DSKDRIVE documentation (85/1/30) C.B.Falconer ============================================= revised 85/5/15 Copyrighô (c© 198µ bù C.B®  Falconer® Thió prograí maù noô bå SOLÄ withouô express written permission. It may be copied and used as desired. Aó presentlù configureä thió prograí allowó read/writå oæ IBMPÃ CPM8¶ DSDD¬ HP12µ (DSDD)¬  Televideï TS80² (DSDD)¬ anä KAYPRÏ IÉ (SSDD© formaô diskó oî thå Kayprï ´ (aô leasô thå 198³ versioî Kaypro)®  Thå Kayprï IÉ formaô  ió includeä  becauså thå Kayprï nativå disë sensinç systeí cannoô  distinguisè betweeî  doublå  sideä  diskó  anä doublå sidå diskó  thaô  havå  beeî  re- formatteä  tï  singlå  sided®  Thå prograí ió designeä tï  bå  dynamicallù alterablå  tï otheò disë configurations¬  anä caî alsï reaä  Kayprï  formaô disks® (seå sourcå annotation). The various alternate configurations are specified by executing d>DSKDRIVE A (or B or C). omitting a parameter used the default. Thå separatå prograí ALTDRIVÅ allowó configuratioî tï á widå rangå oæ  disë formats¬  througè  menuó  oò direcô specification®  Thió haó noô yeô  beeî released¬  buô wilì worë witè youò reviseä versioî iæ yoõ follo÷ thå stateä rules, and above all do not alter the "info" vector format. Yoõ  wilì  requirå RSX.DOC foò documentatioî oî installatioî anä  protocol® Tï  customizå tï youò owî systeí yoõ musô builä thå hosô driveò (rdhsô  anä wthst)¬  anä  customizå  thå  "seek¢  procedurå  tï  youò  hardwarå  (whicè hopefullù useó thå WÄ 179ø serieó oæ disë controlleò chips)® É suggesô yoõ firsô geô thå prograí tï reaä youò owî disks®  Á "marked¢ disk¬ containinç fulì  12¸  bytå  recordó (includinç cò anä lf©  whicè  specifù  thå  track¬ sector¬  anä physicaì sectoò (agreeinç witè DU)¬  anä writå protected¬ wilì bå verù helpful®  DÕ wilì bå usefuì tï checë thå configuratioî parameters¬ locateä aô labeì "info"®  (thió ió thå run-timå memorù addresó returneä bù the RSX system for parameter = 1. READ THE RSX DOCUMENTATION). The non-cpm standard values specified in the "info" data are: hstblk number of CPM sectors per physical sector. 1, 2, 4 or 8 modrv Which drive to alter. 0 is A, 1 is B, etc. dskod Handy coding for controller to select that disk chgsid Handy value for configuring side change commands sec1st How is the first physical sector labelled. Some systems start at 1, others at 0. This is not the CPM sector, but has to do with how the disk is formatted. invert boolean allowing for controller inversion of data bits config a strategy for converting "host" addresses from the Digital Research deblocking algorithm into actual physical addresses on the 2 sides of the disk. ntrks How many physical tracks on 1 side of a disk nsecs A constant that allows modification of the physical sector address on side 1. Used with config. Aó  thió  prograí  ió  useä É hopå morå usefuì  configuratioî  valueó  wilì appear¬  anä  possiblù  "include¢  fileó tï configurå thå  hosô  driveò  tï Švariouó  machines®  Thió documentatioî needó clarificatioî  also¬  buô  aô leasô iô ió á start® Yoõ wilì neeä tï reaä thå sourcå tï adapô tï machineó otheò  thaî  Kaypro®  Kayprï useró shoulä onlù neeä tï alteò  thå  "info¢ vectoò  tï reaä anù disë (excepô Apples¬  whicè arå á worlä tï themselves)® BÅ WARNEDº  lateò versioî Kaypro'ó uså aô leasô á differenô porô foò systeí controì (bitpt)¬  interchangå drivå selecô codes¬  anä inverô thå senså  oæ several bits (motor on, side select). É suggesô thaô wheî firsô adaptinç thió prograí tï otheò hosts¬ yoõ seô thå "driver¢  equatå tï false®  Thió wilì allo÷ thå prograí tï loaä iî á  non- standarä  CPÍ  environmenô (sucè aó undeò DDT)¬  buô wilì prevenô thå  BDOÓ eveò  accessinç  thå  reviseä drivers®  Howeveò thå  systeí  caî  theî  bå exercized by DU, which performs direct BIOS access via the pointer at (1), anä  wilì thuó uså thå tesô system®  IÎ THIÓ CASÅ BÅ CAREFUÌ NOÔ TÏ ACCESÓ THÅ TESÔ DRIVÅ THROUGÈ BDOS¬ e.g® bù DIR¬ STAT¬ logins¬ oò otheò such® USÅ WRITÅ  PROTECTEÄ  DISKS®   Aô  thå  samå  timå  trù  tï  seô  thå  defaulô configuratioî tï youò owî machine®  Oncå DSKDRIVÅ caî reaä anä writå  youò owî diskó thå resô wilì bå easy® Iæ youò systeí cannoô handlå doublå sideä disk you are severely handicapped in the formats available to you. Thå driveò systeí caî alsï servå aó á modeì foò nativå codå driveró foò anù machine.