Date: Wednesday, 9 October 1985 From: Dick Dysart Re: Instructions for dialer for z-100 With MASM, LINK, AND EXE2BIN on default drive A: and DIAL.ASM on drive B: Enter---> MASM B:DIAL; LINK B:DIAL; EXE2BIN B:DIAL.EXE.COM DELETE B:DIAL.EXE DELETE B:DIAL.OBJ -- Do all this AFTER you have edited DIAL.ASM to use the phone numbers YOU want. According to the Author, it works with KERMIT and CPS, but since this is used with SHIFT-F12, you CANT have PSC running at the same time........ To use --> A>DIAL A>KERMIT KERMIT>SHIFT-F12 and follow instructions................. See REMARK for full details............... DICK..