var cancelled : boolean; inbuffer : line; function charin(withecho: boolean):char; forward; procedure sendout(ch: char); {Character output - bypasses word-wrap; also performs "pause" and "abort" input character checks.} var temp: char; tctl: boolean; begin if not cancelled then begin if inready then begin temp := charin(noecho); if (temp = pause) or (upcase(temp) = 'S') then begin tctl := controls; controls := true; temp := charin(noecho); controls := tctl; end; if (temp = abort) or (upcase(temp) = 'C') then cancelled := true; end; xmitchar(ch); write(ch); if printon then write(lst, ch); if (ch = cr) and (lf = null) then writeln; end; end; procedure flushbuff; var outpointer: byte; begin if length(buffer) > lastspace then for outpointer := lastspace + 1 to length(buffer) do sendout(buffer[outpointer]); lastspace := length(buffer); end; procedure resetbuff; begin bufpointer := 0; lastspace := 0; charcount := 0; buffer := ''; end; procedure charout(ch:char); {Character output using word-wrap} var buffull : boolean; temp : long; begin if caps then ch := upcase(ch); if not (ch in [null..#31]) then charcount := succ(charcount); if (ch = bs) and (charcount > 0) then charcount := charcount - 1; buffer := buffer + ch; bufpointer := length(buffer); buffull := (charcount + 2 > width); if buffull then begin if (lastspace > 0) then begin buffer := copy(buffer, lastspace + 1, bufpointer - lastspace); charcount := length(buffer); lastspace := 0; end {then} else begin flushbuff; resetbuff; end; {else} sendout(cr); sendout(lf); end; {if} if ch in [] then flushbuff; if (ch=cr) then resetbuff; end; procedure stringout(message:line); var charpos: integer; begin for charpos := 1 to length(message) do charout(message[charpos]); end; procedure lineout; (* "forward" declared in MACHDEP *) begin stringout(message); charout(cr); charout(lf); end; function timedin: boolean; {returns false if no character received in within one second: used for XMODEM and input timeout.} var times: integer; begin times := 0; while (times < 500) and not inready do begin times := times + 1; delay(2); end; timedin := inready and cts; end; function charin; var ch: char; countime: integer; begin ch := null; countime := 0; repeat if timedin then ch := recvchar else countime := countime + 1; if keypressed then read(kbd, ch); if countime > 300 then hangup; if not cts then ch := cr; if (ch <> bs) and not controls then ch := chr(ord(ch) and 127); until (ch in [abort, pause, bs, tab, cr, space..#127]) or (controls and (ch <> null)); if (ch = #127) and not controls then ch := bs; if ch = #$8D then ch := cr; if withecho then begin sendout(ch); if ch = bs then begin sendout(' '); sendout(bs); end; end; charin := ch; end; procedure flush; var junk: char; begin while inready do junk := charin(noecho); clearstatus; end; function inputstring(withecho: boolean): line; var temp: line; ch: char; begin temp := ''; flush; repeat ch := charin(noecho); if (ch = bs) then begin if length(temp) > 0 then begin temp := copy(temp, 1, length(temp) - 1); if withecho then begin sendout(bs); sendout(space); sendout(bs); end; end; end else begin if (ch <> cr) and (length(temp) < 80) and ((ch in [tab, space..#126]) or controls) then begin if ch = tab then repeat temp := temp + space; if withecho then sendout(space); until (length(temp) mod 8) = 0 else begin temp := temp + ch; if withecho then sendout(ch); end; {else} end else if (ch <> cr) then sendout(bell); end; until (ch = cr); charout(cr); charout(lf); inputstring := temp; end; function getinput(prompt:line; maxlength:integer; withecho:boolean):line; var posn: integer; temp: char; begin if cancelled then begin cancelled := false; lineout(space); end; if inbuffer = '' then begin repeat cancelled := false; stringout(prompt); if bl = bell then stringout(bl); until cancelled = false; inbuffer := inputstring(withecho); end; if maxlength = 1 then begin if inbuffer = '' then temp := cr else begin temp := inbuffer[1]; inbuffer := copy(inbuffer, 2, length(inbuffer)-1); if (length(inbuffer) > 1) and (inbuffer[1] = ';') then inbuffer := copy(inbuffer, 2, length(inbuffer)-1); end; {else} getinput := temp; end else begin posn := pos(';', inbuffer); if posn = 0 then posn := length(inbuffer) + 1; if posn > maxlength then begin posn := maxlength + 1; inbuffer := copy(inbuffer, 1, maxlength); end; getinput := copy(inbuffer, 1, posn - 1); if posn >= length(inbuffer) then inbuffer := '' else inbuffer := copy(inbuffer, posn + 1, length(inbuffer) - posn); end; end; function allcaps(letters: person): person; var loop: byte; temp: person; begin temp := ''; for loop := 1 to length(letters) do temp := temp + upcase(letters[loop]); allcaps := temp; end; procedure awaitcall; var junk: char; begin setbaud(fast); writeln(cr + lf + 'Waiting for call...'); flush; repeat if keypressed then begin read(kbd, junk); local := junk = esc; if local then setlocal else exitchar := junk; end; until cts or (exitchar = abort); clrscr; if exitchar <> abort then begin if local then writeln('Local control.') else writeln('On line...'); delay(400); flush; junk := charin(noecho); if badframe or (junk <> cr) then setbaud(slow); end; end; procedure clearsc; begin stringout(cs); delay(500); {allows time for slow terminal screen clears} end; function getcap(prompt: line): char; begin getcap := upcase(getinput(prompt, 1, echo)); end; function getint(nmax, star: integer; prompt: line): integer; var temp, test: integer; outstr, userin: name; begin str(nmax:4, outstr); repeat temp := 0; userin := getinput(prompt, 4, echo); val(userin, temp, test); if (temp > nmax) then lineout('Number too large: ' + outstr + ' maximum.'); until ((test = 0) and (temp >= 0) and (temp <= nmax)) or (userin = '*') or (userin = '') or (userin = '?') or not cts; if userin = '?' then getint := -1 else if userin = '*' then getint := star else if test = 0 then getint := temp else getint := 0; end; {Real-time clock support starts here... these routines must remain, even if there's no clock! To kill clock support, simply set "clockin" in BBS.PAS to false.} type monthname = string[3]; monames = array[1..12] of monthname; const months: monames = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); function time(month, date, hour, min, sec: byte): name; {Returns 14-character string containing time and date} var temps, tempm, tempd, temph: string[2]; begin if clockin then begin str(sec:2,temps); str(min:2,tempm); str(hour:2,temph); str(date:2,tempd); if sec < 10 then temps := '0' + temps[2]; if min < 10 then tempm := '0' + tempm[2]; if date < 10 then tempd := '0' + tempd[2]; time := temph + ':' + tempm + ':' + temps + ' ' + months[month] + tempd; end else time := ''; end; procedure showtime; var message: name; begin if clockin then begin clock(month, date, hour, min, sec); message := time(month, date, hour, min, sec); lineout('Time is: ' + message); end; end; procedure calcconnect(var usehour, usemin, usesec: integer); begin clock(month, date, hour, min, sec); usemin := 0; usehour := 0; usesec := sec - onsec; if usesec < 0 then begin usesec := usesec + 60; usemin := -1; end; usemin := min - onmin + usemin; if usemin < 0 then begin usemin := usemin + 60; usehour := -1; end; usehour := hour - onhour + usehour; if usehour < 0 then usehour := usehour + 24; end; procedure connecttime; var message: name; begin if clockin then begin calcconnect(usehour, usemin, usesec); message := copy(time(1, 1, usehour, usemin, usesec), 1, 8); lineout('Connect time: ' + message); end; end; procedure searchlib(infile: name; var result, libsects: integer); {Library-file support adapted from DELIB.PAS by Bela Lubkin of Borland International.} var temp: name; dirlength, offset, firstsec, loop, chrpos: integer; begin firstsec := 0; libsects := 0; blockread(libfile, libbuff, 1); if libbuff[0] <> 0 then result := 1; loop := 1; while (result = 0) and (loop <= 11) do begin if libbuff[loop] <> 32 then result := 1; loop := loop + 1; end; result := result + libbuff[12] + libbuff[13]; if result = 0 then begin dirlength := libbuff[14] + 256*libbuff[15]; if dirlength = 0 then result := 1; end; if result = 0 then begin loop := 0; while (loop < 4*dirlength-1) and (result = 0) and (firstsec = 0) do begin loop := loop + 1; offset := 32*(loop mod 4); if offset = 0 then blockread(libfile, libbuff, 1); if libbuff[offset] <> 0 then result := 1 else begin temp := ''; for chrpos := 1 to 8 do if libbuff[offset + chrpos] <> 32 then temp := temp + chr(libbuff[offset + chrpos]); if libbuff[offset + 9] <> 32 then begin temp := temp + '.'; for chrpos := 9 to 11 do if libbuff[offset + chrpos] <> 32 then temp := temp + chr(libbuff[offset + chrpos]); end; if cts and (infile = 'DIR') then lineout(temp); if infile = temp then begin firstsec := libbuff[offset+12] + 256*libbuff[offset+13]; libsects := libbuff[offset+14] + 256*libbuff[offset+15]; seek(libfile, firstsec); end; end; end; if infile = 'DIR' then result := 0; end; end; procedure libassign(filename: longname; var result: integer); var infile: name; slash: integer; library: boolean; begin result := 0; slash := pos('/', filename); library := (slash > 0); if library then begin infile := copy(filename, slash + 1, length(filename) - slash); filename := copy(filename, 1, slash - 1); if pos('.', filename) = 0 then filename := filename + '.LBR'; end; assign(libfile, filename); {$I-} reset(libfile) {$I+}; result := IOresult; if result = 0 then if library then searchlib(infile, result, libsects) else libsects := filesize(libfile); libeof := (libsects = 0); end; procedure libblockread(var fileblock: filbuffer); begin if libsects > 0 then blockread(libfile, fileblock, 1); libsects := libsects - 1; if libsects = 0 then libeof := true; end; procedure typefile(fname: longname; nowrap: boolean); {Inline unsqueezer adapted from USQ.PAS V1.3, which was written by Scott Loftesness, adapted for Turbo Pascal by Steve Freeman and made compatible with Non-Turbo Pascal squeezers by myself.- BM} const recognize = $FF76; numvals = 257; { max tree size + 1 } speof = 256; { special end of file marker } dle: char = #$90; type tree = array [0..255,0..1] of integer; var in_ptr, result: integer; in_buff: filbuffer; dnode: tree; inchar, curin, filecksum, bpos, i, repct, numnodes: integer; c, lastchar: char; origfile: name; squeezed, eofin: boolean; function getc: integer; begin in_ptr := in_ptr + 1; if in_ptr > 127 then begin if libeof then eofin := true else begin libblockread(in_buff); in_ptr := 0; end; end; if eofin then getc := 26 else getc := in_buff[in_ptr]; end; function getw: integer; var in1,in2: integer; begin in1 := getc; in2 := getc; getw := in1 + in2 shl 8; end; procedure initialize; var str: string[14]; begin in_ptr := 127; squeezed := true; repct:=0; bpos:=99; origfile:=''; eofin:=false; i := getw; if (recognize <> i) then begin squeezed := false; in_ptr := -1; end else begin filecksum := getw; { get checksum from chars 2 - 3 of file } repeat { build original file name } inchar:=getc; if inchar <> 0 then origfile := origfile + chr(inchar); until inchar = 0; lineout('Original file: ' + origfile); numnodes:=ord(getw); { get the number of nodes in this files tree } if (numnodes<0) or (numnodes>=numvals) then begin squeezed := false; in_ptr := -1; end; end; if squeezed then begin dnode[0,0]:= -(speof+1); dnode[0,1]:= -(speof+1); numnodes:=numnodes-1; for i:=0 to numnodes do begin dnode[i,0]:=getw; dnode[i,1]:=getw; end; end; end; function getuhuff: char; var i: integer; begin i:=0; repeat bpos:=bpos+1; if bpos>7 then begin curin := getc; bpos:=0; end else curin := curin shr 1; i := ord(dnode[i,ord(curin and $0001)]); until (i<0); i := -(i+1); if i=speof then begin eofin:=true; getuhuff:=chr(26); end else getuhuff:=chr(i); end; function getcr: char; var c: char; begin if squeezed then begin if (repct>0) then begin repct:=repct-1; getcr:=lastchar; end else begin c:=getuhuff; if c<>dle then begin getcr:=c; lastchar:=c; end else begin repct:=ord(getuhuff); if repct=0 then getcr:=dle else begin repct:=repct-2; getcr:=lastchar; end; end; end; end else getcr := chr(getc); end; {getcr} begin libassign(fname, result); if result <> 0 then lineout('Can''t find ' + fname + '!') else begin initialize; while cts and not(cancelled or eofin) do begin c:=getcr; if c = #26 then eofin := true else begin if nowrap then begin if c <> #$8D then begin { <-- Allows no-wrap using WordStar files} c := chr(ord(c) and 127); if (c <> lnfd) then charout(c); if c = cr then charout(lf); end; end else sendout(c); end; end; close(libfile); end; unload; end; procedure outfile(fname: longname); begin typefile(fname, true); end; function findid(caller: person): integer; var usernum: integer; index: integer; begin usernum := 0; index := 0; lineout('Searching userlist...'); {$I-} reset(idfile) {$I+}; if IOresult <> 0 then rewrite(idfile); while (usernum = 0) and not eof(idfile) do begin index := index + 1; read(idfile, idrec); if idrec.user = caller then usernum := index; end; findid := usernum; end; procedure getcomments(maxline: integer); var comfile: file of line; linenum: integer; head, temp: line; begin str(maxline:1, temp); lineout('Enter comment: up to ' + temp + ' lines, enter empty line to quit.'); lineout(space); linenum := 0; assign(comfile, 'COMMENTS.BBS'); {$I-} reset(comfile) {$I+}; if IOresult <> 0 then rewrite(comfile); seek(comfile, filesize(comfile)); head := caller; if clockin then head := head + ' ' + timeon; repeat linenum := linenum + 1; str(linenum:2, temp); stringout(temp + ': '); temp := inputstring(echo); if temp <> '' then begin if linenum = 1 then write(comfile, head); write(comfile, temp); end; until (temp = '') or (linenum = maxline) or not cts; close(comfile); end; function nextuser: integer; var temp: integer; begin stringout('Finding space for new user: '); temp := findid('***'); if temp = 0 then nextuser := 1 + filesize(idfile) else nextuser := temp; end; procedure savedefaults; begin if usernum = 0 then usernum := nextuser; with idrec do begin user := caller; if expert then exfl := 0 else exfl := 255; if clockin then lsto := timeon; lstm := nextmess-1; pass := password; clr := cs; acc := access; bsp := bs; lnf := lf; upc := caps; wid := width; end; seek(idfile, usernum - 1); write(idfile, idrec); end; procedure disconnect; var ch: char; begin clearsc; if not expert then lineout('Answering question with other than "Y" or "N" returns to BBS:'); ch := getcap('Do you want to leave comments to the Sysop (Y/N)? '); if ch = 'Y' then getcomments(15); if (ch = 'N') or (ch = 'Y') or not cts then begin connecttime; lineout('Thanks for calling, ' + caller); savedefaults; hangup; end; end;