Program Testclk; {Turbo Pascal program to test the function to read time and date using Plu*Perfect Systems DateStamper. Full details of the interface are on the DateStamper Toolkit disk available from Plu*Perfect Systems, P.O. Box 1494, Idyllwild, CA 92349} Type tad_array = array[0..5] of byte; Var stamp : tad_array; {buffer for BCD result} i : integer; procedure GetTAD(var t: tad_array); { Return a 6 element integer array of the current system time in seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, and year. This assembly language routine checks for the presence of Plu*Perfect Systems DateStamper and if it is present the current time and date are returned. If not present then an array of zeros is returned. } begin inline ($2A/t/$E5/$0E/$0C/$1E/$00/$CD/ $05/$00/$7D/$FE/$22/$20/$2A/$7C/ $B7/$20/$26/$1E/$44/$0E/$0C/$CD/ $05/$00/$7C/$FE/$44/$20/$1A/$ED/ $53/*+4/$E1/$CD/$00/$00/$11/$FB/ $FF/$EB/$19/$06/$03/$4E/$1A/$77/ $79/$12/$23/$1B/$10/$F7/$18/$08/ $E1/$06/$06/$AF/$77/$23/$10/$FC); for i := 0 to 5 do {convert from BCD to binary} t[i] := 10*(t[i] div 16) + (t[i] mod 16); end; begin {main} writeln; getTAD(stamp); writeln('Year: ',stamp[5]); writeln('Month: ',stamp[4]); writeln('Day: ',stamp[3]); writeln('Hour: ',stamp[2]); writeln('Minute:',stamp[1]); writeln('Second:',stamp[0]); writeln; end. {main}