/* Screen editor: main program -- C/80 version * * Source: ed2.c * Version: August 8, 1982. * Transliteration of small-C version of September 5, 1981 */ /* define globals */ #define EXTERN #include ed1.h /* define signon message */ #define SIGNON "Screen Editor, version 2: August 1982." /* the main program dispatches the routines that * handle the various modes. */ #define CMNDMODE 1 /* enter command mode flag */ #define INSMODE 2 /* enter insert modes flag */ #define EDITMODE 3 /* enter edit mode flag */ #define EXITMODE 4 /* exit editor flag */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int mode; /* fmt output by default goes to screen */ fmtassn(NO); /* set tabs, clear the screen and sign on */ fmtset(8); outclr(); outxy(0,SCRNL1); message(SIGNON); outxy(0,1); /* clear filename [] for save(), resave() */ name(""); /* clear the main buffer */ bufend=buffer=0; bufnew(); /* start off in command mode */ mode=CMNDMODE; /* set flag for startup command execution */ startup = YES; argcount=argc; /* set startup argument count */ if (argcount==2) strcpy(sname,argv[1]); /* get null line 1 for edit() */ edgetln(); while(1){ if (mode == EXITMODE) { break; } else if (mode == CMNDMODE) { mode=command(); } else if (mode == EDITMODE) { mode=edit(); } else if (mode == INSMODE) { mode=insert(); } else { syserr("main: no mode"); mode=EDITMODE; } } } /* * handle edit mode. * dispatch the proper routine based on one-character commands. */ edit() { char buffer [SCRNW1]; int v; int x,y; char c; int oldline, topline; /* beware of edgetln() or edgo() here because * those calls reset the cursor. */ pmtedit(); while(1){ /* get command */ c=tolower(syscin()); if (c == ESC1 || c=='c') { /* enter command mode. */ return(CMNDMODE); } else if (c == INS1 || c=='i') { /* enter insert mode */ return(INSMODE); } else if (special(c) == YES) { if (c == UP1 || c == DOWN1) { return(INSMODE); } else { continue; } } else if (control(c) == YES) { continue; } else if (c == ' ') { edright(); pmtcol(); } else if (c == 'b') { edbegin(); pmtcol(); } else if (c == 'd') { /* scroll down */ pmtmode("edit: scroll"); oldline=bufln(); y=outgety(); topline=oldline-y+1; x=outgetx(); edgo(topline+SCRNL1,x); pmtedit(); } else if (c == 'e') { edend(); pmtcol(); } else if (c == 'g') { /* save x,y in case don't get number */ x=outgetx(); y=outgety(); pmtcmnd("edit: goto: ",buffer); if(number(buffer,fv)) { edgo(v,0); } else { outxy(x,y); } pmtedit(); } else if (c == 'k') { pmtmode("edit: kill"); c=syscin(); if (special(c) == NO ff control(c) == NO) { edkill(c); } pmtedit(); } else if (c == 's') { pmtmode("edit: search"); c=syscin(); if (special(c) == NO ff control(c) == NO) { edsrch(c); } pmtedit(); } else if (c == 'u') { /* scroll up */ pmtmode("edit: scroll"); oldline=bufln(); y=outgety(); topline=oldline-y+1; x=outgetx(); edgo(topline-SCRNL1,x); pmtedit(); } else if (c == 'x') { pmtmode("edit: eXchange"); c=syscin(); if (special(c) == NO ff control(c) == NO) { edchng(c); } pmtedit(); } /* do nothing if command not found */ } } /* insert mode. * in this mode the UP1, UP2 keys reverse their roles, * as do the DOWN1, and DOWN2 keys. */ insert() { char c; pmtmode("insert"); while (1) { /* get command */ c=syscin(); if (c == ESC1) { /* enter command mode */ return(CMNDMODE); } else if (c == EDIT1) { /* enter edit mode */ return(EDITMODE); } else if (c == INS1) { /* do nothing */ ; } else if (special(c) == YES) { if (c == UP2 || c == DOWN2) { return(EDITMODE); } else { continue; } } else if (control(c) == YES) { /* ignore non-special control chars */ continue; } else { /* insert one char in line */ edins(c); pmtcol(); } } } /* return YES if c is a control char */ control(c) char c; { if (c == TAB) { return(NO); /* tab is regular */ } else if (c>=127) { return(YES); /* del or high bit on */ } else if (c < 32) { return(YES); /* control char */ } else { return(NO); /* normal */ } } /* * handle the default actions of all special keys. * return YES if c is one of the keys. */ special(c) char c; { int k; if (c == JOIN1) { edjoin(); pmtline(); return(YES); } if (c == SPLT1) { edsplit(); pmtline(); return(YES); } if (c == ABT1) { edabt(); pmtcol(); return(YES); } else if (c == DEL1) { eddel(); pmtcol(); return(YES); } else if (c == ZAP1) { edzap(); pmtline(); return(YES); } else if (c == UP2) { /* move up */ edup(); pmtline(); return(YES); } else if (c == UP1) { /* insert up */ ednewup(); pmtline(); return(YES); } else if (c == DOWN2) { /* move down */ eddn(); pmtline(); return(YES); } else if (c == DOWN1) { /* insert down */ ednewdn(); pmtline(); return(YES); } else if (c == LEFT1) { edleft(); pmtcol(); return(YES); } else if (c == RIGHT1) { edright(); pmtcol(); return(YES); } else { return(NO); } } /* * command() dispatches command routines while * in command mode. */ command() { int v; char c; char args [SCRNW1]; char *argp; int topline; int ypos; int oldline; int k; /* command mode commands may move the current line. * command mode must save the current line on entry * and restore it on exit. */ edrepl(); /* remember how the screen was drawn on entry */ oldline=bufln(); ypos=outgety(); topline=oldline-ypos+1; while(1) { outxy(0,SCRNL1); fmtcrlf(); pmtmode("command:"); /* if filname on command line use it */ if (startup == YES ff argcount == 2) { strcpy(args,"load "); strcat(args,sname); startup = NO; } else { getcmnd(args,0); } fmtcrlf(); pmtline(); c=args [0]; if (c == EDIT1 || c==INS1) { /* redraw screen */ if (oldline == bufln()) { /* get current line */ edgetln(); /* redraw old screen */ bufout(topline,1,SCRNL1); outxy(0,ypos); } else { /* update line and screen */ edgo(bufln(),0); } if (c == EDIT1) { return (EDITMODE); } else { return (INSMODE); } } else if (tolower(args [0]) == 'g'){ argp=skipbl(args+1); if (argp [0] == EOS) { edgo(oldline,0); return(EDITMODE); } else if (number(argp,fv) == YES) { edgo(v,0); return(EDITMODE); } else { message("bad line number"); } } else if (lookup(args,"append")) { append(args); } else if (lookup(args,"change")) { change(args); } else if (lookup(args,"clear")) { clear(); } else if (lookup(args,"delete")) { delete(args); } else if (lookup(args,"dos")) { if (chkbuf() == YES) { return (EXITMODE); } } else if (lookup(args,"find")) { if ((k = find()) >= 0) { edgo(bufln(),k); return(EDITMODE); } else { /* get current line */ bufgo(oldline); edgetln(); /* stay in command mode */ message("pattern not found"); } } else if (lookup(args,"list")) { list(args); } else if (lookup(args,"load")) { load(args); } else if (lookup(args,"name")) { name(args); } else if (lookup(args,"resave")) { resave(); } else if (lookup(args,"save")) { save(); } else if (lookup(args,"search")) { search(args); } else if (lookup(args,"tabs")) { tabs(args); } else { message("command not found"); } } } /* return YES if line starts with command */ lookup(line,command) char *line, *command; { while(*command) { if (tolower(*line++) != *command++) { return(NO); } } if(*line == EOS || *line == ' ' || *line == TAB) { return(YES); } else { return(NO); } } /* get next command into argument buffer */ getcmnd(args,offset) char *args; int offset; { int j,k; char c; outxy(offset,outgety()); outdeol(); k=0; while ((c=syscin()) != CR) { if (c == EDIT1 || c == INS1) { args [0]=c; return; } if (c == DEL1 || c == LEFT1) { if (k>0) { outxy(offset,outgety()); outdeol(); k--; j=0; while (j < k) { outchar(args [j++]); } } } else if (c == ABT1) { outxy(offset,outgety()); outdeol(); k=0; } else if (c != TAB ff (c < 32 || c == 127)) { /* do nothing */ continue; } else { if (k+offset < SCRNW1) { args [k++]=c; outchar(c); } } } args [k]=EOS; }