Dear Mike: I have implemented the Okidata option in the CADPRINT program that you distributed with MDCLCK11.LBR. Now, CADPRINT also works on an Okidata ML92 and ML93 as well as the Epson MX80. CADPRINT.COM in this library is assembled with EPSON equal YES. CADPRINT is all yours and I encourage you to distribute it. I have also included display and setting programs for the MSM5832 clock in this library. I interfaced my clock with a Z80 PIO, so I couldn't use your programs directly. Consequently, I wrote CLOCKOUT and SETCLOCK. While I was at it, I incorporated code from your READTIME and SETTIME routines into assembly-time options for clocks interfaced with the 8255. The versions of CLOCKOUT and SETCLOCK included in this library are assembled for the 8255 option. By the way, CLOCKOUT has no significant advantages over your READTIME program, other than assembly-time options for display format. I think SETCLOCK is somewhat slicker. It uses a video display where the user toggles the hour mode/date/time somewhat like setting a digital watch. Consequently, only valid dates and times can be entered. Also, the day-of-week and leap year flag are calculated automatically from the date. In the display, I highlighted the current entry (if the user's terminal has that feature). The highlight ESCape sequences are patched into the program as follows: Addr 16Bh thru 175h "Turn Highlighting On" sequence in form #bytes, followed by se- quence (set #bytes at 16Bh to zero if can't highlight) Addr 176h thru 180h "Turn Highlighting Off" sequence in form #bytes, followed by se- quence (set #bytes at 176h to zero if can't highlight) Addr 181h Set to 80h if characters are high- lighted by setting the parity bit (must be zero otherwise) John Osnes 10/3/86