program Install (input,output) ; {This program writes a submit file for assembling SUPRBDOS. The submit file should be executed with EX.COM, not SUBMIT.COM} type st14 = string[14] ; st5 = string[5] ; var BdosAddr, BdosFilePos, offset, Pages : integer ; SysFileName : st14 ; function Hex (i : integer) : st5 ; var count, nibble : integer ; temp : st5 ; begin for count := 0 to 3 do begin nibble := (i shr (count*4)) and $0F ; if nibble <= 9 then temp [5-count] := chr(ord('0')+nibble) else temp [5-count] := chr(ord('A')+nibble-10) ; end ; temp[0] := chr(5) ; temp[1] := '0' ; Hex := temp ; end ; procedure Error ; begin writeln (^G^M) ; writeln ('Error- submit file not created.') ; halt ; end ; procedure GetCpmAddr (var BdosAddr : integer) ; {This finds the bdos memory address.} var DosAddr : integer absolute $0006 ; BiosAddr: integer absolute $0001 ; d, b : integer ; begin d := DosAddr - 6 ; b := BiosAddr - 3 ; writeln ('Your bdos memory address is ', Hex(d),'.') ; writeln ('Your bios memory address is ', Hex(b),'.') ; if (b-d) <> $0E00 then begin writeln (' Your bdos address is invalid. The bdos and bios addresses') ; writeln ('should differ by $0E00. Yours differs by ',Hex(b-d),'.') ; writeln (' Remove all memory resident programs such as RAM disks, keyboard'); writeln ('redefinition programs, etc. and try again.') ; Error ; end else BdosAddr := d ; end ; procedure ScanSysFile (var BdosFilePos, Pages : integer; var SysFileName : st14) ; {This finds the location of the bdos in the CP/M system image file.} type pseduoblock = record len : byte ; st : array [1..128] of char; end ; var f : file ; block : string [128] ; pblock : pseduoblock absolute block ; i, bdosloc : integer ; found,ok : boolean ; begin repeat write ('Enter name of CP/M system image file : ') ; readln (SysFileName) ; if SysFileName = '' then SysFileName := 'CPM.BIN' ; assign (f, SysFileName) ; {$i-} reset (f) {$i+} ; ok := (ioresult = 0) ; if not ok then writeln ('Cannot find file ',SysFileName, '. Try again.') ; until ok ; if odd(filesize(f)) then Pages := (filesize(f) div 2)+ 1 else Pages := filesize(f) div 2 ; i := 0 ; found := false ; pblock.len := 128 ; while not eof (f) and (not found) do begin i := i + 1 ; blockread (f,,1) ; if pos('Bdos',block) <> 0 then found := true ; end ; if found then begin bdosloc := i * 128; writeln ('Your bdos is located at ', Hex(bdosloc), ' in file ',SysFileName) ; BdosFilePos :=bdosloc ; end else begin writeln ('Can''t locate bdos in file ',SysFileName,'. Automatic generation ') ; writeln ('of submit file is not possible. See SUPRBDOS.DOC for instructions ') ; writeln ('on manual installation. ') ; Error ; end ; end ; procedure WriteSubFile ; {This writes the submit file} var f : text ; begin assign (F,'GO.SUB') ; rewrite (F) ; writeln (F,'Z80MR DOS.BBZ') ; writeln (F,'DDT') ; writeln (F,'I',SysFileName) ; writeln (F,'R') ; writeln (F,'F',Hex(BdosFilePos),' ',Hex(BdosFilePos-1+$0E00),' 0') ; writeln (F,'IDOS.Hex') ; writeln (F,'R',Hex(offset)) ; writeln (F,'G0') ; writeln (F,'SAVE ',Pages, ' DOS.BIN') ; writeln (F,';SUPRBDOS ready to be written onto disk. To put SUPRBDOS') ; writeln (F,'; on your disks, type SYSGEN DOS.BIN') ; close (F) ; writeln ('GO.SUB file created.') ; assign (F,'ORG.DAT') ; rewrite (F) ; writeln (F,^I,'ORG',^I,Hex(BdosAddr),'H') ; close (F) ; writeln ('ORG.DAT file created.') ; end ; begin {main} writeln ('This program creates a submit file for assembling SUPRBDOS.') ; GetCpmAddr (BdosAddr) ; writeln ; ScanSysFile(BdosFilePos, Pages,SysFileName) ; write ('Your offset is ') ; offset :=BdosFilePos-BdosAddr ; writeln (Hex(offset), '.') ; WriteSubFile ; writeln ('Type "EX GO" to continue SUPRBDOS installation. ') ; end. {main}