The Cave of CP/M in San Diego BASECONV.LBR BASECONV snappily converts numbers in base hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or binary to numbers in base hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or binary. The author of "BASECONV.BAS" is Gary Woodward, but essentially the same program appears elsewhere by other authors. After generating BASECONV.REL from BASECONV.BAS with BASCOM I used OBSLIB.REL with L80 to create the standalone BASECONV.COM program supplied in this library. I also "nulled out" three machine-specific lines of code beforehand: HI$="xxxxxxxx" ; inverse video ON LO$="xxxxxxxx" ; inverse video OFF BL$="xxxxxxxx" ; ring bell These lines near the beginning of the program are now "". Ted Logan, 871025 A.D.