A technical note regarding the Kaypro Campus User Group implementations of ZCPR 3.3 and Z80DOS for the Kaypro II/IV, 2X/484, and K10 computers. There are four files available in the series of configurations released in April 1988: K484ZDOS.LBR replaces the CP/M BDOS with Carson Wilson's Z80DOS. This allows for the automatic logging in of changed disks and makes the Kaypro delete key function as such. No change has been made to the CCP and only a minor change to the BIOS. This configuration is only for the 2X/4(84) series. GENK83Z3.LBR replaces all CP/M modules; no part of the operating system remains of the CP/M original, although the Kaypro BIOS is only slightly changed to adapt to the ZCPR system. The CCP is replaced with ZCPR version 3.3, the BDOS with Z80DOS version 1.0, and the user BIOS with a somewhat modified version. This is for the Kaypro II and IV models (i.e., the "non-video" models with the pre-84 motherboards). GEN484Z3.LBR identical with the GENK83Z3 implementation, although the BIOS will only operate on the '84 and later non-hard disk models. This is for the 2X and 4(84) models. GENK10Z3.LBR identical in theory to the previous two versions, but this one retains the system size and segment mapping of John Smith's earlier ZCPR 3.0 versions. Therefore, it is based on a 58K system size rather than the (nearly) 60K system of the previous two implementations. It has only been tested on K10s with the 1.9E ROM, so any other models of the K10 must be tested. It will not work with the U ROM, however. Interested Kaypro users should seek out the following files so that they might be able to generate systems with slightly different characteristics. To do so, one must understand the many options available with each "package," a task that is beyond the scope of these KCUG configurations. Detailed instructions are provided or are available with each set of system software, and the possibilities for the adventurous user are almost unlimited. ZCPR 3.3 is copyright 1987 by Echelon, Inc. Distribution can only be for non-commercial purposes. For full details about this remarkable set of software, write for the catalog detailing same: Echelon, Inc. P.O. Box 705001-800 S Lake Tahoe CA 95705 U.S.A. The ZCPR version 3.3 software (and attendant utilities) are also distributed over many RASes (Remote Access Systems) throughout the world, and users with modem capabilities are encouraged to keep up with the latest advances in the system and its utilities via that means. Those without modem capabilities can subscribe to the series of software "updates" available on disk through Echelon. See their catalog. Z80DOS has been released to the public by its author, Carson Wilson. The version used in this release is 1.0, the code and instructions for which may be found in a file called Z80DOS10.LBR. Wilson's chief contribution to this series of advances over the original CP/M BDOS lies in his attention to the concept of date and time stamping of files, a feature of his code that has not been adopted in this Kaypro release. Users interested in this facet of an operating system are encouraged to both read Wilson's documentation and also to keep up with his latest efforts. I have seen a message to the effect that Wilson has produced a version 2.0, but details of this package are not yet known to me. The Kaypro BIOSes generated for this series of ZCPR configurations depend in great measure upon work done previously by many different "hackers." In addition, I disassembled the user BIOSes of the machines to which I had access during the work on these offerings. The primary change over the previous ZCPR Kaypro implementations was the small but significant addition of code to initialize the system environment descriptor (SYS.ENV) in a way first suggested by Robert Doolittle (an early contributor to the ZCPR project) and reported in Z-NEWS 108 (25 March 1985), but for some reason left out of the several Kaypro ZCPR implementations. This code allows the initial STARTUP file to be created by any ZCPR alias creation tool, a problem that had vexed many Kaypro Z users. While I was at it, I adopted some other tricks, especially code used by Dreas Nielsen in his KRAMBIOS (a ZCPR BIOS modification for the Kaypro with RAM disk). The path setting was chosen on the basis of my own experience with ZCPR over the past few years. The only guide to ZCPR known to me to be for "non-hackers" has been published by Echelon, notably as a companion for the Kaypro "boot disks" they offer (that incorporate a different BDOS replacement than does the KCUG implementation). Users interested in getting to know this system should order the publication Z-SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE from Echelon at the address given above. At the time of this writing (April 1988), the price is $14.95 for the 95 page manual. See their catalog first before ordering. This series of implementations has been produced for distribution through the Kaypro Campus Users Group, meeting currently at the University of Washington campus in Seattle, WA. Information about the club can be had through: Bob Nylander 7713 11th Av NW Seattle WA 98117 MESSAGES: ADAM'S RBBS (206) 886-3684 The implementer (me) wishes to thank the following individuals for their help in creating the packages you have before you: Bob Nylander, Thatcher Deane, Heng Tso, David Miles, and Dreas Nielsen. For the Kaypro Campus User Group, Michael Broschat, Seattle WA April 1988