.. To print this with Bradford: .. A> bradford orderfrm.doc .mo1 If you decide that you wish to continue using Bradford after a reasonable trial period, you are expected to "register" your copy by purchasing a manual. The manual explains how to use Bradford, including many advanced features not explained elsewhere. You can get the printed Bradford 2.0 manual (well over 50 pages of text) for $25, which includes postage. It's a very well written manual, not full of hard-to-understand terminology. Or get both the latest manual and the latest version of the disk(s) for a total of $39.95. ------------------- BRADFORD 2.0 ORDER FORM -------------------- Send to: Concom Enterprises Post Office Box 5056 Champaign, IL 61820, USA Please send ____ copies of the latest Bradford 2 disk or disks. My operating system is [ ] MS-DOS or PC-DOS [ ] CP/M Operating system version number: _______ Computer model: _________________________________________________ Disk format: ____________________________________________________ Please send ____ copies of the Bradford 2.0 manual. (Use this option if you're not ordering disks.) Please send ____ copies of the latest Bradford 2 manual. (Use this option if you're ordering disks.) $14.95 times number of disk copies = $_______ for disks. $25.00 times number of manual copies = $_______ for manuals. If outside North America, add $3.00 per manual for air mail: $_______ for air mail. Total amount enclosed: $_______