflow!',CHR(7)); err := TRUE; GOTO 2 END; {if overflow} FOR widthlcv := 1 TO chrrec.width DO FOR multwlcv := 1 TO multw DO BEGIN FOR heightlcv := 1 TO chrrec.height DO outarray[heightlcv,actualwidth] := chrrec.pic[heightlcv,widthlcv]; {end for height} actualwidth := actualwidth + 1 END; {for width multiplier} {end for width of char} actualwidth := actualwidth + 1 {one space between chars} END; {if char in in printing range} {end for each input char} IF givenoffset <> 0 THEN BEGIN IF (actualwidth + givenoffset) > availchars THEN BEGIN WRITELN('<- Overflow of available space due to given offset!',CHR(7)); err := TRUE END {if the given offset overflows} END; {if given the offset, check for overflow} 2: WRITELN; checksign := err END; {PROCEDURE checksign} PROCEDURE menu; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: none ** Purpose: contains menu of command line options ******************************************************************************} BEGIN WRITELN(' P - To review and/or change parameters'); WRITELN(' ? - To display this menu'); WRITELN(' X - To exit program'); WRITELN(' I - To process a input line'); WRITELN END; PROCEDURE findrec; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: (inp : S80; position : INTEGER); ** Purpose: puts a picture into the global record variable 'chrrec' ******************************************************************************} VAR searchchar : CHAR; recnumber : INTEGER; BEGIN searchchar := inp[position]; recnumber := ORD(searchchar) - 32; SEEKREAD(fontfile,recnumber); chrrec := fontfile^ END; PROCEDURE outchar; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: (ochar : CHAR) ** Purpose: outputs a character to appropriate device ******************************************************************************} BEGIN CASE outputdevice OF recdfile : WRITE(outfile,ochar); screen : WRITE(ochar) END {case} END; {procedure outchar} PROCEDURE calcavailch; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: none ** Purpose: calculates the available space for output ******************************************************************************} VAR pitch : REAL; BEGIN IF givenwidth = 0 THEN BEGIN IF devicesize = wide THEN availchars := 132 ELSE availchars := 80 END ELSE availchars := givenwidth {if width was not given} END; {procedure calcavailch} PROCEDURE optx(VAR ok,done,outfopen,ffopen : BOOLEAN;VAR oldof,oldff : STRING); VAR result : INTEGER; BEGIN IF ok THEN BEGIN calcavailch; done := TRUE; IF outfopen AND (outputdevice <> recdfile) THEN CLOSE(outfile,result); {end if no more file output} IF NOT outfopen AND (outputdevice = recdfile) THEN BEGIN ASSIGN(outfile,outfn); {start file output} REWRITE(outfile); outfopen := TRUE; END; {if new file output} IF outfopen AND (outputdevice = recdfile) AND (outfn <> oldof) THEN BEGIN {change output file} CLOSE(outfile,result); {close old file} ASSIGN(outfile,outfn); REWRITE(outfile) {open new file} END; {if file output was changed} IF (oldff <> fontfn) OR NOT ffopen THEN BEGIN ASSIGN(fontfile,fontfn); RESET(fontfile); ffopen := TRUE END; {if font filename was changed} IF inputdevice = textfile THEN BEGIN ASSIGN(infile,infn); RESET(infile); END {if input from file} END ELSE WRITELN('Banner is too big to fit on output!'); {END} END; PROCEDURE optf; VAR strngans : STRING[13]; BEGIN WRITELN('The font file contains the definitions for all characters'); WRITELN('It is created with ''MAKEFONT'' from a ASCII file.'); WRITE('Enter FileName of Font File -> '); READLN(strngans); IF strngans <> '' THEN fontfn := strngans END; PROCEDURE opts; VAR charans : CHAR; BEGIN WRITELN('One can format signs horizontally across page or'); WRITELN('banners vertically down page. Do you want a'); WRITE('Sign or Banner? (S/B) -> '); READLN(charans); CASE charans OF 'B','b' : signtype := banner; 'S','s' : signtype := sign END; {case} END; PROCEDURE optb; VAR charans : CHAR; BEGIN WRITELN('The graphic characters may be made of the letter of'); WRITELN('the character itself, or blocks. Do you want to'); WRITE('print Overstrike blocks, or Letters? (L/O) -> '); READLN(charans); CASE charans OF 'L','l' : blocktype := letter; 'O','o' : blocktype := overstrike END; {case} END; PROCEDURE optw; VAR sizans : INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN('One can make the letters of the sign or banner bigger'); WRITELN('by entering a multiplier. 2 doubles size, 3 triples, etc.'); WRITE('Enter multiplier for width -> '); READLN(sizans); IF sizans <> 0 THEN multw := sizans END; PROCEDURE opth; VAR sizans : INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN('One can make the letters of the sign or banner bigger'); WRITELN('by entering a multiplier. 2 doubles size, 3 triples, etc.'); WRITE('Enter multiplier for height -> '); READLN(sizans); IF sizans <> 0 THEN multh := sizans END; PROCEDURE optm; VAR sizans : INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN('One can enter a given left margin to position banners and'); WRITELN('signs on the paper. If zero, one can select automatic'); WRITE('centering. Enter number for left margin? -> '); READLN(sizans); IF sizans <> 0 THEN BEGIN givenoffset := sizans; centering := no END END; PROCEDURE opta; VAR charans : CHAR; BEGIN WRITELN('This option is active only if the given left margin is zero.'); WRITELN('Output can be centered between maximum left and right margins.'); WRITE('Should output be automatically centered N/Y? -> '); READLN(charans); CASE charans OF 'N','n' : centering := no; 'Y','y' : centering := yes END {case} END; PROCEDURE optg; VAR sizans : INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN('If this option is non-zero it will override any of the'); WRITELN('other output size commands. One can enter a defined output'); WRITE('device size which will be used for checks and centering -> '); READLN(sizans); IF sizans <> 0 THEN givenwidth := sizans END; PROCEDURE opti; VAR charans : CHAR; BEGIN WRITELN('Input can come from the keyboard which is entered'); WRITELN('one line at a time or in a bunch from a file. Do you want'); WRITE('input from the Keyboard or File K/F? -> '); READLN(charans); CASE charans OF 'F','f' : inputdevice := textfile; 'K','k' : inputdevice := keyboard END {case} END; PROCEDURE optt; VAR strngans : STRING[13]; BEGIN WRITELN('This entry is only active if input is from a file.'); WRITELN('Enter filename of the text file that contains each'); WRITE('line to be output ->'); READLN(strngans); IF strngans <> '' THEN infn := strngans END; PROCEDURE optn; VAR sizans : INTEGER; BEGIN WRITELN('This entry is only active if input is from a file.'); WRITELN('Multiple copies are separated by formfeeds.'); WRITE('How many copies do you want? ->'); READ(sizans); IF sizans <> 0 THEN numcopies := sizans END; PROCEDURE opto; VAR charans : CHAR; BEGIN WRITELN('Output may be directed to either the console screen'); WRITELN('or a file. Do you want to output to'); WRITE('the Screen or a file S/F? -> '); READLN(charans); CASE charans OF 'F','f' : BEGIN outputdevice := recdfile; givenwidth := MaxLength END; 'S','s' : outputdevice := screen END {case} END; PROCEDURE optd; VAR charans : CHAR; BEGIN WRITELN('Enter (N) if the output device is a'); WRITELN('80 char screen; or (W) if it is 132 char screen.'); WRITE('Is output device size Normal or Wide? (N/W) -> '); READLN(charans); CASE charans OF 'W','w' : devicesize := wide; 'N','n' : devicesize := normal END {case} END; PROCEDURE askparameters; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: (VAR ffopen : BOOLEAN); ** Purpose: sets (or changes) up program parmeters ******************************************************************************} VAR ans,charans : CHAR; sizans : INTEGER; strngans : STRING[14]; outfopen,done,ok : BOOLEAN; oldof,oldff : STRING[14]; BEGIN IF outputdevice = recdfile THEN outfopen := TRUE ELSE outfopen := FALSE; oldof := outfn; oldff := fontfn; done := FALSE; ok := outputparameters; WHILE NOT done DO BEGIN WRITELN; WRITE('Enter letter of option to change -> '); READLN(ans); CASE ans OF '?' : ok := outputparameters; 'X','x' : optx(ok,done,outfopen,ffopen,oldof,oldff); 'F','f' : optf; 'S','s' : opts; 'B','b' : optb; 'W','w' : optw; 'H','h' : opth; 'M','m' : optm; 'A','a' : opta; 'G','g' : optg; 'I','i' : opti; 'T','t' : optt; 'N','n' : optn; 'O','o' : opto; 'D','d' : optd; 'Z','z' : @HLT; ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('Bad character entered, try again (''?'' for menu)'); END END; {case} END; {while not done} END; {procedure askparameters} FUNCTION outputparameters; {****************************************************************************** ** Arguments: none, returns boolean ** Purpose: displays program parameters, returns TRUE if all ok. ******************************************************************************} VAR ans : CHAR; ok : BOOLEAN; BEGIN WRITELN; WRITELN('Options List'); WRITELN; WRITELN('F: Font File -> ',FontFn,' '); WRITE('S: Sign type -> '); IF signtype = sign THEN WRITELN('Sign ') ELSE WRITELN('Banner'); WRITE('B: Block/Letter type -> '); CASE blocktype OF letter : WRITELN('Letters '); overstrike : WRITELN('OverStrikeBk') END; {case} WRITELN('W: Width Multiplier -> ',multw:1,' '); WRITELN('H: Height Multiplier -> ',multh:1,' '); WRITELN('M: Given left margin -> ',givenoffset:1,' '); IF givenoffset = 0 THEN BEGIN WRITE('A: Auto-Centering -> '); IF centering = yes THEN WRITELN('Yes') ELSE WRITELN('No ') END; WRITELN('G: Given Width -> ',givenwidth:1); WRITE('I: Input Device -> '); IF inputdevice = keyboard THEN WRITELN('Keyboard') ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('File '); END; {if} IF inputdevice = textfile THEN BEGIN WRITELN('T: Text FileName -> ',infn,' '); WRITELN('N: Number of Copies -> ',numcopies:1,' ') END; WRITE('O: Output device -> '); IF outputdevice = screen THEN WRITELN('Screen ') ELSE WRITELN('File '); IF givenwidth = 0 THEN BEGIN WRITE('D: Device size -> '); IF devicesize = normal THEN WRITELN('Normal') ELSE WRITELN('Wide ') END; IF outputdevice = recdfile THEN BEGIN WRITELN('R: Record Output in -> ',outfn); END; WRITELN('X: Exit Parameters, return to entry menu'); WRITELN('Z: Zap Program, return to operating system'); calcavailch; WRITELN; WRITELN('Calculated width available -> ',availchars:1,' '); ok := TRUE; IF signtype = sign THEN BEGIN {est based on 8+1 spaces/char} WRITE('Approximate number of *input* characters allowed per line -> '); WRITELN((TRUNC(availchars/(multw*(MaxWidth-1)))):1,' ') END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN('The given parameters require a line ',((MaxHeight * multh) + givenoffset):1,' long.'); IF ((MaxHeight * multh) + givenoffset) > availchars THEN BEGIN WRITELN('Error: Output will overflow the available space!'); ok := FALSE END END; {if sign output approx max input line} outputparameters := ok END; {Procedure outputparameters} {************************** main (dummy) program *************************} BEGIN WRITELN('<<< program -- GSigns, ',Date,' -- started >>>'); WRITELN; main; WRITELN; WRITELN('<<< program -- GSigns -- completed >>>') END.