Greetings.... Thå  fileó  oî thió disë arå Microsofô Basiã Tooló thaô  arå useä  tï  debuç basiã programó anä preparå  theí  foò  compiling® Therå  arå fouò programó iî thå set¬  MBREM20.COM¬  MBEAUT20.COM¬ XREF20.COÍ anä SCRN-CHR.COM. MBREM20.COÍ - Á prograí tï removå REÍ statementó froí MBasiã sourcå files®  Thå prograí replaceó alì REÍ statementó witè  ('© anä  eliminateó anù texô followinç thå REÍ command®  Makeó  youò MBasic files smaller, faster running, easier to compile. MBEAUT20.COÍ  - Á prograí tï "beautify¢ MBasiã sourcå  code® Thå prograí findó certaiî keù wordó (GOTO¬  GOSUB¬  RETURN¬  END¬ etc)¬  markó theí wilì REÍ lines¬  Indentó anä nestó alì IÆ loopó anä    breakó   multiplå   statementó   intï   seperatå    lines® Indispensible for debugging. XREF20.COÍ  - Aî MBasiã sourcå codå crosó referencå utility® Listó alì referenceä variableó anä linå numbers®  Variableó  anä Linå numbeò referenceó MUSÔ bå preceedeä anä succeedeä bù blanks® Thå prograí cannoô finä variableó withouô thå requisitå blankó oî eitheò  side®  Yoõ  maù requesô á cross-referencå listinç  oò  á program source listing, or both. SCRN-CHR.COÍ  - Á  prograí  designeä tï displaù  eacè  ASCIÉ character¬  onå  aô á time¬  tï thå screen®  Thió prograí  willì allo÷  yoõ  tï customizå MBasiã sourcå codå foò  youò  terminal'ó capabilities®  Usinç thió program¬ eveî á Kayprï IÉ caî generatå limited graphics for games, etc.... ****************************** NOTICE *************************** All programs require the input file to be in ASCII format!! You may well ask, "Why compiled and not source?" I will answer with one word, "SPEED". These programs run MUCH faster than the original source versions do through the interpreter..... ****************************** NOTICE *************************** These programs are not to be sold or packaged with other programs foò salå withouô thå expresó writteî consenô oæ J® A® Gronek® Iæ yoõ werå chargeä foò theså programs¬  pleaså reporô thå specificó oæ thå transactioî tï J® A® Gronek¬ P® O® BOØ 23866¬ Phoenix¬ Az® 85063. Pleaså direct alì comments¬ buç reports¬ etc® tï må aô thå abovå address. Enjoy.... J. A. Gronek P. O. Box 23866 Phoenix, Arizona 85063