INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING "VKPCHESS.COM" This is the standard SARGON Z-80 chess game set-up for video model Kaypros only. Early KPIIs and 4s need to use Z80CHESS.COM 1. TO BEGIN EXECUTION To play a game of chess, respond "Y" to question: "WELCOME TO CHESS. CARE FOR A GAME ?" An answer of "N" will get you to the routine that allows you to set up a board position (see item 7). The player selects white by entering "W" or black by entering "B" in response to the question: "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY WHITE (W) OR BLACK (B) ?" You will then be asked: "SELECT LOOK AHEAD (1-6)" This allows the player to select the depth of search. It is recommended that you select only 1. Any higher number causes the computer to spend a long time making moves, time which you may not want pay for if you have made a toll call. At this point the board will appear on the screen. If you choose white, Z80CHESS will be waiting for your move entry. 2. TO ENTER A MOVE Moves must be entered in algebraic chess notation. This means you must tell Z80CHESS the file and rank coordinates of the squares you are moving from and to. The files are lettered a-h and the ranks are numbered 1-8. So the coordinates of the board are: a b c d e f g h |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 8 | a8 | b8 | c8 | d8 | e8 | f8 | g8 | h8 | 8 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 7 | a7 | b7 | c7 | d7 | e7 | f7 | g7 | h7 | 7 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 6 | a6 | b6 | c6 | d6 | e6 | f6 | g6 | h6 | 6 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 5 | a5 | b5 | c5 | d5 | e5 | f5 | g5 | h5 | 5 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 4 | a4 | b4 | c4 | d4 | e4 | f4 | g4 | h4 | 4 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 3 | a3 | b3 | c3 | d3 | e3 | f3 | g3 | h3 | 3 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 2 | a2 | b2 | c2 | d2 | e2 | f2 | g2 | h2 | 2 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 1 | a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 | e1 | f1 | g1 | h1 | 1 |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| a b c d e f g h The move itself is entered as ff-tt, so to play the king's pawn up two squares you would enter: "e2-e4" If Z80CHESS responded with the same move, it would print: "e7-e5" 3. TO CASTLE Just enter the king's move. The rook will tag along. For example, if you are white and wish to castle king's side, enter: "e1-g1" You will see both your king and rook move. When Z80CHESS castles, he lists it as 0-0 or 0-0-0 as in normal chess no- tation. 4. TO CAPTURE EN PASSANT If you wish to capture one of Z80CHESS's pawns using the en passant privilege, enter your pawn's move. After your pawn move is displayed, Z80CHESS's pawn will blink and then vanish. When Z80CHESS captures en passant, his move is displayed on the board in the same way. Z80CHESS prints it in the move list as PxPep. 5. TO PLAY ANOTHER GAME AFTER CHECKMATE If either you or Z80CHESS is checkmated, and you wish to play again, just hit any key. The screen will blank out and Z80CHESS will ask: "CARE FOR ANOTHER GAME ?" Replies to this question are just like those to the origi- nal "CARE FOR A GAME ?" 6. TO RESIGN A HOPELESS GAME OR TAKE BACK A MOVE If you decide your position is hopeless, or you wish to change a move entered in error (considered indelicate, non-etiquette and a definite NO-NO in more respectable chess circles), first wait until it is your turn to move. Then enter "control-R". You will immediately get the "CARE FOR ANOTHER GAME ?" question. If you want to start over, type "Y", but if you want to correct (considered indelicate, non-etiquette and a definite NO-NO in the most respectable chess coteries) the board display, type "N". You will then get the routine that allows you to set up a board position. 7. TO SET UP OR CORRECT A BOARD POSITION If you typed "N" to a "CARE FOR A GAME ?" question, Z80- CHESS will now ask: "WOULD YOU LIKE TO ANALYZE A POSITION ?" If you answer "N" to this one, you will be out of Z80- CHESS entirely and back in the computer's monitor state. An answer of "Y" will display line by line, in algebraic chess notation, the move list for each piece on the board. A carriage return will leave that piece and/or square un- changed. Whatever you type in over the displayed posting (a legal chess notation, of course) will change the square accordingly. 8. SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS COMMANDS A carriage return, as mentioned, leaves the contents of the square unchanged. <0> An entry of "0", or of the space bar, or any key not listed in these commands will empty the square. BON CHANCE and ..... DOWN WITH BOBBY FISCHER !!!