;NO-STOP FOR CP/M 2.2 AS OF 11/28/87 ;COPYRIGHT (C) 1987 ROBERT GREENLEE, P.O. BOX 23286, SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ;PHONE VOICE 619-268-0112 ; MODEM 619-569-8613. ; ;THIS PROGRAM IS A PAL OF EDIR'S. REFER TO EDIR.DOC. ; ;THIS PROGRAM STOPS THE BDOS FROM WAITING FOR A KEYPRESS AFTER DISPLAYING ; AN ERROR MESSAGE SUCH AS "Bdos Err On A: Bad Sector." ; ;ON MOST COMPUTERS THE PROGRAM ONLY LASTS UNTIL THE NEXT WARM BOOT. ; ;TO CREATE THE NO-STOP.COM FILE FROM THIS SOURCE USE ASM.COM AND LOAD.COM ; LIKE SO: ; ; A>ASM NO-STOP ; A>LOAD NO-STOP ; ; ORG 0100H JMP START MESSAGE: DB 0DH,0AH DB 'NO-STOP v1.0 (C) 1987 by Robert Greenlee, P.O. Box 23286,',0DH,0AH DB 'San Diego, CA 92123. 619-268-0112 Voice. Modem 619-569-8613.',0DH,0AH DB 0DH,0AH DB 'This program temporarily patches the CP/M 2.2 BDOS and stops it',0DH,0AH DB 'from waiting for a key to be pressed each time it displays an',0DH,0AH DB 'error message such as Bdos Err On B: Bad Sector. Be cautious',0DH,0AH DB 'when using this program since the data in any bad sectors will',0DH,0AH DB 'be accepted. Refer to EDIR.DOC for more information.',0DH,0AH DB 0DH,0AH DB 'On most computers NO-STOP lasts only until the next Warm Boot.',0DH,0AH DB '$' SAYOOPS: DB 0DH,0AH DB 'Oh darn nothing happened! It seems you''re not using the real',0DH,0AH DB 'CP/M 2.2 BDOS which NO-STOP needs in order for it to work.',0DH,0AH DB '$' START: LDA 2 SUI 14 MOV H,A MVI L,0F7H MVI A,0C1H CMP M MVI C,9 LXI D,SAYOOPS JNZ 5 ;IF NOT REAL CP/M 2.2 BDOS SAY SO AND ABORT. INR L MVI M,0C3H ;OPCODE FOR RET MVI C,9 LXI D,MESSAGE ;DISPLAY SIGNON MESSAGE AND RETURN TO CCP. JMP 5 END