INT - Interrupt driven terminal handler for KAYPRO's This program is an interrupt driven fast scrolling dumb terminal program for the Kaypro CP/M computers that allows the use of fast baud rates without dropping characters. Usage is simple, set your baud rate, call up the program and go. The only way out is to hit the reset button. This program has been used on a Kaypro used as a terminal at 9600 baud. All other terminal programs lost characters at that speed. It makes use of the interrupt system of the Kaypro. It employs interrupts to gather incoming characters from the UART chip instead of the customary polling technique. (Customary because it's much easier to program.) It eliminates the need for extra NULL characters when using BBS services. Copyright (c) 1984 by Robert Philip All Rights Reserved This program was written to ease the use of Kaypro computers as computer terminals running at HIGH (>1200 baud) speed. It is freely released to the public for non-commercial purposes. Please give this program to your friends. Thanks to Rick Parson, upon whose idea this program was built. Commercial use is prohibited except by written release by Robert Philip. Robert Philip 106-1300 Richmond Road Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2B 8L2 Micro Cornucopia Fixes... 1. Fixed the console output to strip parity bit to get rid of funny characters on our 4-84. 4/4/84 DmC 2. Rewrote source to take advantage of phase and dephase capabilities of M80 reducing .COM file size from 36K to approx 5K. 4/5/84 DmC 3. Added keypad and cursor control key translation (One key generates up to 16 characters). 5/23/84 DmC