Procedure Help; Var KKey: Char; Begin Clrscr; GotoXY(32,1); Write('FILE CARD DATABASE'); GotoXY(33,3); Write('Editing Commands'); GotoXY(1,4); Write('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); GotoXY(1,5); Write('^S or ^H = Cursor Left * ^Y = Delete Line'); GotoXY(1,7); Write('^D or ^L = Cursor Right * ^Q = Delete to End of Line *'); GotoXY(1,9); Write('^E or ^K = Cursor up * ^Z = Delete Entire Field'); GotoXY(1,11); Write('^X or ^J = Cursor Down ^N = Insert Line'); GotoXY(1,13); Write('^A = Left End of Line ^R = Beginning of field'); GotoXY(1,15); Write('^F = Right End of Line ^C = End of Field'); GotoXY(1,17); Write('^I or = Insert Space at Cursor * = Quit *'); GotoXY(1,19); Write('Items marked with an asterisk (*) are available when entering key words'); GotoXY(1,20); Write('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'); GotoXY(1,22); Write('Type any key to continue... '); Read(Kbd,KKey); Clrscr; DisplayScr; DisplayRec; Gotoxy((X+XOffset),(Y+YOffset)); End;