I know you are probably very excited about the new game Trivial Pursuit. I have located a new twist on this revolutionary game. Computer Trivial Pursuit. Try running it by typing "TRIVIA" at the command line. Then after you have a good time playing with the data files that are supplied, Create your own. Here is the form for data files. -top of page- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st line "title that you wish to come up in the first menu" 2nd line A/question?/answer1/answer2/answer3/answer4 etc./ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ with "A" being the correct choice, the question following, and the answers one at a time separated by /. You may use this form with questions that require operator input by the same form above, but with the answer in the very first collumn, and the question second, separated by /. Its that easy. Just call your data file "TRIVIAxx.DAT" where xx is the number of the file, 10 on up. This program comes from unknown origin and I do not remember what BBS that I got it off of. I give credit to A foreign source for this program. If you want, create additional files and put them on this system, for others to benifit. Thanks, Mike Stubblefield 528-3185