Deferred Print User's Guide Command: DP The_Deferred_Print_(DP)_Command__________________________________ Syntax: DP filespec {options} Explanation: DÐ ió á CP/M« transienô utilitù thaô interfaceó tï                thå DAEMON RSX® DÐ ió responsiblå foò interpretinç                anä validatinç requestó madå oæ thå deferreä prinô                prograí (DAEMON.) Options: -ASIS Dï  noô  interpreô  anù datá withiî  thå specifieä -AS            file®   Thió   formaô  shoulä  bå  useä   wheneveò                documentó witè speciaì printeò controló arå  beinç                printed. -COPIES n   Specifieó  thå  numbeò oæ copieó oæ thå  specified -CP n          filå tï print® DEFAULÔ VALUEº 1. MAX VALUE: 10. -DELETE Requestó thaô thå specifieä filå bå deleteä  afteò -DL            alì  copieó oæ thå filå havå beeî printed®  Iæ thå                prinô requesô ió canceleä prioò tï completioî theî                thå filå WILÌ NOÔ bå deleted. -DESTINATION "text¢ Thå specifieä texô wilì appeaò oî thå  thirä -DS "text"      expanded print line of the banner page. -DEVICE "dev:" Specifieó  thå  devicå  thaô thå  filå  ió  tï  bå -DV "dev:"     printeä  on®  Currentlù  onlù  thå 'AUX:§  oò  thå                'LST:' devices are allowed. DEFAULT VALUE: 'LST:' -FROM n Specifieó  thå  firsô  linå  oæ  thå  filå  tï  bå -FM n      printeä  (n-± lineó oæ thå filå wilì bå  skipped.©            DEFAULT VALUE: 1 -HEADING "text" Thå  specifieä texô wilì bå displayeä oî  thå -HE "text"          second expanded print line of the banner page. -LEFT_MARGIN n Indenô î prinô positionó beforå printinç datá froí -LM n          the file. DEFAULT VALUE: 0. MAX VALUE: 30. Š -LIMIT n Print a maximum on n lines from the file. -LI n 1 Deferred Print User's Guide Command: DP The_Deferred_Print_(DP)_Command__________________________________ -LINE_LEN n Specifieó thå widtè oæ thå printeä output®  Iæ thå -LL n          widtè  ió  lesó thaî 13° columnó theî  nï  banneró                will be displayed. DEFAULT VALUE: 132 -LINE_NUMBERS Adä  linå numberó tï thå printeä  file®  Thå  linå -LN            numbers will begin at one and increment by one. -LINE_PAGE n Specifieó thå maximuí numbeò oæ lineó oî á printeä -LP n          page. DEFAULT VALUE: 66. ALLOWED RANGE: 16 - 92. -MAX_PAGE n Specifieó  thå  maximuí  numbeò  oæ  pageó  tï  bå -MP n          printed. -NO_BANNER Do not print banner pages. -NB -PAGE Paginatå  thå  output®  Threå blanë lineó wilì  bå -PG            added at the top and bottom of the page. -SPACE n Inserô n-± blanë lineó betweeî eacè printeä  line® -SP n          DEFAULT VALUE: 1. ALLOWED RANGE: 1 - 5 -TITLES Adä titleinç informatioî tï thå printeä output® -TI Thå  filenamå  aó welì aó thå currenô pagå  numbeò                wilì  bå  printeä aô thå toð oæ  eacè  page®  Thió                optioî implieó pagination. Š -TRUNCATE Truncate (DO NOT FOLD) long lines. -TC 2 Deferred Print User's Guide Command: DAEMON The_Daemon_Command_______________________________________________ Syntax: DAEMON {-START | -TERM | -LIST | -CANCEL} Explanation: Daemoî  ió  aî  RSX thaô iô  responsiblå  foò  thå                deferreä  printinç  oæ fileó specifieä viá thå  DÐ                command. Options: -CANCEL Canceì printinç oæ thå currentlù activå prinô request®           If the -DELETE option was selected it will be ignored. -LIST Lisô alì thå currentlù outstandinç prinô requests®  Thå           formaô oæ thå displaù is»  uud:filespeã wherå uõ ió thå           useò  numbeò  oæ thå request»  ä ió thå drivå namå  anä           filespeã  ió thå filename®  Thå requestó arå listeä  iî           thå  ordeò theù wilì prinô witè thå firsô listeä  beinç           thå currentlù activå prinô request. -START Begiî executioî oæ thå Daemoî RSX®  Thå RSØ wilì remaiî Š           idlå  untiì  á  prinô requesô ió receiveä  viá  thå  DÐ           command. -TERM Terminatå thå executioî oæ thå Daemoî RSX®  Thió causeó           IMMEDIATÅ  terminatioî  oæ thå currenô aó welì  aó  alì           remaining print requests. 3 Deferred Print User's Guide Command: CONFIG The_Config_Command_______________________________________________ Syntax: CONFIG Explanation: CONFIÇ  allowó  thå  useò tï overridå  thå  normaì                defaulô  valueó supplieä witè thå  DР command®  Á                menõ wilì bå presenteä tï thå useò upoî invocatioî                oæ  thå  program®  Selecô thå desireä paramteò  tï                modifù  theî enteò thå ne÷ value®  Thå ne÷  valueó                wilì bå storeä wheî á selectioî oæ parameteò  zerï                is made. To ignore the changes enter a ctrl-C. Š 4 Deferred Print User's Guide Error Messages Error_Messages___________________________________________________ Syntax: class(nn): text of message Š Explanation:  Erroò  messageó arå eitheò oæ typå FATAÌ oò ERROR®                Iæ  thå  clasó ió ERROÒ theî thå  messagå  caî  bå                considereä á warninç anä processinç continues®  Iæ                thå   erroò  messagå  ió  FATAÌ  theî   processinç                terminateó immediately. Command line format: Command Command-tail Where: Command-tail is composed of the following parts. -KEYWORD [ARGUMENT] KEYWORDÓ  arå  preceedeä  bù á dasè anä  maù  havå                optionaì ARGUMENTS® Therå maù bå multiplå keywordó                in a single command-tail. EXAMPLE: DP MYFILE.EXT -DELETE -SPACE 2 -PAGE Therå  arå threå KEYWORDÓ anä onå ARGUMENÔ iî  thå                above example. 5 Š Deferred Print User's Guide Error Messages Error_Messages___________________________________________________ Possible Error Messages: ( 1) Required argument missing ( 2) Unexpected NULL argument ( 3) Invalid combination of arguments ( 4) Keyword not recognized ( 5) Argument not recognized ( 6) Non-numeric character in a numeric argument ( 7) Non-Hex character in a Hex argument ( 8) Non-balanced or missing delimeters in string ( 9) Argument out of range (10) Invalid argument length (11) Redundant argument (12) No match on * or ? Name (13) Invalid file name (14) Named file not found (15) Daemon RSX not running (16) Invalid number of arguments Š 6