procedure GetTAD(var t: tad_array); { Return a 6 element integer array of the current system time in seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, and year. This assembly language routine checks for the presence of Plu*Perfect Systems DateStamper and if it is present the current time and date are returned. If not present then an array of zeros is returned. Zero time is returned if relative clock is detected. } var i : integer; begin inline ($2A/t/$E5/$0E/$0C/$1E/$00/$CD/ $05/$00/$7D/$FE/$22/$20/$34/$7C/ $B7/$20/$30/$1E/$44/$0E/$0C/$CD/ $05/$00/$7C/$FE/$44/$20/$24/$ED/ $53/*+4/$E1/$CD/$00/$00/$5D/$54/ $1B/$1B/$1A/$11/$FB/$FF/$EB/$19/ $07/$E5/$38/$0E/$E1/$06/$03/$4E/ $1A/$77/$79/$12/$23/$1B/$10/$F7/ $18/$08/$E1/$06/$06/$AF/$77/$23/ $10/$FC); for i := 0 to 5 do {convert from BCD to binary} t[i] := 10*(t[i] div 16) + (t[i] mod 16); end;