AREACD21 AREACODE is used to display the region and state, specified by the user... very handy, when someone leaves a area code number on a CBBS, but no city or state reference. Simple enough to use, just type AREACODE nnn (where "nnn" is a three digit area code), and in return, you get a geographical region by city(s), and state. Sorry if your particular city is not represented, and feel free to add it as required. Typing just AREACODE from command level puts the user in interactive mode, and areacodes may be entered repeatedly. This is not the most "elegant" search routine that I could have used in implementing this program, but it is fast. It's best described as a "forward scanning/side checking mess". If you don't find it matching on first character, drop to the next possible match. This is version 2.1 AREACODE, as of December 10, 1986. Colorado is getting a new area code. Beginning in the first quarter of 1988, then new "719" code will cover Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Leadville and Alamosa. The "303" areacode will include Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins. This information provided by Mountain Bell, Colorados's primary local telephone company. The original version of AREACODE was written by Kelly Smith - January 2, 1981.