Print Help Files ---------------- 1.0 Description This program will print ZCPR V3.0 help files on your printer. It will also print help file references within the top level help file so if the file you are printing has a line "::NEXTHLP.HLP" in it, this file will be opened and printed. It can also be configured to use an enhanced print mode of your printer. When so configured characters in the help file that display in "standout" mode will also "standout" in the printed output. Additionally, the program paginates the file and expands tabs to every 8th column. 2.0 Usage I wrote this program especially for the SYSLIB documentation. Since I wanted to refer back to it now and then and didn't want to exit the editor to go into HELP to find the information I needed. So I will use the SYSLIB file as an example. To print a help file you can type either PRINTHLP SYSLIB.HLP or PRINTHLP Enter Help file to Print : SYSLIB.HLP The program will take it from there. Note that after printing all of various SYSLIB files it came out to 106 pages so be careful about arbitrairily picking top level help files. 3.0 Configuration The .COM file that is included in the library was compiled with Turbo Pascal V2.0 to run in a 32K TPA. It does not use ANY printer features. If at all possible, I reccomend you set up the constants for your printer and recompile it. If you have a TPA that is less than 32K you will have to recompile it anyway. Included in the comments is an example of a setup for the Mannesmann Tally MT160. The Lst_Init variable puts it into Letter Quality 12 CPI mode, and the BF_on and BF_Off do what they are supposed to. Note that escape is represented as ^[ (circumflex-left bracket) OUTSIDE of the single quote. This is a clue to the Turbo compiler that you really mean Control-Bracket (e.g. escape); 4.0 Notes and Bugs To really get the benefit of the program you should set it up for your printer and recompile it. (I know, not everyone has Turbo) The page headings look really nice on Help indexed files, but are single letters on User Indexed files. (For a good discussion on the difference between the two see ZCPR3 : The Manual pp 126-127) There really isn't any clean way to hash the user menu for doing the "right" thing and connecting the letters to the "right" header. If I can think of a way to do it I will add it later. If your printer can support underline the program will under line Information Section titles for you. This program was written by Charles McManis, of Sunnyvale CA, and is released to the Public Domain. Do with it what you will but don't come bitchin to me!