Calander version 3.2 Getting around: Cursor control (^S^D^E^X) moves the selected day, and works in expanded+brief note sections. To run just type CAL and enter the date, the program will then load the data file for that month. (if it doesn't exist it will create a empty data file) Next it displays a calender for the selected month. You may move around and select a day, edit the brief note section, edit the expanded note section, delete a day, start with a new month, or exit (updating, or deleting if calander is empty, the file for the month). Installation: Use a turbo install program (like the one on GENIE) to configure CAL. Please note: the selected-day and error messages are displayed in "LowVideo" (reverse video on my H89), and "HighVideo" is the normal video mode. CAL.COM is configured for all terminals, but if you have a H19... The patch point address: 3ffdH controls support for the H19 terminal. Use DDT and type: (lower case is user) A>ddt DDT VERS 2.2 NEXT PC 4580 100 -s3ffd 3FFD 00 01 3FFE 00 . -^C A>save 69 A> New features: Version 3 changes: 1. Easyer date entery. 2. The note window moves to keep from covering the day it is opened from. 3. Optional print-out of your calender. Version 3.2 changes: 1. Bug fixes (re-write of printout and calender-display routines) 2. One version now supports both Generic and H19 terminals this keeps down-load time to a minimum. Problems, Bugs, etc. Leave me a message i'd like to know about them! (GENIE H.DUTTON)