1 PRINT "From the April 1985 SKY & TELESCOPE, p. 359." 2 PRINT 3 PRINT "This program calculates the combined magnitude of two stars whose" 4 PRINT "magnitudes are individually known and includes a loop so that" 5 PRINT "additional stars may be combined." 6 PRINT 7 PRINT "INPUT: First and second star magnitudes." 8 PRINT 9 PRINT "OUTPUT: Total magnitude, count of stars combined." : PRINT 10 REM ADDING MAGNITUDES 15 REM 20 B=100^.2 : N=2 : C=LOG(10) 25 INPUT "1ST STAR MAG";M1 30 INPUT "2ND STAR MAG";M2 35 M=B^-M1+B^-M2 40 M=-2.5*LOG(M)/C 45 PRINT "TOTAL MAG: ";M 50 M1=M : N=N+1 : PRINT 55 INPUT "ANOTHER STAR (ENTER X TO END): ",M$ 60 IF M$="X" THEN 75 65 IF M$>"9" THEN 55 70 M2=VAL(M$) : GOTO 35 75 PRINT "STAR COUNT: ";N-1 80 RUN "ASTRMENU.BAS"