Jim Lopushinsky July 14, 1986 Edmonton Alberta, Canada Version 1.04 incorporates the following features: 1. EXDRV and EXUSR variables added to CMDRUN library processor. These set the excluded drive/user combination to exclude the search for COMMAND.LBR. It is now safe to allow the use of the library processor in an RCPM environment. Set these variables to the UPLOAD area of your system. It prevents callers from uploading a COMMAND.LBR of their own, and executing .COM files from within it via your library processor. 2. Fixed a problem with command chaining. The chain function now properly works within submit files. 3. Added the option of displaying caller's connect time instead of the current time at the prompt. Routines courtesy of Stuart Rose. 4. Changed the FLAGS byte to equates. This allowes the CCP to stay within the 25 sectors size of the original CCP from DRI. If all of the options are selected, however, the CCP may still be larger than 25 sectors, and you may have to modify your BIOS, or use a special loader to install the CCP. One such loader for the Osborne by George Peace is included in this library. The disadvantage with equates instead of a flags byte is that the source has to be assembled each time an option is changed. 5. Included a name for the multi-line RSX produced by the CCP (NEXTCMND).