10 ' ++++++++++ REPORT GENERATOR ++++++++++ 20 ' This program will allow the operator to call up by month and by 30 ' customer, information about a prior bill. 40 ' 50 ' +++++++++ DATA FILE INFORMATION ++++++++ 60 ' The data file used is the one written each month by the billing 70 ' program. For example, November billing can be found in the file 80 ' called NOV.DAT. 100 ' 110 ' +++++++++++ PROGRAM START +++++++++++++++ 120 PRINT CHR$(26) 130 PRINT TAB(20);"TENANT HISTORY FILE" 140 PRINT STRING$(79,"-") 150 INPUT"Enter name of month the information is requested ";MONTH$ 160 MONTH$=LEFT$(MONTH$,3)+".DAT" 170 INPUT"Enter Tenant Number information is requested for ";TENANT 180 OPEN"I",1,MONTH$ 190 IF EOF(1) GOTO 230 200 INPUT#1,A,B,C,D,E,F$,G,H,I,J,H,L,M,N 210 IF B=TENANT THEN 500 220 GOTO 190 230 CLOSE 240 PRINT"Tenant not on file" 250 INPUT"Do you wish to search again (Y/N) ";ANSWER$ 260 IF LEFT$(ANSWER$,1)="Y" THEN 170 270 CLOSE:RUN"MENU" 500 CLOSE:PRINT CHR$(26) 510 PRINT "TENANT NO.---------------------> ";:PRINT USING"#####";B 520 PRINT "BILLING DATE ------------------> ";LEFT$(F$,2);"/";MID$(F$,3,2);"/";RIGHT$(F$,2) 530 PRINT "RENT---------------------------> ";:PRINT USING"####.##";J/100 535 PRINT "ELECTRIC METER-----------------> ";:PRINT USING"#####";D 540 PRINT "GAS METER----------------------> ";:PRINT USING"#####";E 550 PRINT "UTILITY CHARGES----------------> ";:PRINT USING"####.##";H 560 PRINT "OTHER CHARGES------------------> ";:PRINT USING"####.##";L 570 PRINT "BALANCE FORWARD----------------> ";:PRINT USING"####.##";N 575 TOTAL=J+H+L+N 580 PRINT "TOTAL BILLED-------------------> ";:PRINT USING"####.##";TOTAL/100 590 PRINT 600 INPUT"Do you wish to see another (Y/N)";AN$ 610 IF LEFT$(AN$,1)="N" THEN CLOSE:RUN"MENU" 620 GOTO 170