NORING DOC I bought a used Kaypro 10 with an internal 1200 baud Datasolvers modem. I found that when the computer was on, its high pitched tone came on whenever I answered the phone as long as the computer was on. I started to look for a way to shut off auto-answer on the modem. I finally was led to a one record public domain program called When run it shuts off the auto-answer. However, with an internal modem, it is necessary to first initialize it before running I wanted to be able to do this so that I could run these programs in a submit files (Startzcm in this case) and not have to worry about turning off the auto-answer any more. Imp and Mex won't work in a submit file (to the best of my knowledge). After rummaging around in Fatcat, I found, which will. It requires a command line that includes baud, data bits, parity and stop bits. Finally, I created a submit file called, which first runs Setmdm and then runs Noanswer. The command line looks like this: SETMDM 1200,8,NO,1 NOANSWER The submit file was created using (Makbatch.come works just as well) If you are running some form of ZCPR, you will prefer to create using Salias. Then just insert it in your startup file and one more problem will be solved. Howard Schwartz St. Louis KUG February 16, 1988