; ; Z80DOS - Z80 Disk Operating System Nov 15, 1988 ; ; Version 2.31 Fast directory lookup for random record fix ; 11/15/88 Gene Nolan ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Version 2.3 Fast directory lookup, ZRL compatible ; 11/4/88 Gene Nolan ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Version 2.0a - BETA TEST VERSION - 6 Nov 87 by Carson Wilson ; Nov 6, 1987 ; ; Main Module ; ; Remove the comments from the following 6 lines if making a ZRL form ; for NZCOM ; ;NAME DOSZ82 ;COM /_ID_/ ; DB 13,10,13,10 ; DB 'You are now loading up the Z80DOS233.ZRL file' ; DB 13,10,13,10,0 ; MACLIB Z34CMN ; MACLIB Z80DHDR ; Operating system addresses, options, INCLUDE Z80DCHAR.Z80 ; Jump table, character I/O routines, INCLUDE Z80DDISK.Z80 ; Return CP/M version, disk routines INCLUDE Z80DTIME.Z80 ; Time routines, DOS exit routines, ; ; END Z80DOS.Z80 ;