MLOAD25 is a transient command used to convert a "HEX" file (the output of an assembler) into an executable "COM" file. MLOAD takes a program that is in valid Intel hexadecimal format machine code and converts it into a command file that can be executed. The file becomes filename.COM (the hexadecimal file is filename.HEX). This form may be used as a replacement to the Digital Research "LOAD" command. The program may also be used to overlay portions of a "COM" file with patches assembled to a new "HEX" file. Makes configuring MEX, IMP, MDM7, etc., easy. This library contains assembler language source, executable COM file, and documentation. This version of MLOAD corrects a problem that was first reported with Z33 systems, but also shows up with a normal CP/M 2.2 system. The program overlays the first six bytes of the CCP. This may cause the system to lock up if a jump to the CCP is done before a warm boot is issued. The correction is a one instruction change. The program has been released as version 2.5, so that new users of the program will be assured of getting the latest version. March 10, 1988