ENTAB - Replace Spaces With Tabs - Version 1.6 A software tool as described by Kernigan and Plaugher which compresses spaces into appropriate tabs as per CP/M conventions. It is useful for compacting a program after a modem transfer which expands the tabs. ENTAB.COM reads an input text file and compresses spaces into appropriate TABs as the text is written to an output file. You will be prompted for a string delimiter character (either '' or " ). Any spaces within a string enclosed by the delimiter will NOT be compressed to TABs. USAGE:',CR,LF,' ENTAB [d1:]INFILE.TYP [d2:] d1: is an optional drive for the input file. INFILE.TYP is the name of the input file and will also be the name of the output file. d2: is an optional drive for the output file. Both d1 and d2 will default to the current drive. If d1 = d2 the filetype of the input file will be changed to .BAK Version 1.6 added help message. Output drive defaults to current drive rather than input drive. Modified EOFILE routine. If version 1.5 found a single space at a TAB position it would substitute a tab for the space. We now output only the space.