signon: defb 1AH,lf defb 'KAYPRO Double density diskette copy program. ' if doubl defb 'Double sided V1.5' else defb 'Single sided V1.5' endif defb cr,lf,lf,'$' menu1: defb cr,lf,lf defb 'C COPY This option is used to copy a diskette in drive A to a diskette',cr,lf defb ' in drive B. The diskette in drive B will be formatted (erased)',cr,lf defb ' during the copy operation. At the end of the operation, a copy',cr,lf defb ' of CP/M will be placed on the diskette in drive B.',cr,lf defb cr,lf defb 'B BLANK This option is used to make a blank diskette. The diskette in',cr,lf defb ' drive B will be formatted (erased); then a copy of CP/M will be',cr,lf defb ' placed on the diskette.',cr,lf defb cr,lf defb 'O OTHER This is a list of other options for use by programmers. These',cr,lf defb ' options produce more complex error messages and assume techni-',cr,lf defb ' cal expertise.',cr,lf defb cr,lf defb 'E EXIT To get out of this program. Be sure a diskette with CP/M on it',cr,lf defb ' is in drive A!',cr,lf defb lf defb 'Please enter selection. Press C, B, O, or E ==>','$' menu2: defb 1AH,cr,lf,lf defb 'Use the "ESC" key to terminate an operation in progress.',cr,lf defb 'Note: These options do not terminate execution on the first encountered error.',cr,lf,lf defb 'C COPY Format B, copy, verify, and sysgen.',cr,lf defb 'B BLANK Make a blank diskette {format, sysgen}.',cr,lf defb 'I Image Format B, copy, and verify.',cr,lf defb 'D Duplicate Copy and verify.',cr,lf defb 'V Verify Verify that A and B are the same.',cr,lf defb 'S Sysgen Write system image only.',cr,lf defb 'F Format B Format (erase) the diskette in drive B.',cr,lf defb 'X Format A Format (erase) the diskette in drive A.',cr,lf defb 'T Track Format a single track on drive B.',cr,lf defb 'R Return Return to first menu.',cr,lf defb 'E Exit BEFORE pressing E, place a system diskette in A.',cr,lf defb lf defb 'Selection (C,B,I,D,V,S,F,T,E) ==>','$' genmsg: defb cr,lf,'Writing CP/M to the diskette in drive B.',cr,lf,'$' crlf: defb cr,lf,'$' trkmsg: defb 'Track ','$' secmsg: defb ' Sector ','$' drva: defb 'Drive A ','$' drvb: defb 'Drive B ','$' badmsg: defb ' {BAD}','$' bufmsg: defb ' Memory buffer cmpr err','$' back: defb cr,'$' datadrs: defb 'Drive B byte ','$' datis: defb ' data is ','$' datsb: defb ' should be ','$' clear: defb 1ah,'$' msg1: defb lf,lf defb 'Verify that the diskette in drive A is the same as the diskette in drive B.',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg2: defb lf,lf defb 'Make a blank diskette.',cr,lf,lf defb 'This option will prepare a new or previously-used diskette to receive',cr,lf defb 'data by ERASING WHATEVER DATA IS ON IT, formatting it into tracks and',cr,lf defb 'sectors, and putting a copy of CP/M on a portion of the diskette reserved',cr,lf defb 'for it. During this process, the diskette will be checked for errors.' defb cr,lf,lf defb 'To use this option:',cr,lf defb '1. Place into drive B a diskette which you want to prepare to receive data.',cr,lf defb '2. Press the RETURN key.',cr,lf,lf defb 'All information on the diskette will be erased, and the diskette will be',cr,lf defb 'prepared to receive data.',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg3: defb lf,lf defb 'If you continue you will format the diskette in drive A!',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg4: defb lf,lf defb 'Copy the diskette in drive A to drive B.',cr,lf,lf defb 'This option is used to copy diskettes. During the copy operation the',cr,lf defb 'diskette in drive B is checked for errors and the copy is verified.',cr,lf,lf defb 'To use this option:',cr,lf defb '1. Place the original (master or source) diskette into drive A.',cr,lf defb '2. Select either a new diskette or a used diskette that may be erased',cr,lf defb ' (i.e. have the data on the diskette in drive A recorded over it).',cr,lf defb ' Place this diskette into drive B.',cr,lf,lf defb 'When you have placed the diskettes into the drives, press the RETURN key',cr,lf defb 'to start the copy operation. You may return to the main menu by pressing',cr,lf defb 'any other key.','$' msg5: defb lf,lf defb 'Copy a diskette. Do Format B, Copy, and Verify.',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg6: defb lf,lf defb 'Copy a diskette. Do Copy and Verify.',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg7: defb lf,lf defb 'Write the CP/M image in RAM onto the diskette in drive B',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg8: defb lf,lf defb 'Format the diskette in drive B.',cr,lf,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg9: defb lf,lf defb 'Format a single track on the diskette in drive B. You will be asked for',cr,lf defb 'the track number if you continue.',cr,lf defb 'Push RETURN to start, any other key to abort.','$' msg10: defb cr,lf,07H defb 'You have had an error, push the ESC key to exit.' defb cr,lf,'$' dirmsg: defb 1AH defb ' Under normal operation, when you push the reset button, you see an',cr,lf defb 'A> prompt. If you would like to bypass the A> prompt, type in the name of',cr,lf defb 'the program you want to use. A list of programs contained on the disk is',cr,lf defb 'given below. Some names are abbreviated, because a name may have no more',cr,lf defb 'than 8 characters. If there is a master control program, such as MENU or',cr,lf defb 'HELLO, you may want to select it. If you want one of these programs to',cr,lf defb 'execute when you push the RESET button, just enter its name when you are',cr,lf defb 'asked for a command line.',cr,lf,lf,'$' nodir: defb ' << There are no programms that can be run on this diskette >>',cr,lf,lf,'$' cmdmsg: defb 'Please enter an initial command line (name). This command line is not',cr,lf defb 'checked to ensure it is correct. This allows greater flexibility for',cr,lf defb 'experienced users who understand that this is a CCP command line. If you',cr,lf defb 'push RETURN only you will get the normal A> prompt. ==>','$'