Index of /~pi/cpm/files/
NOTE: This list was created on Sun Oct 26 12:14:55 EST 1997
Some files may have been added or deleted since that date.
See file pub/cpm/filedocs/ for additional information.
NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII
Directory pub/cpm/asmutl/
Filename Type Length Date Description
arraylib.lbr B 2048 871026 Subroutines for array accessing
asmbly.tzt B 3200 880130 Assembly language primer for CP/M
asmhelp.lbr B 16128 850322 Assembly language primer
asmlib1.lbr B 177792 940531 Collection of routines for Z80 (cpm2 and cpm3)
asmlib2.lbr B 136960 940531 ASMLIB Manual
asmpatch.aqm B 896 850209 Upper/lower case mod - 1.4 ASM.COM
asmsubs.lbr B 4224 850209 Handy submit files - ASM
bdosequ.lib A 1423 841007 CP/M and BDOS equates
biglib.lbr B 3584 871026 Subroutines for string manipulation
buffers.lbr B 95360 870115 Assembly language buffering routines
chkif.lbr B 15872 870909 Check for balanced conditionals
clnres.lbr B 4480 871127 Cleans disassembled source files
crowecpm.lbr B 64512 861207 CROWE Z80 assembler
dlnkloc2.lbr B 52352 870703 Disk based linker and loader
entab16.lbr B 8192 880220 Replaces spaces with tabs in source
form7.lbr B 9472 850514 Formats assembler language source
freset.azm B 2048 871229 Fast reset of CP/M drives
gen180.lbr B 14464 871204 Adds HD64180 instructions to M80
h80.lzb B 4992 871024 Macros for HD64180 unique opcodes
hd64180a.lbr B 184704 940531 Embedded controllers software
hd64180b.lbr B 67584 940531 Embedded controllers software
hello.lbr B 1664 880305 COM displays 'HELLO' on screen
id2id.lbr B 25984 861228 Renames identifiers in source code
l80reset.pat A 1591 840326 Patch to L80 to remove extra disk resets
lasm-tdl.lbr B 57856 860215 TDL mnemonic Z80 macro assembler
lasm.lbr B 9088 880316 A linking CP/M 8080 assembler
lasm3.lbr B 19200 850209 A linking CP/M 8080 assembler
lc22.lbr B 1408 860427 Converts ASM files to lower case
link.mod A 781 831031 Patch to DR LINK to fix keystroke aborts
link80.dzc B 2816 870628 Help for using LINK-80
m80-l80.lbr B 9600 870718 Help for using M80/L80
m80-v344.pat A 1029 840930 Patch to make all labels public in M80
m80date.lbr B 12288 870718 Current Date/Time in M80 lists
m80str11.lbr B 8064 880216 Structured programming for M80
mac.fix A 2551 831121 Eliminates lowercase-uppercase MAC conv.
macros.tqp B 4736 860506 Macro tip
make-ds.lbr B 59136 860905 Unix Make
makefcb.aqm B 2048 850209 Make CP/M file control block
makefcb.lib A 2456 841025 Make CP/M file control block
maksrl.lbr B 8832 861129 Creates a self-relocating program
meyertut.ark B 88318 871204 CP/M 8080 assembly language tutorial
mload24.bug A 721 880216 Fix for MLOAD overlay CCP
mload25.lbr B 26112 880312 Improved LOAD.COM replacement
mloadpch.tzt B 1152 880129 Patch to MLOAD for use with XBIOS
movhex.lbr B 11648 871024 Changes load location of HEX file
mpblib.lbr B 2304 871026 Subroutines for binary arithmetic
mpdlib.lbr B 2304 871026 Subroutines for decimal arithmetic
musicbox.lbr B 22016 880402 Demo for relocating macro assembler
neat7.lbr B 6144 850514 Formats assembler language source
notate.lbr B 3200 880316 Add comments to assembler programs
page0.lbr B 1792 870420 Memory dump of page 0 in hex
pdln10.lbr B 29824 860418 Linker Loader
pload10.lbr B 19968 860506 An absolute 8080/Z80 loader
pmake2.lbr B 42240 861116 A 'make file' utility for CP/M-80
pretty23.lbr B 28800 870825 Reformat assembler language source
prolnk15.lbr B 66048 860224 Advanced linkage editor-REL/HEX file
prtval.zz0 B 1024 880118 Macro prints assembly-time values
reloc23.lbr B 54656 860506 Generates self-relocating programs
relocate.tzt B 1664 880108 Writing assembler relocatable code
rmac.mod A 1095 831031 Modification to RMAC to allow use of SYSLIB
rmacpat.aqm B 2432 850209 Patches for MAC and RMAC
shofnc10.lbr B 21888 870918 Trace BDOS calls in executed program
sload.lbr B 7936 870124 Enhanced replacement for LOAD.COM
smmaclnk.ark B 94461 871010 Small-Mac macro assembler and linker
sortsym.lbr B 2048 871015 Sorted symbol file for M80/L80
spasm201.lbr B 32000 880902 Single pass assembler
strip11.lbr B 3328 871108 Strip comments from assembly source
strlib.lbr B 2432 871026 Subroutines for string manipulation
symx23.ark B 20435 870101 Expanded symbol table for M80 assemb
tbjmpdmo.lbr B 4096 850209 Demo of alternate special character entry
tdl-tool.lbr B 68224 851201 TDL assembler/debugger/disassembler
timestmp.lbr B 9344 851201 Insert time/date in text/asm files
ucasm.lbr B 27520 880108 Assembler for 80xx micro-controllers
vrslib10.lbr B 12160 870316 Keep track of versions of programs
xizi-3.lbr B 19456 860910 Intel 8080 <--> Zilog Z80 translator
xlate5.lbr B 43392 850209 Translate 8080 to Z80 assembler for M80
xlatetst.aqm B 2048 850209 Demo of xlate5
xlt80-8.lbr B 42496 851223 Translate Z80 assembly to 8080
xlt86.lbr B 83584 850917 8080 to 8086 source code translator
xref241.lbr B 56320 850209 Cross-reference for assembler source
xref250.lbr B 32128 850209 Cross-reference for assembler source
xref27.lbr B 40704 851117 Cross-reference for assembler source
xref36.lbr B 46720 870825 Cross reference for assembler source
z1.ark B 22419 880830 Fast Z80 assembler
z80asm24.lbr B 27648 871013 Assembler for Zilog OP codes
z80mr-a.lbr B 45952 880406 Enhanced 8080/Z80 macro assembler
zas-slr.dqc B 4480 860905 Assembling syslib with ZAS and Z80ASM (SLR)
zlink14.lbr B 6400 871030 Linkage editor for ZMAC
zm.lbr B 35712 870308 Translate Z80 symbolic lang. to COM/HEX files
zm3p.lbr B 31616 870729 Assembler for Zilog source
zmac17.lbr B 14592 871030 Assembler for Zilog Mnemonics
zmaclink.lbr B 24576 860901 Z80 macro assem/linker/relocatable
zmrsym.lbr B 1536 880106 Z80MR SYM files for debugging
zsm23.lbr B 98304 910828 Z80 macro assembler