The following software is copyrighted Nov. 1, 1984 by: James W. Felter 2707 Rosebery Avenue West Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA V7V 3A3 Tel. (604) 926-3917 Comments and suggestions most welcome. Programme name: EZFILE Version : 1 Purposeó º 1® Tï creatå sequentiaì fileó witè froí threå tï teî fields. 2® Tï adä tï sequentiaì fileó witè froí threå tï teî fields. 3® Tï changå recordó iî sequentiaì fileó witè froí threå tï teî fields. Equipment : Written for the Osborne 01 (DD). Instructions : Thió ió aî easù programmå tï run¬ witè thå instructionó appearinç oî thå screeî throughouô thå programme® Iæ yoõ answeò á questioî incorrectly¬ á belì wilì sounä anä yoõ wilì bå prompteä witè thå questioî again® Yoõ MUSÔ answeò eacè questioî tï exiô thå programmå properly® Afteò yoõ havå entereä ALÌ recordó foò thå currenô sessioî anä wheî yoõ arå prompteä foò thå FIRSÔ field¬ enteò