BRFONTS.DOC ----------- This library contains several revised/new fonts, etc. for use with Bradford: 1) FONTT.BIN is a revised version of the original Font 1 ("T" for "Typewriter"). A number of characters have been changed to make them more like the standard PICA typeface, and the use of serifs is more consistent. I find this consistency more pleasing to the eye than the original version. 2) FONTO.BIN is a slightly revised version of the original Font 9, the "Orator" style. The revisions include removal of serifs on several characters to be consistent, since this is a plain Gothic, or "san-serif" typeface. 3) FONTM.BIN is a new miniature typeface which I created for a label-making application where I wanted several sizes of type. It was inspired by the small capitals used for the "lower-case" portion of Font 8. Try it with a Character Width of 1 - perfect for printing contracts!! 4) FONTMB. is the source list for FONTM.BIN. Since BRADCON ignores everything to the right of the ninth column, I put in the line numbers, etc. as an aid to editting. 5) ALLFONTS.1 is simply a revised and expanded version of the test text distributed earlier. Printing it provides a five page reference showing all of the type fonts with the most useful combinations of character widths, proportional spacing, etc. Yoõ caî accesó FONTT.BIÎ anä FONTO®BIN bù thå letteró "T¢ anä "O" respectively, or you can rename them to FONT1.BIN and FONT9.BIN, replacing the original versions, as I have done. Stan Kazmiruk 1986-10-02