TITLE UNARC CP/M Archive File Extractor IDENT MACRO DB 'UNARC 1.6 27 Mar 87' ENDM ; (Remember to update version/date here and maintain history log below) SELF MACRO ; Self-unpacking archive file name DB 'UNARC16' ENDM COPR MACRO DB 'Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 by Robert A. Freed' ENDM .COMMENT | NOTICE: This program is the copyrighted property of its author -- it is NOT in the public domain. HOWEVER... Free use, distribution, and modification of this program is permitted (and encouraged), subject to the following conditions: (1) Such use or distribution must be for non-profit purposes only. (2) The author's copyright notice may not be altered or removed. (3) Modifications to this program may not be distributed without notification of and approval by the author. (4) The source program code may not be used, in whole or in part, in any other publicly-distributed or derivative work without similar notification and approval. No fee is requested or expected for the use and distribution of this program subject to the above conditions. The author reserves the right to modify these conditions for any future revisions of this program. Questions, comments, suggestions, commercial inquiries, and bug reports or fixes are welcomed by the author: Bob Freed 62 Miller Rd. Newton Centre, MA 02159 Telephone (617) 332-3533 | PAGE SUBTTL Modification History .COMMENT | 1.6 27 Mar 87 (RAF) - Murphy's Law strikes again: Within hours after the release of version 1.5, a bug was discovered. Incorrect CRC error messages are generated during file extraction in some situations. This was caused by failure to clear carry before a 16-bit subtract (SBC HL,DE), which we changed inadvertantly in 1.42. (So much for Beta-testing!) Such faulty error messages occur only for disk file extraction, not when the 'C' command option is used to check an archive. Furthermore, the bug occurs only when (1) a file contains an odd number of 128-byte records and (2) the BDOS returns from the last write-record call with carry set. [Note of interest: The CP/M 2.2 BDOS returns with carry set only if the output drive is different than the current default drive. This assumes, of course, that no RSX-type system extensions are in place to intercept BDOS calls: We would have caught this bug, but for such a system extension which always clears carry before returning from BDOS calls.] Our thanks to Tom Brady for reporting this one. - Zero-fills last record of .COM file. (Not needed with Z80ASM and/or SLRNK, but provided so that M80/L80 will generate identical output to that produced by the SLR Systems' tools.) 1.5 24 Mar 87 (RAF) - UNARC is now distributed as a self-unpacking archive, UNARC15.ARK. This requires: (1) the non-z80 version (UNARCA.COM) must be the FIRST file in the archive, (2) UNARCA.COM must be stored in UNPACKED form using compression version 1, (3) the header for UNARCA.COM must be preceded by the SINGLE byte, 0C3H (opcode for unconditional jump), and (4) the archive must be copied or renamed to UNARCxx.COM on the current disk drive (xx = current version, i.e. UNARC15.COM for this release). Then, the file is executed with a single optional parameter specifying the disk drive to use for extracting all files (defaults to current drive). For example, assuming UNARC15.ARK is on drive B: A>B: ; Set current drive for UNARC15.ARK B>REN UNARC15.COM=UNARC15.ARK ; Rename it to UNARC15.COM B>UNARC15 [d:] ; Extract files to current drive [or d:] - Corrects non-Z80 version emulation of the Z80 16-bit add and subtract instructions (ADC_HL and SBC_HL macros), to properly set the Z(ero) condition flag. Previously, Z reflected only the upper byte of the 16-bit result and was incorrect for non-zero results less than 256. This caused a serious bug (in the non-Z80 version, UNARCA.COM, only): Failure to output the last 1-255 bytes of an extracted file in cases where the final output buffer size was less than 256 bytes. (In particular, ALL files less than 256 bytes in length could not be extracted.) Thanks to Barry Kaufman (Multipath, Inc., P.O. Box 395, Montville, NJ 07045) for bringing this to our attention. [This tends to confirm our opinion regarding the prevalence of non-Z80 systems, since this bug has been present but unreported since the release of UNARC 1.2.] - Alters the interpretation of the USELUX definition in the UNARCOVL.ASM overlay file. USELUX = YES now restricts file typeout buffering to one page (equivalent to TYPGS = 1) instead of altering the upper TPA limit (CCPSV value). This eliminates the LUXSIZ definition (which specified the size of the LUX RSX-type resident code) and avoids the confusion introduced by recent multiple new versions of LUX from different authors. - Corrects CP/M 2.2 tab alignment for the first displayed line of file typeout after continuing from a screen pause ([more] message). - Adds explicit check for CTRL-S (suspend output) in CABORT, to handle cases where standard CP/M 2.2 BDOS misses these. (Also masks console input characters to 7 bits, in case this is not done, as it should be, by BIOS. This is an attempt to solve reports of failure to recognize CTRL-C and CTRL-S on some systems.) - Allows 0-length "crunched" files (i.e. with no code size byte). [The various MS-DOS ARC utilities differ in their handling of 0-length files. SEA's ARC generates unpacked (version 2), which we feel is esthetically best, and ARCA generates packed (version 3). But PKARC generates crunched (version 8), which was regurgitated by earlier UNARC versions due to the absence of the code size byte.] - Minor code improvements for version 1.42 changes. - Eliminates DS directives at end of file to avoid wasted space when linked with L80 (as opposed to SLRNK, which handles trailing uninitialized data intelligently). This also permits overlaying of the self-unpacking initialization code by data in the non-Z80 version. 1.42 07 Jan 87 (RAF) Interim Beta-test release: - Supports 'squashed' files (compression version 9) generated by PKARC version 2.0, as defined by Phil Katz' document file SQSHINFO.DOC, dated 12/27/86. (Katz is certainly doing his best to make life interesting for us.) Note: We've made an educated guess that Katz' handling of bypassed output codes after adaptive reset is identical to that of crunched (version 8) files. (Since there is no requirement for ARC512 compatibility here, he could have handled this in a less brain-damaged manner. However, on the basis of two very limited test examples, our assumption appears to be true.) This compression method requires a minimum TPA size of 30K (Z80) or 31K (8080) for extraction (worst case yet). - Lists total of CRC values (mod 64K), as per suggestion of Steven Greenberg. This provides a simple single checksum value for comparing files created by different archive programs. (Since the CRC is computed over the UNcompressed files, this value should be the same for all archives created from the same set of input files, independent of any particular variations in file order or compression methods.) - Adds trailing command line option 'C' to check the validity of one or more (or all, via *.*) archive members (i.e. to extract them for purposes of CRC and length checking, without storing them as disk files). This is a quick hack, in response to a suggestion by Keith Petersen. This option is currently allowed only if the wheel byte is non-zero. I.e., it is ignored in restricted RCP/M versions (although there is no reason why this could not be allowed, subject to a Sysop- definable patch byte). Also, the limited command line syntax prevents the simultaneous use of the 'N' option for non-paged typeout (i.e. screen pauses will always occur). Both of these limitations will be eliminated with addition of enhanced command line processing (including du: user area syntax) in a future release. - Disallows use of 'P' option for printing files in restricted (RCP/M) versions. (We inadvertantly failed to implement this as intended in the 1.41 release. Hopefully, the recipients of that release will honor our limited-distribution request!) Note that the statement accompanying the 1.41 release is slightly incorrect: Both 'P' and 'C' options are processed ONLY if the wheel byte is non-zero (and in the absence of an output file drive, which always causes extraction to a disk file); a zero HODRV byte does not, in itself, inhibit these. - Makes .ARK the preferred default archive filetype. I.e., first open attempt uses .ARK; second attempt tries .ARC if first is unsuccessful. - Expands help message usage examples a bit (now that 4K limit is not a concern). Note: The additions in 1.41 and 1.42 have pushed the size of the Z80 version UNARC.COM file above 4K (which means 6K or 8K disk space on most systems). Such is life (and progress): We've resisted this for a long time, but it now seems unavoidable. The UNARCOVL.ASM overlay file distributed with UNARC 1.4 remains applicable for these releases. 1.41 14 Dec 86 (RAF) Special limited-distribution release: - Adds trailing command line option 'P' to allow printing of an archive member file on CP/M list device. This is a quick hack, in response to a user request (Craig Arno, Seattle), to allow direct printing of highly-compressed binary plot images (e.g. 1+ MB files which crunch to < 5% of their original size). Accordingly, ALL data is passed to the printer in 8-bit form, with no filtering by UNARC (including ^Z). This option is allowed under the same conditions as disk extraction (non-zero HODRV and wheel byte), and the files which may be printed are subject to the filetype exclusion table for typeout. - Defers initializing listing totals until after CHECK is called. (This moved in 1.4 to accomodate LPS, without realizing it might cause a problem, albeit with an insignificant probability. LPS is now allocated in code and cleared by CHECK.) 1.4 21 Nov 86 (RAF) We had hoped NOT to release another update of this program, but to replace it entirely by three new programs with enhanced functionality (UNARK, ADIR, and ATYPE), in conjunction with the upcoming release of the CP/M archive file builder (NOAH). However, (sigh)..... Corrects bug (exhibited with .ARC's created by version 1.1 or later of Phil Katz' PKARC program for MS-DOS) which caused files to be extracted incorrectly (with output file length and CRC warnings) due to string table reset codes appearing early in crunched files (i.e. before the output code length reaches 12 bits). Thanks to Keith Petersen for identifying and notifying us of this problem. And, while we're at it..... Adds paging of all displayed output, controlled by non-zero patch byte specifying screen lines between pauses (TYLPS, default value = 23). This is essentially the feature added by 'Larry Smith' (see version 1.3 below), but we've been able to do it (with enhancements) and still keep the (Z80 version) .COM file below 4K (just!). Causes '[more]' message to appear at bottom of screen. Space bar scrolls one more line, ^C aborts, anything else scrolls one more screenful. (LINE FEED may be used to avoid overprinting the '[more]' line.) May be defeated for continuous typeout by trailing 'N' (after a blank) on command line. Also: - If archive filetype omitted, and the default .ARC filetype not found, tries .ARK as an alternate default. (Anticipates NOAH, and compatible with Irv Hoff's KMD22.) - Incorporates option to bypass BDOS function 31 call (Get DPB Address), for non-std CP/M clones such as Cromemco CDOS and CP/M-68K emulator for 8080 CP/M 2.2. (Eliminates UNARC12 patch notice, UNARC-P1.NOT.) - Allows program name to be patched (at start of USAGE message). Affects all help screen references and abort message. (E.g., RCP/M sysops may prefer 'ADIR' to 'UNARC'.) - Corrects count of bytes skipped due to invalid header when processing 'self-unpacking' archives with more than 3 preliminary bytes. - Enhances recovery processing for invalid archive headers, and merges 'invalid format' and 'unexpected eof' errors. This change tends to cause display of a garbage directory entry (before abort) for non-ARC files, but it does allow processing of certain new self-unpacking archives, such as Phil Katz' PKX32A11.COM. - Changes the replacement for an invalid filename char from '_' to '$' (since underline is not allowed as a filename char by CP/M CCP, and '$' usually carries a 'temporary' significance in CP/M). - Reduces directory listing width by one column (78 now), to allow one more char without extra blank line on terminals which autowrap after column 80 (e.g. allows leading semicolon generated by MDM7 and IMP during disk file capture of terminal output). - Adds a few bells to warning and fatal messages, along with a patch byte to disable these (for those who prefer solitude). - Allows ^K in addition to ^C for program abort requests. (For certain ancient RCP/M systems which never pass ^C back to user programs.) - Adds .ARK and .?Z? (CP/M CRUNCH or MS-DOS ZOO 'Z format' files) to list of excluded typeout extensions, and eliminates .CMD (since that might be a readable dBASE command file instead of CP/M-86 binary). - Simplifies the Z80 CPU check and removes the 'Z80 Version' message in the help display, to save a few bytes in that version. (Alternate version, UNARCA.COM, now displays '8080 Version'.) - Adds 8080 version message recommending Z80 version, when run on a Z80. 1.3 --none-- (RAF) This version bypassed due to appearance of several unauthorized updates with the name UNARC13 (and not because of superstition). Most notably, these include Steve Sanders' unnecessary addition of ^S and ^C checking during file typeout (because TurboDOS does not properly emulate CP/M's handling of these in BDOS function 2 calls), and the addition of paged typeout by 'Larry Smith' (whoever he is; a worthwhile enhancement, but the release was deficient in several other respects). WHY CAN'T THESE 'CONTRIBUTORS' SIMPLY CONTACT THE AUTHOR BEFORE RELEASING THEIR CHANGES TO THE PUBLIC?! 1.2 24 Jun 86 (RAF) Modified to allow assembly of a version which will execute on 8080/8085 CPU's. (We resisted this initially but have been made to realize that this is necessary to achieve true acceptance of UNARC by the full CP/M user community. Non-Z80 users, particularly RCP/M sysops, still exert considerable influence in the world of public domain software. This, we believe, is out of proportion to their numbers, since almost all CP/M systems sold in the last five years are Z80-based. Nevertheless, we've accommodated the needs of these users by extensive use of macros which serve to emulate Z80 instructions on non-Z80 machines.) However, no attempt has been made to optimize for either size or speed in the non-Z80 version (which is 1K larger and 50% or more slower than its Z80-only counterpart). Also: - Implements a "wheel" byte to simplify use and installation on RCP/M's. - Lines up file types in directory listing. - Permits processing of "self-unpacking" archives such as the MS-DOS ARC51.COM file (anticipates a future scheme for distributing UNARC). - Attempts to recover from bad archive headers by skipping extra bytes. - Eliminates archaic "T:" syntax completely for file typeout. 1.1 24 May 86 (RAF) Minor change to allow file typeout without the "T:" syntax (which didn't work with almost ANY CCP replacement)... File will be typed if it: (1) has no disk drive name, (2) is a single (UNambiguous) file, and (3) is not an excluded filetype. (Else, file will simply be listed with no error message.) This change was suggested by Irv Hoff's mod to UNARC10, which he called ADIR. (Previous "T:" method can still be enabled, but it is now undocumented since we will probably drop it altogether in future.) Also shortened on-line help message, so that COM file size is now reduced to 4K. (For RCP/M systems, if HODRV = 0 and/or TYFLG = 0, the help information relating to disk extraction and/or file typeout, respectively, is automatically removed.) 1.0 03 May 86 (RAF) First public release. Supports file formats generated by all versions of MS-DOS ARC through (at least) version 5.12 dated February 7, 1986. 0.0 01 Mar 86 (RAF) I undertook writing this program to satisfy my curiosity about software developments in the MS-DOS/PC-DOS world. The ARC "freeware" program (copyright by System Enhancement Associates) has been around for over a year now and has achieved enormous popularity in the 16-bit community. Unfortunately, the lack of a compatible equivalent for CP/M systems renders a large amount of public domain software inaccessible to 8-bit users such as myself. (Note that 16-bit software can indeed be usable on 8-bit systems, e.g. Pascal and C language programs.) Also, an increasing number of RCP/M systems are catering to both 8-bit and 16-bit users, and it is my hope that UNARC may find a welcome home on such systems. Note that I was not (initially) a fan of the sequential .ARC file format, which is less flexible and slower to process (though certainly more compact) than the random-access format which Novosielski .LBR libraries have provided for years. Therefore, I stopped short of producing a complete ARC program equivalent which includes creation of .ARC files. The LZW "crunching" algorithm is impressive though (see my editorial comments preceeding the UCR routine), and I now believe there is a place for .ARC files in the CP/M world (particularly on RCP/M's, where the name of the game is reducing upload/download time). But that's the domain of another program (i.e. my next project: NARC). - Bob Freed Credits: Primary credit is due to System Enhancement Associates' ARC author Thom Henderson for his fine utility program (even if it's not for CP/M). Of course without ARC, UNARC would have no reason to exist. But special thanks are due SEA for making publicly available the C language source code, without which we could never have begun. | PAGE SUBTTL Z80/8080 Version Definitions .Z80 ; Sorry, if you're an Intel fan .COMMENT | This source program uses Zilog mnemonics (author's preference) and may be assembled with the M80 ((C) Microsoft) or Z80ASM ((C) SLR Systems) macro assemblers. (Relocatable code features have been avoided, so conversion to other assembler formats should be straightforward but may require manual expansion of the macros defined here.) The following macro definitions enable conditional assembly of a version which will execute on 8080/8085 CPU's. Our intent is to provide a non-Z80 version without imposing a limitation on any Z80-specific capabilities in the source. (I.e., in specific cases the chosen emulation of Z80 opcodes does not necessarily produce the optimal 8080/8085 implementation, in terms of either size or speed. This approach allows us to offer a non-Z80 version without worrying too much about its efficiency.) | NO EQU 0 YES EQU NOT NO ; For Z80ASM only, the following may be left undefined to allow ; interactive definition at assembly time. For M80 (which does not ; support the .ACCEPT directive), the leading semicolon must be removed ; in order to generate the non-Z80 version. ;Z80 EQU NO ; YES for Z80 version, NO for 8080/8085 IFNDEF Z80 ; If not defined above (and pass 1), N EQU NO ; (Allows short Y EQU YES ; responses) .ACCEPT Z80 ; Ask user for definition (Z80ASM only) IFNDEF Z80 ; If still not defined (must be M80), Z80 EQU YES ; Generate the Z80 version ENDIF ENDIF PAGE IF Z80 ; Macros for Z80 version (to simplify our effort for the 8080 version) EX_AF MACRO EX AF,AF' ENDM LD_DE MACRO AA LD DE,AA ENDM STO_DE MACRO AA LD (AA),DE ENDM STO_BC MACRO AA LD (AA),BC ENDM ADC_HL MACRO AA ADC HL,AA ENDM SBC_HL MACRO AA SBC HL,AA ENDM LD_IX MACRO AA LD IX,AA ENDM STO_IX MACRO AA LD (AA),IX ENDM PUSH_IX MACRO PUSH IX ENDM POP_IX MACRO POP IX ENDM INC_IX MACRO INC IX ENDM ADD_IX MACRO AA ADD IX,AA ENDM LD_A_IX MACRO LD A,(IX) ENDM ENDIF ; Z80 IF NOT Z80 ; Macros for 8080 version (to emulate Z80-only opcodes) ; Note: Many of these emulations of Z80 instructions do not correctly ; implement the setting of the condition flags (e.g. DJNZ should not ; alter the Z flag). In all such cases, we have been careful to ensure ; that an exact emulation is not required anywhere in the code, but ; extreme vigilance is needed when making future program changes. ; (Exact emulation is always possible if necessary, so avoid trying to ; code around the differences: Our goal should be to always produce the ; best possible Z80 version!) JR MACRO AA,BB IF NUL BB JP AA ELSE JP AA,BB ENDIF ENDM DJNZ MACRO AA ; Destroys SF, ZF DEC B JP NZ,AA ENDM EX_AF MACRO PUSH HL PUSH AF LD HL,(AFSAV) EX (SP),HL LD (AFSAV),HL POP AF POP HL ENDM EXX MACRO ; Long enough to warrant subroutine CALL EXX ENDM LD_DE MACRO AA EX DE,HL LD HL,AA EX DE,HL ENDM STO_DE MACRO AA EX DE,HL LD (AA),HL EX DE,HL ENDM STO_BC MACRO AA PUSH HL LD H,B LD L,C LD (AA),HL POP HL ENDM ADC_HL MACRO AA ADSBHL AA,ADC ENDM SBC_HL MACRO AA ADSBHL AA,SBC ENDM ADSBHL MACRO AA,BB PUSH AF LD A,L CC DEFL NO IRPC DD,AA IF CC BB A,DD ENDIF CC DEFL YES ENDM LD L,A LD A,H IRPC DD,AA BB A,DD EXITM ENDM LD H,A JP NZ,$+5 ;; Test both bytes for zero, INC L ;; without disturbing carry DEC L ;; (added in UNARC 1.5) EX (SP),HL LD A,H POP HL ENDM LD_IX MACRO AA PUSH HL LD HL,AA LD (IXSAV),HL POP HL ENDM STO_IX MACRO AA PUSH HL LD HL,(IXSAV) LD (AA),HL POP HL ENDM PUSH_IX MACRO PUSH HL LD HL,(IXSAV) EX (SP),HL ENDM POP_IX MACRO EX (SP),HL LD (IXSAV),HL POP HL ENDM INC_IX MACRO PUSH HL LD HL,(IXSAV) INC HL LD (IXSAV),HL POP HL ENDM ADD_IX MACRO AA PUSH HL LD HL,(IXSAV) IFIDN , ADD HL,HL ELSE ADD HL,AA ENDIF LD (IXSAV),HL POP HL ENDM LD_A_IX MACRO PUSH HL LD HL,(IXSAV) LD A,(HL) POP HL ENDM LDI MACRO ; Does not handle P/V PUSH AF LD A,(HL) LD (DE),A INC HL INC DE DEC BC POP AF ENDM LDIR MACRO ; Destroys CF CALL LDIR ENDM CPIR MACRO ; Destroys CF, does not handle P/V CALL CPIR ENDM RLD MACRO ; Not a true RLD, but suffices for us LD A,(HL) RLCA RLCA RLCA RLCA ENDM SRL MACRO AA OR A SHIFT AA,RRA ENDM SRA MACRO AA SHIFT AA, ENDM RR MACRO AA SHIFT AA,RRA ENDM RRC MACRO AA SHIFT AA,RRCA ENDM SHIFT MACRO AA,BB IFDIF , PUSH AF LD A,AA ENDIF IRP CC, CC ENDM INC A ;; Set flags without DEC A ;; changing carry IFDIF , LD AA,A EX (SP),HL LD A,H POP HL ENDIF ENDM BIT MACRO AA,BB ; Destroys CF, SF PUSH AF IFDIF , LD A,BB ENDIF AND 1 SHL AA BITMSK DEFL $-1 ;; For squashed files (c.f. STRADD) EX (SP),HL LD A,H POP HL ENDM SET MACRO AA,BB SETRES AA,BB,OR ENDM RES MACRO AA,BB SETRES AA,BB, ENDM SETRES MACRO AA,BB,CC ; Destroys flags if register A IFDIF , PUSH AF LD A,BB ENDIF CC (1 SHL AA) IFDIF , LD BB,A POP AF ENDIF ENDM ENDIF ; NOT Z80 PAGE SUBTTL Definitions ; ARC file parameters ARCMARK EQU 26 ; Archive header marker byte ; Note: The following three definitions should not be changed lightly. ; These are hard-wired into the code at numerous places! ARCVER EQU 9 ; Max. header vers. supported for output CRBITS EQU 12 ; Max. bits in crunched file input codes CQBITS EQU 13 ; Max. bits in squashed file input codes ; CP/M system equates BOOT EQU 0000H ; Base of system page / warm boot return BDOS EQU BOOT+005H ; BDOS entry MEMTOP EQU BDOS+1 ; Contains base of BDOS / top of TPA DFCB EQU BOOT+05CH ; Command line tail default FCB SFCB EQU BOOT+06CH ; Command line tail secondary FCB DBUF EQU BOOT+080H ; Default DMA buffer TBASE EQU BOOT+100H ; Base of TPA ; BDOS function codes $CONIN EQU 1 ; Console input $CONOUT EQU 2 ; Console output $LIST EQU 5 ; Listing output $PRTSTR EQU 9 ; Print (console) string $CONST EQU 11 ; Get console status $VERSN EQU 12 ; Get CP/M version no. $SELECT EQU 14 ; Select disk $OPEN EQU 15 ; Open file $CLOSE EQU 16 ; Close file $FIND EQU 17 ; Find file $DELETE EQU 19 ; Delete file $READ EQU 20 ; Read sequential record $WRITE EQU 21 ; Write sequential record $MAKE EQU 22 ; Make file $DISK EQU 25 ; Get current disk $SETDMA EQU 26 ; Set DMA address $GETDPB EQU 31 ; Get disk parameter block address $READR EQU 33 ; Read random record $RECORD EQU 36 ; Set random record no. ; FCB offsets @DR EQU 0 ; Drive code @FN EQU 1 ; File name @FT EQU 9 ; File type @CR EQU 32 ; Current record @RN EQU 33 ; Random record no. (optional) @FCBSZ EQU 33 ; FCB size for sequential I/O @FCBSX EQU @FCBSZ+3 ; Extended FCB size for random I/O PAGE ; ASCII control codes CTLC EQU 'C'-'@' ; Control-C (console abort) CTLK EQU 'K'-'@' ; Control-K (alternate abort) BEL EQU 'G'-'@' ; Bell HT EQU 'I'-'@' ; Horizontal tab LF EQU 'J'-'@' ; Line feed CR EQU 'M'-'@' ; Carriage return CTLS EQU 'S'-'@' ; Control-S (suspend output) CTLZ EQU 'Z'-'@' ; Control-Z (CP/M end-of-file) DEL EQU 7FH ; Delete/rubout REP EQU 'P'-'@'+80H ; Repeated byte flag (DLE with msb set) PAGE SUBTTL Patchable Options ; Useful options here at start of file to simplify patching ASEG ; This simplifies page alignment at end ORG TBASE ; .COM file starts here JP BEGIN ; Skip over this stuff on program entry ; The default values of all of these options are suitable for standard ; CP/M 2.2 systems. In each case an alternate setting is illustrated, ; but these are primarily of interest to RCP/M sysops or users with ; non-standard (or very small) systems. Options followed by ";*" are ; automatically affected by the wheel byte setting (see below). CCPSV: DB 8 ; No. high memory pages to save (8 = 2K) ;CCPSV: DB 0 ; This to clobber CCP and force reboot ;BLKSZ: DB 1 ; Default disk allocation block size (K) BLKSZ: DB 0 ;*This to use default drive's block size ; for listing, when no output drive HIDRV: DB 'P'-'@' ; Highest input file drive (A=1,B=2,...) ;HIDRV: DB 0 ; This restricts input to default drive HODRV: DB 'P'-'@' ;*Highest output file drive no. ;HODRV: DB 0 ; RCP/M's use this for no disk output ; (if no wheel byte implemented) ; Note: As of UNARC 1.2, the following byte serves only as a flag. ; I.e., it no longer defines a pseudo typeout "drive". TYFLG: DB 0FFH ; This enables single file typeout ;TYFLG: DB 0 ;*RCP/M's use this for no file typeout TYPGS: DB 0 ;*No. buffer pages for typeout (0=max) ;TYPGS: DB 1 ; This minimizes viewing waits, but may ; cause excess floppy motor stop/start TYLIM: DB 0 ; No line limit for file typeout ;TYLIM: DB 80 ;*RCP/M's may prefer non-zero line limit ; Following added in UNARC 1.2 to simplify use by RCP/M sysops. If byte ; addressed by WHEEL is zero, no file output allowed (as if HODRV = 0). ; Also BLKSZ and/or TYPGS are assumed = 1, if these are zero by default. ; If byte addressed by WHEEL is non-zero (indicates a privileged user), ; TYFLG and TYLIM are not enforced (unlimited typeout allowed). The ; default wheel byte address defined here (HODRV) provides compatibility ; with previous releases of UNARC for systems which do not implement a ; wheel byte. (ZCPR3 users should set this word to the address of their ; Z3WHL byte, as determined by running SHOW.COM.) WHEEL: DW HODRV ; Address of "wheel" byte (this if none) ;WHEEL: DW BOOT+03EH ; E.g. if wheel byte stored in base page PAGE ; Following added in UNARC 1.4: TYLPS: DB 23 ; No. lines between typeout pauses ;TYLPS: DB 0 ; Forces continuous typeout always DBLSZ: DB 0 ; Use DPB for disk allocation block size ;DBLSZ: DB 1 ; Assumed block size (K) if BDOS 31 call ; not supported (e.g. CP/M-68K) BELLS: DB 0FFH ; Allow bells in warning/error messages ;BELLS: DB 0 ; This for solitude ; Table of file types which are disallowed for typeout NOTYP: DB 'COM' ; CP/M-80 or MS-DOS binary object DB 'CM','D'+80H ; CP/M-86 binary object (or dBASE file) DB 'EXE' ; MS-DOS executable DB 'OBJ' ; Renamed COM DB 'OV?' ; Binary overlay DB 'REL' ; Relocatable object DB '?RL' ; Other relocatables (PRL, CRL, etc.) DB 'INT' ; Intermediate compiler code DB 'SYS' ; System file DB 'BAD' ; Bad disk block DB 'LBR' ; Library DB 'ARC' ; Archive (unlikely in an ARC) DB 'ARK' ; Alternate archive (ditto) DB '?Q?' ; Any SQueezed file (ditto) DB '?Z?' ; Any CRUNCHed (or ZOO'd) file (ditto) ; Note: Additional types may be added below. To remove one of the above ; types without replacing it, simply set the msb in any byte (as ; shown above for .CMD, since that can be a readable dBASE command ; file). REPT 5 ; Room for more types (20 total) DB 0,0,0 ENDM DB 0 ; End of table PAGE SUBTTL Program Usage ; Following displays if no command line parameters ; (Also on attempts to type the .COM file) ; Note: All program name output is obtained from the first chars of the ; usage message below (up to and including the first blank), and ; is generated by a byte value 1 in any typeout string. USAGE: IDENT ; Program version identification first DB CR,LF DB 'CP/M Archive File Extractor' IF NOT Z80 USEA: DB ' (8080 Version)' ENDIF DB CR,LF,LF,'Usage: ',1,'[d:]arcfile[.typ] ' USE1: DB '[d:]' USE1L EQU $-USE1 ; Above cleared if HODRV=0 or non-wheel DB '[afn] [N' USE4: DB '|P|C' USE4L EQU $-USE4 ; Above cleared if non-wheel DB ']',CR,LF,LF DB 'Examples:',CR,LF DB 'B>',1,'A:SAVE.ARK *.* ' DB '; List all files in CP/M archive SAVE on drive A',CR,LF DB 'B>',1,'A:SAVE.ARC *.* ' DB '; List all files in MS-DOS archive SAVE on drive A',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE ' DB '; Same as either of above',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE *.* N ' DB '; Same as above (no screen pauses)',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE *.DOC ' DB '; List just .DOC files',CR,LF USE2: DB 'A>',1,'SAVE READ.ME ' DB '; Typeout the file READ.ME',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE READ.ME N ' DB '; Typeout the file READ.ME (no screen pauses)',CR,LF USE2L EQU $-USE2 ; Above cleared if TYFLG=0 and non-wheel USE3: DB 'A>',1,'SAVE A: ' DB '; Extract all files to drive A',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE B:*.DOC ' DB '; Extract .DOC files to drive B',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE C:READ.ME ' DB '; Extract file READ.ME to drive C',CR,LF USE3L EQU $-USE3 ; Above cleared if HODRV=0 or non-wheel USE5: DB 'A>',1,'SAVE PRN.DAT P ' DB '; Print the file PRN.DAT (no formatting)',CR,LF DB 'A>',1,'SAVE *.* C ' DB '; Check validity of all files in archive' USEC: DB CR,LF USE5L EQU $-USE5 ; Above cleared if non-wheel DB LF COPR ; Copyright notice last ; (We'd like to be unobtrusive, but please don't remove or patch out) USEB: DB 0 ; End of message marker DB CTLZ ; Stop attempted .COM file typeout here PAGE SUBTTL Beginnings and Endings IF NOT Z80 ; Special entry for self-unpacking archive (non-Z80 version only) ; Note: This works because the initial file (UNARCA.COM) in a self- ; unpacking archive is offset 26 bytes in memory (due to the ; initial JP opcode plus 25-byte version 1 header). I.e., the ; first three bytes of such a file are 0C3H, 1AH, 01H = JP 11AH. ; Location 11AH contains the instruction normally found at the ; base address (100H) of UNARCA.COM, i.e. JP BEGIN. But because ; of the offset, that will jump here instead of to BEGIN. JP SELFUP ; Go setup for self-unpacking REPT 5 ; Pad out for 26-byte offset... DB 0,0,0,0 ENDM JP BOOT ; (Should never reach this!) ENDIF ; Program begins ; Note: The program is self-initializing. Once loaded, it may be ; re-executed multiple times (e.g. by a zero-length COM file, ; or the ZCPR GO command). BEGIN: ;;; XOR A ; \ This sets Z80 P/V = 0 (no overflow), ;;; DEC A ; / or 8080/8085 P/V = 1 (even parity) SUB A ; (More elegant, saves a byte: v1.4) LD C,$PRTSTR ; Setup to print message by BDOS IF Z80 LD DE,NOTZ80 ; Must be a Z80, or forget all else JP PE,BDOS ; If not, just print message and abort LD (SPSAV),SP ; Save CCP stack (better be a Z80 now!) ELSE LD DE,USEZ80 ; Should be an 8080/8085 CALL PO,BDOS ; If not, tell user about Z80 version BEGIN1: LD HL,0 ; Entry after self-unpacking relocation ADD HL,SP ; Save CCP stack (8080 or Z80) LD (SPSAV),HL ENDIF CALL CHECK ; Check if we can proceed LD SP,STACK ; Now setup local stack LD HL,TOTS ; Zero all listing totals LD BC,TOTC*256+0 CALL FILL CALL INIT ; Process command line, open ARC file CALL OUTSET ; Check output drive, setup for output ; Find first archive header ; Note: As of UNARC 1.2, up to three additional bytes are tolerated ; before first header mark, with no error or warning messages ; (for "self-unpacking" archives). LD HL,3 ; Assume will skip at least 3 bytes LD B,L ; Setup count of allowed extra bytes FIRST: CALL GET ; Get next byte CP ARCMARK ; Is it header marker? JR Z,NEXT ; Yes, skip DJNZ FIRST ; Else loop for no. allowed extras PAGE ; File processing loop LOOP: CALL GET ; Get next byte CP ARCMARK ; Is it archive header marker? JR NZ,BAD ; No, it's a bad header ; Process next file NEXT: CALL GET ; Get header version OR A ; If zero, that's logical end of file, JR Z,DONE ; and we're done NEXT1: CALL GETHDR ; Read archive header CALL GETNAM ; Does file name match test pattern? JR NZ,SKIP ; No, skip this file CALL LIST ; List file info CALL OUTPUT ; Output the file (possibly) CALL TAMBIG ; Ambiguous output file selection? JR NZ,EXIT ; No, quit early ; Skip to next file SKIP: LD HL,SIZE ; Get two-word remaining file size CALL LGET ; (will be 0 if output was completed) CALL SEEK ; Seek past it LD HL,0 ; Reinit count of bytes skipped JR LOOP ; Loop for next file ; Done with all files DONE: LD HL,(TFILES) ; Get no. files processed LD A,H OR A JR NZ,DONE1 ; Skip if many OR L ; No files found? LD DE,NOFILS ; Yes, setup error message JR Z,PABORT ; and abort DEC A ; Test if just one file DONE1: CALL NZ,LISTT ; If more than one, list totals ; Exit program EXIT: CALL ICLOSE ; Close input and output files (if open) LD A,(CCPSV) ; Possibly overlaid CCP? OR A JP Z,BOOT ; Yes, reboot CP/M LD SP,0 ; Restore CCP stack SPSAV EQU $-2 ; (Original stack ptr saved here) RET ; Return to CCP PAGE ; Bad archive file header ; Note: This added in UNARC 1.2 (mostly compatible with MS-DOS ARC ; 5.12) and modified somewhat in UNARC 1.4. It's a bit kludgy ; now, but it does permit processing of Phil Katz' self-unpacking ; archive, PKX32A11.COM (with a warning message), as well as ; SEA's ARC51.COM (with no warning). (Although success with ; PKX32A11 hinges on the fact that no ARCMARK's are followed ; by valid non-zero versions in that file, which is probably ; coincidental.) BAD: CALL BADCNT ; Count bad header byte CALL GET ; Read byte (unless end of file abort) BAD1: CP ARCMARK ; Found a header marker? JR NZ,BAD ; No, repeat attempt to re-synchronize CALL GET ; Ok, found another (possible) header PUSH AF ; Save header version DEC A ; But ignore archive eof here CP ARCVER ; Is it a valid version? JR NC,BAD2 ; No, skip EX DE,HL ; Get count of bytes skipped LD HL,HDRSKP ; Store in message LD BC,0 CALL WTOD LD (HL),0 LD DE,HDRERR ; Print warning message CALL PRINTX POP AF ; Recover version JR NEXT1 ; Go process (assumed valid) next file BAD2: CALL BADCNT ; Count bad header byte (1st of 2 seen) POP AF ; Restore vesion JR BAD1 ; Go check if 2 consecutive header marks PAGE ; Preliminary checks ; Note: Following is called before local stack is setup. Primary ; caution here is that PRINT (called by PABORT and PEXIT) uses no ; more than 5 stack levels. (Assumes program called from CCP with ; 7 stack levels available, and that at most one of these must be ; reserved for interrupts.) CHECK: XOR A ; Clear flags in case early abort: LD (IFLAG),A ; Input file open flag LD (OFLAG),A ; Output file open flag LD (LPS),A ; Prevent any screen pauses yet LD C,$VERSN ; Must be CP/M 2.0 or above, since we CALL BDOS ; use random disk reads CP 20H LD DE,CPMERR ; (With a bit of work, this limitation JR C,EABORT ; could be eliminated in future) LD A,(MEMTOP+1) ; Get base page of BDOS LD HL,CCPSV ; Subtract no. pages reserved for CCP SUB (HL) ; (if any) LD (HIPAGE),A ; Save highest usable page (+1) LD A,HIGH MINMEM ; Ensure enough memory to do anything ; Check for enough memory CKMEM: CP 0 ; Page address to check in A HIPAGE EQU $-1 ; Must be lower than this RET C ; Return if ok LD DE,NOROOM ; Else, abort due to no room ; Early abort during preliminary checks EABORT: POP HL ; Reclaim stack level for extra safety ; Print error message and abort PABORT: CALL PRINT ; Abort program ABORT: LD DE,ABOMSG ; Print general abort message ; Print message and exit ; Note: We call PRINT+CRLF, instead of PRINTX, to save a stack level PEXIT: CALL PRINT CALL CRLF JR EXIT PAGE ; Validate command line parameters and open input file INIT: LD HL,DBUF ; Point to command line buffer LD E,(HL) ; Fetch its length LD D,0 ADD HL,DE ; Point to the last byte DEC HL ; Point to second-to-last char LD A,(HL) ; Is it a blank? CP ' ' JR NZ,INIT1 ; No, skip (no option) INC HL ; Point to option letter LD A,(HL) ; Is it 'N' ? CP 'N' JR Z,INIT2 ; Yes, skip (no paging) CP 'P' ; Is it 'P' ? JR NZ,INIT0 LD (PROUTF),A ; Yes, set printer output flag INIT0: CP 'C' ; Is it 'C' ? JR NZ,INIT1 ; No, go enstate paging limit LD (CHECKF),A ; Yes, set check archive flag INIT1: LD A,(TYLPS) ; Fetch default lines between pauses LD (LPS),A ; Set lines per screen (enables pauses) LD (LPSCT),A ; Init count of lines until next pause INIT2: LD A,' ' ; Setup blank for (several) tests LD HL,SFCB ; Point to second parameter FCB LD DE,OFCB ; Point to file output FCB LDI ; Save output drive, point to file name LD DE,TNAME ; Set to save test pattern LD BC,11 ; Setup count for file name and type CP (HL) ; Output file name specified? JR NZ,INIT3 ; Yes, go move it LD H,D ; No, default to "*.*" LD L,E LD (HL),'?' ; (I.e. all "?" chars) INC DE DEC BC INIT3: LDIR ; Save test name pattern LD HL,IFCB+@FT ; Point to ARC file type CP (HL) ; Omitted? JR NZ,INIT4 ; Skip if not LD (HL),'A' ; Yes, set default file type (.ARK) INC HL LD (HL),'R' INC HL LD (HL),'K' LD (ARKFLG),A ; Set flag for alternate (.ARC) next INIT4: LD HL,IFCB+@FN ; Any ARC file name? CP (HL) JR Z,HELP ; No, go show on-line help PUSH HL ; Save name ptr for message generation CALL FAMBIG ; Ambiguous ARC file name? LD DE,NAMERR ; Yes, report error INIT5: JR Z,PABORT ; and abort POP DE ; Recover ptr to FCB name LD HL,ARCNAM ; Unparse name for message LD C,' ' ; (with no blanks) CALL LNAME XOR A ; Cleanup end of message string LD (HL),A DEC A ; Set to read a new record next LD (GETPTR),A ; (initializes GET) LD HL,IFCB ; Point to ARC file FCB LD A,(HIDRV) ; Get highest allowed drive no. CP (HL) ; Is ARC file drive in range? LD DE,BADIDR ; No, report bad input drive JP C,PABORT ; and abort ; Open archive file EX DE,HL ; Recover FCB address LD C,$OPEN ; Open ARC file CALL FDOS ; File found? JR NZ,INIT6 ; Yes, skip LD HL,ARKFLG ; No, but can we retry with alternate OR (HL) ; default file type? LD DE,OPNERR ; No, report error JR Z,INIT5 ; and abort (via branch aid) LD (HL),0 ; Clear retry flag for next time LD HL,IFCB+@FT+2 ; Point to last char of file type LD (HL),'C' ; Change from .ARK to .ARC JR INIT4 ; Go attempt open one more time INIT6: LD (IFLAG),A ; Set input file open flag LD DE,ARCMSG ; Show ARC file name CALL PRINTX LD A,(BLKSZ) ; Get default disk block size OR A ; Explicit default? CALL Z,WHLCK ; Or non-wheel if none? (i.e. forces 1K) JR NZ,SAVBLS ; Yes, skip ; Get current disk's allocation block size for listing GETBLS: LD A,(DBLSZ) ; Any default disk block size? OR A ; (e.g. if $GETDPB not supported) JR NZ,SAVBLS ; Yes, bypass the $GETDPB call LD C,$GETDPB ; Get DPB address CALL BDOS INC HL ; Point to block mask INC HL INC HL LD A,(HL) ; Fetch block mask INC A ; Compute block size / 1K bytes RRCA RRCA RRCA SAVBLS: LD (LBLKSZ),A ; Save block size for listing RET ; Return ; Display program usage help message HELP: CALL WHLCK ; Check wheel byte PUSH AF ; Save it DEC A ; Privileged user? JR Z,HELP1 ; No, skip (extraction never allowed) LD A,(HODRV) ; File extraction allowed? OR A HELP1: LD HL,USE1 ; Setup to clear out usage examples LD BC,256*USE1L+80H CALL Z,FILL ; Do it if not allowed LD HL,USE3 LD B,USE3L CALL Z,FILL ; (Two places) POP AF ; Was wheel byte set? JR Z,HELP2 ; Yes, skip (typeout etc always allowed) LD HL,USE4 ; Clear out print/check option examples LD B,USE4L CALL FILL LD HL,USE5 ; (Two places) LD B,USE5L CALL FILL LD A,(TYFLG) ; File typeout allowed? OR A LD HL,USE2 LD B,USE2L CALL Z,FILL ; No, clear out usage example HELP2: LD DE,USAGE ; Just print usage message JP PEXIT ; and exit ; Check wheel byte WHLCK: PUSH HL ; Save register LD HL,(WHEEL) ; Get wheel byte address LD A,(HL) ; Fetch wheel byte POP HL ; Restore reg OR A ; Check wheel byte JR NZ,WHLCK1 INC A ; If zero, user is not privileged RET ; Return A=1 (NZ) WHLCK1: XOR A ; If non-zero, he's a big wheel RET ; Return A=0 (Z) PAGE ; Close input and output files (called at program exit) ICLOSE: LD DE,IFCB ; Setup ARC file FCB LD A,0 ; Get input open flag IFLAG EQU $-1 ; (stored here) CALL CLOSE ; Close input file first (e.g. for MP/M) ; Close output file OCLOSE: LD DE,OFCB ; Setup output file FCB LD A,0 ; Get output open flag OFLAG EQU $-1 ; (stored here) ; Close a file if open CLOSE: OR A ; File is open? LD C,$CLOSE ; Yes, close it CALL NZ,BDOS INC A ; Check return code RET ; Return to caller (Z set if error) ; BDOS file functions for output file OFDOS: LD DE,OFCB ; Setup output file FCB ; BDOS file functions FDOS: CALL BDOS ; Perform function INC A ; Test directory code RET ; Return (Z set if file not found) ; Set DMA address for file input/output SETDMA: LD C,$SETDMA ; DMA address in DE CALL BDOS ; This is always a good place to... ; Check for CTRL-C abort (and/or read console char if any) CABORT: LD C,$CONST ; Get console status CALL BDOS OR A ; Character ready? RET Z ; Return (Z set) if not LD C,$CONIN ; Input console char (echo if printable) CALL BDOS ; Note: Following added in UNARC 1.5 to handle any ^S input which is not ; detected by CP/M 2.2 BDOS. AND 7FH ; Mask to 7 bits CP CTLS ; Is it CTRL-S (suspend output)? LD C,$CONIN CALL Z,BDOS ; Yes, wait for another char AND 7FH ; Mask to 7 bits CP CTLC ; Is it CTRL-C? JR Z,GABORT ; Yes, go abort CP CTLK ; Or is it CTRL-K (RCP/M alternate ^C)? RET NZ ; No, return char (and NZ) to caller GABORT: JP ABORT ; Go abort program PAGE SUBTTL Archive File Input Routines ; Get counted byte from archive subfile (saves alternate register set) ; The alternate register set normally contains values for the low-level ; output routines (see PUTSET). This entry to GETC saves these and ; returns with them enstated (for PUT, PUTUP, etc.). Caller must issue ; EXX after call to return these to the alternate set, and must save and ; restore any needed values from the original register set. ; Note: At first glance, all this might seem unnecessary, since BDOS ; (might be called by GETREC) does not use the Z80 alternate ; register set (at least with Digital Research CP/M). But some ; CBIOS implementations (e.g. Osborne's) assume these are fair ; game, so we are extra cautious here. GETCX: EXX ; Swap in alt regs (GETC saves them) ; Get counted byte from component file of archive ; GETC returns with carry set (and a zero byte) upon reaching the ; logical end of the current subfile. (This relies on the GET routine ; NOT returning with carry set.) GETC: PUSH BC ; Save registers PUSH DE PUSH HL LD HL,SIZE ; Point to remaining bytes in subfile LD B,4 ; Setup for long (4-byte) size GETC1: LD A,(HL) ; Get size DEC (HL) ; Count it down OR A ; But was it zero? (clears carry) JR NZ,GET1 ; No, go get byte (must not set carry!) INC HL ; Point to next byte of size DJNZ GETC1 ; Loop for multi-precision decrement LD B,4 ; Size was zero, now it's -1 GETC2: DEC HL ; Reset size to zero... LD (HL),A ; (SIZE must contain valid bytes to skip DJNZ GETC2 ; to get to next subfile in archive) SCF ; Set carry to indicate end of subfile JR GET2 ; Go restore registers and return zero PAGE ; Get next sequential byte from archive file ; Note: GET and SEEK rely on the fact that the default DMA buffer ; used for file input (DBUF) begins on a half-page boundary. ; I.e. DBUF address = nn80H (nn = 00 for standard CP/M). GET: PUSH BC ; Save registers PUSH DE PUSH HL GET1: LD HL,(GETPTR) ; Point to last byte read INC L ; At end of buffer? CALL Z,GETNXT ; Yes, read next record and reset ptr LD (GETPTR),HL ; Save new buffer ptr LD A,(HL) ; Fetch byte from there GET2: POP HL ; Restore registers POP DE POP BC RET ; Return ; Get next sequential record from archive file GETNXT: LD C,$READ ; Setup read-sequential function code ; Get record (sequential or random) from archive file GETREC: LD DE,DBUF ; Point to default buffer PUSH DE ; Save ptr PUSH BC ; Save read function code CALL SETDMA ; Set DMA address LD DE,IFCB ; Setup FCB address POP BC ; Restore read function CALL BDOS ; Do it POP HL ; Restore buffer ptr OR A ; End of file? RET Z ; Return if not ; Unexpected end of file EOF: LD DE,FMTERR ; Print bad format message and abort JP PABORT ; (not much else we can do) ; Count bytes skipped while processing bad archive header BADCNT: INC HL ; Bump bad byte count LD A,H ; But 64K bytes is enough! OR L RET NZ ; Return if not reached limit JR EOF ; Else, report bad format and abort PAGE ; Seek to new random position in file (relative to current position) ; (BCDE = 32-bit byte offset) SEEK: LD A,B ; Most CP/M (2.2) can handle is 23 bits OR A ; So highest bits of offset must be 0 JR NZ,EOF ; Else, that's certainly past eof! LD A,E ; Get low bits of offset in A LD L,D ; Get middle bits in HL LD H,C ADD A,A ; LSB of record offset -> carry ADC_HL HL ; Record offset -> HL JR C,EOF ; If too big, report unexpected eof RRA ; Get byte offset EX DE,HL ; Save record offset LD HL,GETPTR ; Point to offset (+80H) of last byte in ADD A,(HL) ; Add byte offsets LD (HL),A ; Update buffer ptr for new position INC A ; But does it overflow current record? JP P,SEEK1 ; Yes, skip LD A,D ; Check record offset OR E RET Z ; Return if none (still in same record) DEC DE ; Get offset from next record JR SEEK2 ; Go compute new record no. SEEK1: ADD A,7FH ; Get proper byte offset in DMA page LD (HL),A ; Save new buffer pointer SEEK2: PUSH DE ; Save record offset LD DE,IFCB LD C,$RECORD ; Compute current "random" record no. CALL BDOS ; (I.e. next sequential record to read) LD HL,(IFCB+@RN) ; Get result POP DE ; Restore record offset ADD HL,DE ; Compute new record no. JR C,EOF ; If >64k, it's past largest (8 Mb) file LD (IFCB+@RN),HL ; Save new record no. LD C,$READR ; Read the random record CALL GETREC LD HL,IFCB+@CR ; Point to current record in extent INC (HL) ; Bump for subsequent sequential read RET ; Return PAGE ; Get archive file header GETHDR: LD DE,HDRBUF ; Set to fill header buffer LD B,HDRSIZ ; Setup normal header size CP 1 ; But test if version 1 PUSH AF ; Save test result JR NZ,GETHD2 ; Skip if not version 1 LD B,HDRSIZ-4 ; Else, header is 4 bytes less JR GETHD2 ; Go to store loop GETHD1: CALL GET ; Get header byte GETHD2: LD (DE),A ; Store in buffer INC DE DJNZ GETHD1 ; Loop for all bytes POP AF ; Version 1? RET NZ ; No, all done LD HL,SIZE ; Yes, point to compressed size LD C,4 ; It's 4 bytes LDIR ; Move to uncompressed length RET ; Return PAGE ; Get, save, and test file name from archive header GETNAM: LD DE,NAME ; Point to name in header LD HL,OFCB+@FN ; Point to output file name LD_IX TNAME ; Point to test pattern LD B,11 ; Set count for name and type GETN1: LD A,(DE) ; Get next name char AND 7FH ; Ensure no flags, is it end of name? JR Z,GETN4 ; Yes, go store blank INC DE ; Bump name ptr CP ' '+1 ; Is it legal char for file name? JR C,GETN2 ; No, if blank or non-printing, CP DEL ; or this JR NZ,GETN3 ; Skip if ok GETN2: LD A,'$' ; Else, change to something legal GETN3: CALL UPCASE ; Ensure it's upper case CP '.' ; But is it type separator? JR NZ,GETN5 ; No, go store name char LD A,B ; Get count of chars left CP 4 ; Reached type yet? JR C,GETN1 ; Yes, bypass the separator DEC DE ; Backup to re-read separator GETN4: LD A,' ' ; Set to store a blank GETN5: LD (HL),A ; Store char in output name LD_A_IX ; Get pattern char INC_IX ; Bump pattern ptr CP '?' ; Pattern matches any char? JR Z,GETN6 ; Yes, skip CP (HL) ; Matches this char? RET NZ ; Return (NZ) if not GETN6: INC HL ; Bump store ptr DJNZ GETN1 ; Loop until FCB name filled LD BC,256*(@FCBSZ-@FN-11)+0 JP FILL ; Zero rest of FCB, return (Z still set) PAGE SUBTTL File Output Routines ; Check output drive and setup for file output OUTSET: LD A,(HODRV) ; Get highest allowed output drive LD B,A ; Save for later test LD HL,CHECKF ; Point to check-only flag CALL WHLCK ; Check wheel byte DEC A ; Is user privileged? JR NZ,OUTS1 ; Yes, skip LD B,A ; Else, no output drive allowed LD (HL),A ; No checking allowed LD (PROUTF),A ; No printing allowed LD A,(TYFLG) ; Fetch flag for typeout allowed OUTS1: LD C,A ; Save typeout flag (always if wheel) LD A,(OFCB) ; Any output drive? OR A JR NZ,OUTS2 ; Yes, skip to check it OR (HL) ; Just checking files? JR Z,CKTYP ; No, go see if typeout permitted LD DE,CHKMSG ; Yes, show 'Checking...' message CALL PRINTL LD A,0FEH ; Set dummy drive in output FCB LD (OFCB),A JR CRCINI ; Skip to init CRC computations OUTS2: DEC A ; Get zero-relative drive no. CP B ; In range of allowed drives? LD DE,BADODR ; No, report bad output drive JP NC,PABORT ; and abort LD E,A ; Save output drive PUSH DE ADD A,'A' ; Convert to ASCII LD (OUTDRV),A ; Store drive letter for message LD DE,OUTMSG ; Show output drive CALL PRINTL LD C,$DISK ; Get default drive CALL BDOS POP DE ; Recover output drive CP E ; Test if same as default PUSH AF ; Save default drive (and test result) LD C,$SELECT ; Select output drive CALL NZ,BDOS ; (if different than default) CALL GETBLS ; Get its block size for listing POP AF ; Restore original default drive LD E,A LD C,$SELECT ; Reselect it CALL NZ,BDOS ; (if changed) PAGE ; Initialize lookup table for CRC generation ; Note: For maximum speed, the CRC routines rely on the fact that the ; lookup table (CRCTAB) is page-aligned. X16 EQU 0 ; x^16 (implied) X15 EQU 1 SHL (15-15) ; x^15 X2 EQU 1 SHL (15-2) ; x^2 X0 EQU 1 SHL (15-0) ; x^0 = 1 POLY EQU X16+X15+X2+X0 ; Polynomial (CRC-16) CRCINI: LD HL,CRCTAB+256 ; Point to 2nd page of lookup table LD A,H ; Check enough memory to store it CALL CKMEM LD DE,POLY ; Setup polynomial ; Loop to compute CRC for each possible byte value from 0 to 255 CRCIN1: LD A,L ; Init low CRC byte to table index LD BC,256*8 ; Setup bit count, clear high CRC byte ; Loop to include each bit of byte in CRC CRCIN2: SRL C ; Shift CRC right 1 bit (high byte) RRA ; (low byte) JR NC,CRCIN3 ; Skip if 0 shifted out EX_AF ; Save lower CRC byte LD A,C ; Update upper CRC byte XOR D ; with upper polynomial byte LD C,A EX_AF ; Recover lower CRC byte XOR E ; Update with lower polynomial byte CRCIN3: DJNZ CRCIN2 ; Loop for 8 bits LD (HL),C ; Store upper CRC byte (2nd table page) DEC H LD (HL),A ; Store lower CRC byte (1st table page) INC H INC L ; Bump table index JR NZ,CRCIN1 ; Loop for 256 table entries RET PAGE ; Check for valid file name for typeout (or printing) CKTYP: OR C ; Typeout not allowed? CALL NZ,TAMBIG ; Or ambiguous output file name? RET Z ; Yes, return (will just list file) LD DE,NOTYP ; Point to table of excluded types CKTYP1: LD HL,TNAME+8 ; Point to type of selected file LD B,3 ; Setup count for 3 chars CKTYP2: LD A,(DE) ; Fetch next table char OR A ; End of table? JR Z,CKTYP5 ; Yes, go set flag to allow typeout CP '?' ; Matches any char? JR Z,CKTYP3 ; Yes, skip CP (HL) ; Matches this char? CKTYP3: INC DE ; Bump table ptr JR Z,CKTYP4 ; Matched? DJNZ CKTYP3 ; No, just advance to next table entry JR CKTYP1 ; Then loop to try again CKTYP4: INC HL ; Char matched, point to next DJNZ CKTYP2 ; Loop for all chars in file type RET ; If all matched, return (no typeout) CKTYP5: DEC A ; If no match, file name is valid LD (OFCB),A ; Set dummy drive (0FFH) in output FCB RET ; Return ; Test for ambiguous output file selection TAMBIG: LD HL,TNAME ; Point to test pattern ; Check for ambiguous file name (HL = ptr to FCB-type name) FAMBIG: LD BC,11 ; Setup count for file name and type LD A,'?' ; Any "?" chars? CPIR ; Yes, return with Z set RET ; No, return NZ PAGE ; Extract file for disk or console output OUTPUT: LD A,(OFCB) ; Any output drive (or typing files)? OR A RET Z ; No, there's nothing to do here LD B,A ; Save output drive LD A,(VER) ; Get header version CP ARCVER+1 ; Supported for output? LD DE,BADVER ; No, report unknown version JP NC,PABORT ; and abort LD L,A ; Copy version LD H,0 LD DE,OBUFT-1 ; Use to index table of starting ADD HL,DE ; output buffer pages LD A,(HL) ; Get starting page of buffer CALL CKMEM ; Ensure enough memory LD HL,BUFPAG ; Point to buffer start page LD (HL),A ; Save it LD C,A ; (also for typeout buffer check) INC HL ; Point to buffer limit (BUFLIM) LD A,(HIPAGE) ; Get memory limit page LD (HL),A ; Assume max possible output buffer INC B ; Typing files? JR NZ,OUTDSK ; No, go extract to disk ; Setup for console (or printer) output LD A,(TYPGS) ; Get max. pages to buffer typeout OR A ; No limit? CALL Z,WHLCK ; And is this privileged user? JR Z,OUTCON ; Yes, skip (use 1 page if no privilege) ADD A,C ; Compute desired limit page JR C,OUTCON ; But skip if exceeds (physical) memory CP (HL) JR NC,OUTCON ; Also if exceeds available memory LD (HL),A ; If ok, set lower buffer limit OUTCON: LD A,(PROUTF) ; Printing file? OR A JR NZ,OUTBEG ; Yes, skip the separator LD HL,LINE ; Fill listing line with dashes LD BC,256*LINLEN+'-' CALL FILL CALL LISTL ; Print separating line first JR OUTBEG ; Go extract file for typeout PAGE ; Setup for disk file (or black hole) output OUTDSK: INC B ; Just checking file? JR Z,OUTBEG ; Yes, skip LD DE,BUFF ; Set DMA address to a safe place CALL SETDMA LD C,$FIND ; Find file CALL OFDOS ; Already exists? JR Z,OUTD2 ; No, skip LD DE,EXISTS ; Inform user and ask: CALL PRINTS ; Should we overwrite existing file? OUTD1: CALL CABORT ; Wait for response (or CTRL-C abort) JR Z,OUTD1 LD E,A ; Save response CALL CRLF ; Start a new line after prompt LD A,E ; Get response char CALL UPCASE ; Upper and lower case are the same CP 'Y' ; Answer was yes? RET NZ ; No, return (skip file output) LD C,$DELETE ; Yes, delete existing file CALL OFDOS OUTD2: LD C,$MAKE ; Create a new file CALL OFDOS ; But directory full? LD DE,DIRFUL ; Yes, report error JP Z,PABORT ; and abort LD (OFLAG),A ; Set flag for output file open PAGE ; All set to output file OUTBEG: LD A,(VER) ; Check compression type CP 4 JR NC,USQ ; Skip if squeezed or crunched/squashed CALL PUTSET ; Else (simple cases), setup output regs CP 3 ; Packed? JR Z,UPK ; Yes, skip ; Uncompressed file UNC: CALL GETC ; Just copy input to output JR C,OUTEND ; until end of file CALL PUT JR UNC ; Packed file UPK1: CALL PUTUP ; Output with repeated byte expansion UPK: CALL GETC ; Get input byte JR NC,UPK1 ; Loop until end of file ; End of output file OUTEND: CALL PUTBUF ; Flush final buffer (if any) LD A,(OFCB) ; Typing (or printing) file? INC A RET Z ; Yes, all done (no CRC check) ; Note: Following instruction added in UNARC 1.6, since the preceding ; test (altered in 1.42) no longer clears carry. OR A ; Clear carry for 16-bit subtract EX DE,HL ; Save computed CRC LD HL,(CRC) ; Get CRC recorded in archive header SBC_HL DE ; Do they match? LD DE,CRCERR ; If not, CALL NZ,OWARN ; print warning message LD HL,LEN ; Point to remaining (output) length CALL LGET ; Fetch length (it's 4 bytes) LD A,B ; All should be zero... OR C OR D OR E LD DE,LENERR ; If not, CALL NZ,OWARN ; print incorrect length warning CALL OCLOSE ; Close output file (if open) LD HL,OFLAG ; Clear file open flag LD (HL),0 RET NZ ; Return unless error closing file LD DE,CLSERR ; Else, report close failure JP PABORT ; and abort PAGE ; Unsqueeze (Huffman-coded) file .COMMENT | Note: Although numerous assembly-language implementations of Richard Greenlaw's pioneer USQ (C language) program have appeared, all of the coding here is original. At risk of being accused of "re-inventing the wheel," we do this primarily for personal satisfaction (not to mention protection of our copyright). We were tempted to use the super-fast algorithm suggested by Steven Greenberg's recent public contribution, UF (aka USQFST, nee FU). (After all, we require a Z80, so why not take advantage of the latest technology?) However, some of the speed benefit of Greenberg's method is necessarily lost, since we do not buffer the input file and must count each input byte against the file size recorded in the archive header. (Input buffering is not advantageous, since we must have random access to the archive file.) Also, the occurence of squeezed files in archives is relatively rare, since the "crunching" method produces better compression in most cases. Thus we use a more classical approach, albeit at the expense of the ultimate in performance, but with a substantial savings in code complexity and memory requirements. Note also that many authors go to elaborate pains to check the validity of the binary decoding tree. Such checks include: (1) the node count (can be at most 256, although some people mistakenly think it can be greater -- c.f. Knuth, vol. 1, 2nd ed., sec., pp. 399-405); (2) all node links in the tree must be in the range specified by the node count; (3) no infinite loops in the tree (this one's not so easy to test); and (4) premature end-of-file in the tree or data. Instead, we take a KISS approach which assumes the tree is valid and relies upon the final output file CRC and length checks to warn of any possible errors: (1) the tree is initially cleared (all links point to the root node); (2) at most 256 nodes are stored; and (3) decoding terminates upon detecting the special end-of-file code in the data (the normal case), the physical end-of-file (as determined by the size recorded in the archive header), or a tree link to the root node (which indicates a diseased tree). | PAGE ; Start unsqueezing USQ: JR NZ,UCR ; But skip if crunched/squashed file ; First clear the decoding tree LD BC,TREESZ-1 ; Setup bytes to clear - 1 CALL TREECL ; (Leaves DE pointing past end of tree) ; Read in the tree ; Note: The end-of-file condition may be safely ignored while reading ; the node count and tree, since GETC will repeatedly return ; zero bytes in this case. CALL GETC ; Get node count, low byte LD C,A ; Save for loop CALL GETC ; Get high byte (can be ignored) OR C ; But is it zero nodes? JR Z,USQ3 ; Yes (very unlikely), it's empty file USQ1: LD B,4 ; Setup count for 4 bytes in node LD A,D ; Each byte will be stored in a separate SUB B ; page (tree is page-aligned), so LD D,A ; point back to the first page USQ2: CALL GETC ; Get next byte LD (DE),A ; Store in tree INC D ; Point to next page DJNZ USQ2 ; Loop for all bytes in node INC E ; Bump tree index DEC C ; Reduce node count JR NZ,USQ1 ; Loop for all nodes USQ3: CALL PUTSET ; Done with tree, setup output regs PUSH HL ; Reset current input byte (on stack) ; Start of decoding loop for next output byte USQ4: EXX ; Save output registers XOR A ; Reset node index to root of tree ; Top of loop for next input bit USQ5: LD L,A ; Setup index of next tree node POP AF ; Get current input byte SRL A ; Shift out next input bit JR NZ,USQ6 ; Skip unless need a new byte PAGE ; Read next input byte PUSH HL ; Save tree index CALL GETCX ; Get next input byte EXX ; Save output regs JR C,USQEND ; But go stop if reached end of input POP HL ; Restore tree index SCF ; Set flag for end-of-byte detection RRA ; Shift out first bit of new byte ; Process next input bit USQ6: PUSH AF ; Save input byte LD H,HIGH TREE ; Point to start of current node JR NC,USQ7 ; Skip if new bit is 0 INC H ; Bit is 1, point to 2nd word of node INC H ; (3rd tree page) USQ7: LD A,(HL) ; Get low byte of node word INC H LD B,(HL) ; Get high byte (from next tree page) INC B JR NZ,USQ8 ; Skip if high byte not -1 CPL ; We've got output byte (complemented) EXX ; Restore regs for output CALL PUTUP ; Output with repeated byte expansion JR USQ4 ; Loop for next byte USQ8: DJNZ USQEND ; If high byte not 0, it's special EOF OR A ; If high byte was 0, its new node link JR NZ,USQ5 ; Loop for new node (but can't be root) ; End of squeezed file (physical, logical, or due to Dutch elm disease) USQEND: POP HL ; Cleanup stack ; End of unsqueezed or uncrunched file output UCREND: EXX ; Restore output regs JP OUTEND ; Go end output ; Clear squeezed file decoding tree (or crunched file string table) TREECL: LD HL,TREE ; Point to tree (also string table) STRTCL: ; (Entry for partial string table clear) LD (HL),L ; Clear first byte (it's page-aligned) LD D,H ; Copy pointer to first byte LD E,L INC DE ; Propogate it thru second byte, etc. LDIR ; (called with BC = byte count - 1) RET ; Return PAGE ; Uncrunch (LZW-coded) file .COMMENT | The Lempel-Ziv-Welch (so-called "LZW") data compression algorithm is the most impressive benefit of ARC files. It performs better than Huffman coding in many cases, often achieving 50% or better compression of ASCII text files and 15%-40% compression of binary object files. The algorithm is named after its inventors: A. Lempel and J. Ziv provided the original theoretical groundwork, while Terry A. Welch published an elegant practical implementation of their procedure. (The definitive article is Welch's "A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression", in the June 1984 issue of IEEE Computer magazine.) The Huffman algorithm encoded each input byte by a variable-length bit string (up to 16 bits in Greenlaw's implementation), with bit length (approximately) inversely proportional to the frequency of occurrence of the encoded byte. This has the disadvantages of requiring (1) two passes over the input file for encoding and (2) the inclusion of the decoding information along with the output file (a binary tree of up to 1026 bytes in Greenlaw's implementation). In comparison, LZW is a one- pass procedure which encodes variable-length strings of bytes by a fixed-length code (12 bits in this implementation), without additional overhead in the output file. In essence, the procedure adapts itself dynamically to the redundancy present in the input data. There is one drawback: LZW requires substantially more memory than the Huffman algorithm for both encoding and decoding. (A 12K-byte string table is required in this program; the MS-DOS ARC program uses even more. Of course, 12K is not that much these days: I don't think they're even selling IBM-PC's or MAC's with less than 512K anymore. But some of us in the CP/M world are still concerned with efficiency of memory use.) The MS-DOS ARC program by System Enhancement Associates has (to date) employed four different variations on the LZW scheme, differentiated by the version byte in the archive file header: Version 5: LZW applied to original input file Version 6: LZW applied to file after packing repeated bytes Version 7: Same as version 6 with a new (faster) hash code Version 8: Completely new (much improved) implementation The MS-DOS program PKARC 2.0 introduced another variation ("squashing"): Version 9: Same as version 8 with 13-bit codes and no pre-packing Version 8 (and 9) varies the output code width from 9 to 12 (13) bits as the string table grows (benefits small files), performs an adaptive reset of the string table after it becomes full if the compression ratio drops (benefits large files), and eliminates the need for hash computations by the decoder (reduces decoding time and space; in this program, an extra 8K-byte table is eliminated). Although the latest release of the ARC program uses only this last version for encoding, we, like ARC (PKXARC), support all four (five) versions for compatibility with files encoded by earlier releases. | PAGE ; Setup for uncrunching (or unsquashing) ; We've been able to isolate all of the differences between the five ; versions of LZW into just three routines -- input, output, and hash ; function. These are disposed of first, by inserting appropriate ; vectors into common coding and initializing version-dependent data. ; Note: Introduction of squashed files in UNARC 1.42 has added some ; extra kludges here. UCR: LD HL,STRBIT ; All but version 9 use 4K string table LD (HL),BIT4H ; entries, so setup STRADD bit test CP 8 ; Version 8 or 9? JR NC,UCR1 ; Yes, skip LD DE,OGETCR ; Old versions get fixed 12-bit codes LD BC,STRSZ+HSHSZ-1; and need extra table for hashing LD HL,OHASH ; Assume old hash function CP 6 ; Test version LD A,55H ; Setup initial flags for OGETCR JR Z,UCR6 ; All set if version 6 JR C,UCR5 ; Skip if version 5 LD HL,FHASH ; Version 7 uses faster hash function JR UCR6 ; (but we've never seen one of these!) UCR1: JR Z,UCR2 ; Skip if version 8 LD (HL),BIT5H ; Version 9 allows 13-bit codes LD BC,STQSZ-1 ; and has larger string table LD A,8192/256 ; with 8K entries (less buffer space) JR UCR4 ; Join common code for versions 8 and 9 ; Note: This is the only place that we reference the code size for ; crunched files (CRBITS) symbolically. Currently, a value of ; 12 bits is required and it is assumed throughout the program. UCR2: CALL GETC ; Read code size used to crunch file JR C,UCR3 ; But skip if none (PKARC 0-length file) CP CRBITS ; Same as what we expect? LD DE,UCRERR ; No, report incompatible format JP NZ,PABORT ; and abort UCR3: LD BC,STRSZ-1 ; Version 8 provides more buffer space LD A,4096/256 ; and only 4K string table entries UCR4: LD (STRMAX),A ; Setup NHASH table-full test LD HL,0 ; Clear code residue and count to init LD (CODES),HL ; NGETCR input (BITSAV and CODES) LD DE,NGETCR ; New version has variable-length codes LD HL,NHASH ; and has a very simple "hash" LD A,9 ; Setup initial code size for NGETCR JR Z,UCR6 ; Skip if version 8 UCR5: LD_IX PUT ; Versions 5 and 9 don't unpack JR UCR7 UCR6: LD_IX PUTUP ; Versions 6-8 unpack repeated bytes UCR7: STO_IX PUTCRP ; Save ptr to output routine LD (HASHP),HL ; Save ptr to hash function STO_DE GETCRP ; Save ptr to input routine LD (BITS),A ; Initialize input routine LD A,B ; Get string table pages to clear (-1) SUB 3 ; Less 3 for atomic strings LD (STRCSZ),A ; Setup for reset clear in NGETCR PAGE ; Start uncrunching ; (All version-dependent differences are handled now) CALL TREECL ; Clear string (and hash) table(s) STO_BC STRCT ; Set no entries in string table DEC BC ; Get code for no prefix string (-1) PUSH BC ; Save as first-time flag XOR A ; Init table with one-byte strings... GCR0: POP BC ; Set for no prefix string PUSH BC ; (Resave first-time flag) PUSH AF ; Save byte value CALL STRADD ; Add to table POP AF ; Recover byte INC A ; Done all 256 bytes? JR NZ,GCR0 ; No, loop for next CALL PUTSET ; Setup output registers ; Top of loop for next input code (top of stack holds previous code) GCR: EXX ; Save output regs first GETCR: CALL 0 ; Get next input code GETCRP EQU $-2 ; (ptr to NGETCR or OGETCR stored here) POP BC ; Recover previous input code (or -1) JP C,UCREND ; But all done if end of input PUSH HL ; Save new code for next loop CALL STRPTR ; Point to string table entry for code INC B ; Is this the first one in file? JR NZ,GCR2 ; No, skip INC HL ; Yes, LD A,(HL) ; Get first output byte GCR1: CALL PUTCR ; Output final byte for this code JR GCR ; Loop for next input code GCR2: DEC B ; Correct prev code (stays in BC awhile) LD A,(HL) ; Is new code in table? OR A PUSH AF ; (Save test result for later) JR NZ,GCR3 ; Yes, skip LD H,B ; Else (special case), setup previous LD L,C ; code (it prefixes the new one) CALL STRPTR ; Point to its table entry instead PAGE ; At this point, we have the table ptr for the new output string (except ; possibly its final byte, which is a special case to be handled later). ; Unfortunately, the table entries are linked in reverse order. I.e., ; we are pointing to the last byte to be output. Therefore, we trace ; through the table to find the first byte of the string, reversing the ; link order as we go. When done, we can output the string in forward ; order and restore the original link order. (This is, we think, an ; innovative approach: it saves allocation of an extra 4K-byte stack, ; as in the MS-DOS ARC program, or an enormous program stack, as needed ; for the recursive algorithm of Steve Greenberg's UNCRunch program.) ; Careful: The following value must be non-zero, so that the old-style ; hash (invoked by STRADD below) will not think a re-linked entry is ; unused! (In a development version, we used zero; this worked fine for ; newer crunched files, but proved a difficult bug to squash when the ; old-style de-crunching failed randomly.) GCR3: LD D,1 ; Init previous entry ptr (01xxH = none) GCR4: LD A,(HL) ; Test this entry CP HIGH STRT ; Any prefix string? JR C,GCR5 ; No, we've reached the first byte LD (HL),D ; Relink this entry LD D,A ; (i.e. swap prev ptr with prefix ptr) DEC HL LD A,(HL) LD (HL),E LD E,A INC HL EX DE,HL ; Swap current ptr with prefix ptr JR GCR4 ; Loop for next entry ; HL points to table entry for first byte of output string. We can now ; add the table entry for the string which the encoder placed in his ; table before sending us the current code. (It's the previous code's ; string concatenated with the first byte of the new string). Note that ; BC has been holding the previous code all this time. GCR5: INC HL ; Point to byte POP AF ; Recover special-case flag LD A,(HL) ; Fetch byte PUSH AF ; Re-save flag along with byte DEC HL ; Restore table ptr PUSH DE ; Save ptr to prev entry PUSH HL ; Save ptr to this entry CALL STRADD ; Add new code to table (for BC and A) POP HL ; Setup table ptr for output loop PAGE ; Top of string output loop ; HL points to table entry for byte to output. ; Top of stack contains pointer to next table entry (or 01xxH). GCR6: INC HL ; Point to byte LD A,(HL) ; Fetch it PUSH HL ; Save table ptr CALL PUTCR ; Output the byte (finally!) EXX ; Save output regs POP DE ; Recover ptr to this byte POP HL ; Recover ptr to next byte's entry DEC H ; Reached end of string? JR Z,GCR7 ; Yes, skip out of loop INC H ; Correct next entry ptr from above test DEC DE ; Restore ptr to this entry's mid byte LD A,(HL) ; Relink the next entry LD (HL),D ; (i.e. swap its "prefix" ptr with LD D,A ; ptr to this entry) DEC HL LD A,(HL) LD (HL),E LD E,A INC HL PUSH DE ; Save ptr to 2nd next entry JR GCR6 ; Loop to output next byte ; End of uncrunching loop ; All bytes of new string have been output, except possibly the final ; byte (which is the same as the first byte in this special case). GCR7: POP AF ; Recover special-case flag and byte JR NZ,GETCR ; If not set, loop for next input code JR GCR1 ; Else, go output final byte first PAGE ; Add entry to string table ; This routine receives a 12-bit prefix string code in BC and a suffix ; byte in A. It then adds an entry to the string table (unless it's ; full) for the new string obtained by concatenating these. Nothing ; is (or need be) returned to the caller. .COMMENT | String table format: The table (STRT) contains 4096 three-byte entries, each of which is identified by a 12-bit code (table index). The third byte (highest address) of each entry contains the suffix byte for the string. The first two bytes contain a pointer (low-byte first) to the middle byte of the table entry for the prefix string. The null string (prefix to the one-byte strings) is represented by a (16-bit) code value -1, which yields a non-zero pointer below the base address of the table. An empty table entry contains a zero prefix pointer. Our choice to represent prefix strings by pointers rather than codes speeds up almost everything we do. The high byte of the prefix pointer (middle byte of an entry) may be tested for non-zero to determine if an entry is occupied, and (since the table is page-aligned) it may be further tested against the page address of the table's base (HIGH STRT) to decide if it represents the null string. Note that the entry for code 256 is not used in the newer version of crunching. This is reserved for a special signal to reset the string table (handled by the hash and input routines, NHASH and NGETCR). | STRADD: LD HL,(STRCT) ; Get count of strings in table BIT 4,H ; Is it the full 4K? ; Note: Above test complicated by introduction of squashed files (which ; allow 13-bit codes and 8K string table entries) and the non-Z80 ; emulation of the BIT instruction. Following definitions handle ; this. IF Z80 STRBIT EQU $-1 ; Byte to modify BIT instruction BIT4H EQU 64H ; High byte of BIT 4,H BIT5H EQU 6CH ; High byte of BIT 5,H ELSE STRBIT EQU BITMSK ; Byte to modify emulated BIT BIT4H EQU 1 SHL 4 ; Mask to test bit 4 BIT5H EQU 1 SHL 5 ; Mask to test bit 5 ENDIF RET NZ ; Yes, forget it INC HL ; Bump count for one more LD (STRCT),HL ; Save new string count PUSH AF ; Save suffix byte PUSH BC ; Save prefix code CALL 0 ; Hash them to get pointer to new entry HASHP EQU $-2 ; (ptr to xHASH routine stored here) EX (SP),HL ; Save result, recover prefix code CALL STRPTR ; Get pointer to prefix entry EX DE,HL ; Save it POP HL ; Recover new entry pointer DEC HL ; Point to low byte of entry LD (HL),E ; Store prefix ptr in entry INC HL ; (low byte first) LD (HL),D ; (then high byte, in mid entry byte) INC HL ; Point to high byte of new entry POP AF ; Recover suffix byte LD (HL),A ; Store RET ; All done PAGE ; Hash function for (new-style) crunched files ; Note: "Hash" is of course a misnomer here, since strings are simply ; added to the table sequentially with the newer crunch method. ; This routine's main responsibility is to update the bit-length ; for expected input codes, and to bypass the table entry for ; code 256 (reserved for adaptive reset), at appropriate times. NHASH: LD A,L ; Copy low byte of string count in HL DEC L ; Get table offset for new entry OR A ; But is count a multiple of 256? JR NZ,STRPTR ; No, just return the table pointer LD A,H ; Copy high byte of count DEC H ; Complete double-register decrement LD DE,STRCT ; Set to bump string count (bypasses JR Z,NHASH1 ; next entry) if exactly 256 CP 4096/256 ; Else, is count the full 4K? STRMAX EQU $-1 ; (Byte to modify max string count test) JR Z,STRPTR ; Yes (last table entry), skip ; Note the following cute test. (It's mentioned in K & R, ex. 2-9.) AND H ; Is count a power-of-two? JR NZ,STRPTR ; No, skip LD DE,BITS ; Yes, next input code is one bit longer ; Note: By definition, there can be no input code residue at this point. ; I.e. (BITSAV) = 0, since we have read a power-of-two (> 256) no. ; of codes at the old length (total no. of bits divisible by 8). ; By the same argument, (CODES) = 0 modulo 8 (see NGETCR). NHASH1: EX DE,HL ; Swap in address value to increment INC (HL) ; Bump the value (STRCT or BITS) EX DE,HL ; Recover table offset ; Get pointer to string table entry ; This routine is input a 12-bit code in HL (or -1 for the null string). ; It returns a pointer in HL to the middle byte of the string table ; entry for that code (STRT-2 for the null string). Destroys DE only. STRPTR: LD D,H ; Copy code LD E,L ADD HL,HL ; Get 2 * code ADD HL,DE ; Get 3 * code LD DE,STRT+1 ; Point to table base entry (2nd byte) ADD HL,DE ; Compute pointer RET ; Return PAGE ; Get variable-length code from (new-style) crunched file .COMMENT | These codes are packed in right-to-left order (lsb first). The code length (stored in BITS) begins at 9 bits and increases up to a maximum of 12 bits (13 bits for squashed files) as the string table grows (maintained by NHASH). Location BITSAV holds residue bits remaining in the last input byte after each call (must be initialized to 0, code assumes BITSAV = BITS-1). In comparison, the MS-DOS ARC program buffers 8 codes at a time (i.e. n bytes, where n = bits/code) and flushes this buffer whenever the code length changes (so that first code at new length begins on an even byte boundary). By coincidence (see NHASH) this buffer is always empty when the code length increases as a result of normal string table growth. Thus the only time this added bufferring affects us is when the code length is reset back to 9 bits upon receipt of the special clear request (code 256), at which time we must possibly bypass up to 10 input bytes (worst case = 7 codes at 1.5 bytes/code). This is handled by a simple down-counter in location CODES, whose mod-8 value indicates the no. of codes which should be skipped (must be initialized to 0, code assumes that CODES = BITSAV-1). | ; Note: This can probably be made a lot faster (e.g. by unfolding into ; 8 separate cases and using a co-routine return), but that's a ; lot of work. For now, we KISS ("keep it short and simple"). NGETCR: LD HL,CODES ; First update code counter DEC (HL) ; for clear code processing INC HL ; Point to BITSAV LD A,(HL) ; Get saved residue bits INC HL ; Point to BITS LD B,(HL) ; Setup bit counter for new code LD HL,7FFFH ; Init code (msb reset for end detect) ; Top of loop for next input bit NGETC1: SRL A ; Shift out next input bit JR Z,NGETC7 ; But skip out if new byte needed NGETC2: RR H ; Shift bit into high end of code word RR L ; (double-register shift) DJNZ NGETC1 ; Loop until have all bits needed ; Input complete, cleanup code word NGETC3: SRL H ; Shift code down, RR L ; to right-justify it in HL JR C,NGETC3 ; Loop until end flag shifted out LD (BITSAV),A ; Save input residue for next call LD A,H ; But is it code 256? DEC A ; (i.e. adaptive reset request) OR L RET NZ ; No, return (carry clear) ; Special handling to reset string table upon receipt of clear code LD HL,BITS ; Point to BITS LD C,(HL) ; Fetch current code length LD (HL),9 ; Go back to 9-bit codes DEC HL ; Point to BITSAV LD (HL),A ; Empty the residue buffer DEC HL ; Point to CODES LD A,(HL) ; Get code counter AND 7 ; Modulo 8 is no. codes to flush JR Z,NGETC6 ; Skip if none ; Note: It's a shame we have to do this at all. With a minor change in ; its implementation, the MS-DOS ARC program could have simply ; shuffled down its buffer and avoided wasting up to 10 bytes in ; the crunched file (not to mention a lot of unnecessary effort). ; Note: Prior to UNARC 1.4, the following coding was simplified by the ; (incorrect) assumption that 12-bit codes are being generated at ; this point. While true for .ARC files created by ARC 5.12 or ; earlier, this is not necessarily the case for files created by ; PKARC 1.1 or later. Hence, some added effort here now... LD B,A ; Save no. codes to flush XOR A ; Reset no. bits to flush LD (HL),A ; Reset code counter to 0 for next time NGETC4: ADD A,C ; Add no. bits per code DJNZ NGETC4 ; Loop to compute total bits to flush RRA ; Divide by 8 RRA RRA AND 0FH ; Max possible result 10 (11 squashed) LD B,A ; Obtain no. input bytes to bypass NGETC5: PUSH BC ; Loop to flush the (encoder's) buffer CALL GETCX EXX ; (No need to test for end-of-file POP BC ; here, we'll pick it up later if DJNZ NGETC5 ; it happens) NGETC6: LD HL,STRT+(3*256) ; Clear out (all but one-byte) strings LD BC,STRSZ-(3*256)-1 STRCSZ EQU $-1 ; (Byte to modify string tbl clear size) CALL STRTCL LD HL,257 ; Reset count for just one-byte strings LD (STRCT),HL ; plus the unused entry ; Kludge: We rely here on the fact that the previous input code is at ; top of caller's stack, where -1 indicates none. This should ; properly be done by the caller, but doing it here preserves ; commonality of coding for old-style crunched files (i.e. caller ; never knows this happened). POP HL ; Get return address EX (SP),HL ; Exchange with top of (caller's) stack LD HL,-1 ; Set no previous code EX (SP),HL ; Replace on stack PUSH HL ; Restore return JR NGETCR ; Go again for next input code ; Read next input byte NGETC7: PUSH BC ; Save bit count PUSH HL ; Save partial code CALL GETCX ; Get next input byte EXX ; Save output regs POP HL ; Restore code POP BC ; Restore count RET C ; But stop if reached end of file ; Special test to speed things up a bit... ; (If need the whole byte, might as well save some bit fiddling) BIT 3,B ; At least 8 more bits needed? JR NZ,NGETC8 ; Yes, go do it faster SCF ; Else, set flag for end-of-byte detect RRA ; Shift out first bit of new byte JR NGETC2 ; Go back to bit-shifting loop ; Update code by (entire) new byte NGETC8: LD L,H ; Shift code down 8 bits LD H,A ; Insert new byte into code LD A,B ; Get bit count SUB 8 ; Reduce by 8 LD B,A ; Update remaining count JR NZ,NGETC7 ; Get another byte if still more needed JR NGETC3 ; Else, go exit early (note A=0) PAGE ; Hash functions for (old-style) crunched files ; This stuff exists for the sole purpose of processing files which were ; created by older releases of MS-DOS ARC (pre-version 5.0). To quote ; that program's author: "Please note how much trouble it can be to ; maintain upwards compatibility." Amen! ; Note: The multiplications required by the two hash function versions ; are sufficiently specialized that we've hand-coded each of them ; separately, for speed, rather than use a common multiply ; subroutine. ; Versions 5 and 6... ; Compute hash key = upper 12 of lower 18 bits of unsigned square of: ; (prefix code + suffix byte) OR 800H ; Note: I'm sure there's a faster way to do this, but I didn't want to ; exert myself unduly for an obsolete crunching method. OHASH: LD DE,0 ; Clear product LD L,A ; Extend suffix byte LD H,D ; to 16 bits ADD HL,BC ; Sum with prefix code SET 3,H ; Or in 800H ; We now have a 13-bit number which is to be squared, but we are only ; interested in the lower 18 bits of the 26-bit product. The following ; reduces this to a 12-bit multiply which yields the correct product ; shifted right 2 bits. This is acceptable (we discard the low 6 bits ; anyway) and allows us to compute desired result in a 16-bit register. ; For the algebraically inclined... ; If n is even (n = 2m + 0): n * n = 4(m * m) ; If n is odd (n = 2m + 1): n * n = 4(m * (m+1)) + 1 SRA H ; Divide number by 2 (i.e. "m") RR L ; HL will be multiplicand (m or m+1) LD C,H ; Copy to multiplier in C (high byte) LD A,L ; and A (low byte) ADC_HL DE ; If was odd, add 1 to multiplicand ; Note there is one anomalous case: The first one-byte string (with ; prefix = -1 = 0FFFFH and suffix = 0) generates the 16-bit sum 0FFFFH, ; which should hash to 800H (not 0). The following test handles this. JR C,OHASH3 ; Skip if special case (will get 800H) LD B,12 ; Setup count for 12 bits in multiplier ; Top of multiply loop (vanilla shift-and-add) OHASH1: SRL C ; Shift out next multiplier bit RRA JR NC,OHASH2 ; Skip if 0 EX DE,HL ; Else, swap in product ADD HL,DE ; Add multiplicand (carries ignored) EX DE,HL ; Reswap OHASH2: ADD HL,HL ; Shift multiplicand DJNZ OHASH1 ; Loop until done all multiplier bits ; Now have the desired hash key in upper 12 bits of the 16-bit product EX DE,HL ; Obtain product in HL ADD HL,HL ; Shift high bit into carry OHASH3: RLA ; Shift up 4 bits into A... ADD HL,HL RLA ADD HL,HL RLA ADD HL,HL RLA LD L,H ; Move down low 8 bits of final result JR HASH ; Join common code to mask high 4 bits ; Version 7 (faster)... ; Compute hash key = lower 12 bits of unsigned product: ; (prefix code + suffix byte) * 15073 FHASH: LD L,A ; Extend suffix byte LD H,0 ; to 16 bits ADD HL,BC ; Sum with prefix code ; Note: 15073 = 2785 mod 4096, so we need only multiply by 2785. LD D,H ; Copy sum, and compute in HL: LD E,L ; 1 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 2 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 4 * sum ADD HL,DE ; 5 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 10 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 20 * sum ADD HL,DE ; 21 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 42 * sum ADD HL,DE ; 43 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 86 * sum ADD HL,DE ; 87 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 174 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 348 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 696 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 1392 * sum ADD HL,HL ; 2784 * sum ADD HL,DE ; 2785 * sum LD A,H ; Setup high byte of result ; Common code for old-style hashing HASH: AND 0FH ; Mask hash key to 12 bits LD H,A PUSH HL ; Save key as trial string table index CALL STRPTR ; Point to string table entry POP DE ; Restore its index LD A,(HL) ; Is table entry used? OR A RET Z ; No (that was easy), return table ptr ; Hash collision occurred. Trace down list of entries with duplicate ; keys (in auxilliary table HSHT) until the last duplicate is found. LD BC,HSHT ; Setup collision table base PUSH HL ; Create dummy stack level HASH1: POP HL ; Discard last index EX DE,HL ; Get next trial index PUSH HL ; Save it ADD HL,HL ; Get ptr to collision table entry ADD HL,BC LD E,(HL) ; Fetch entry INC HL LD D,(HL) LD A,D ; Is it zero? OR E JR NZ,HASH1 ; No, loop for next in chain ; We now have the index (top of stack) and pointer (HL) for the last ; entry in the duplicate key list. In order to find an empty spot for ; the new string, we search the string table sequentially starting 101 ; (circular) entries past that of the last duplicate. EX (SP),HL ; Save collision ptr, swap its index LD E,101 ; Move 101 entries past it ADD HL,DE HASH2: RES 4,H ; Mask table index to 12 bits PUSH HL ; Save index CALL STRPTR ; Point to string table entry POP DE ; Restore its index LD A,(HL) ; Fetch byte from entry OR A ; Is it empty? JR Z,HASH3 ; Yes, found a spot in table EX DE,HL ; Else, INC HL ; Bump index to next entry JR HASH2 ; Loop until we find one free ; We now have the index (DE) and pointer (HL) for an available entry ; in the string table. We just need to add the index to the chain of ; duplicates for this hash key, and then return the pointer to caller. HASH3: EX (SP),HL ; Swap ptr to last duplicate key entry LD (HL),D ; Add this index to duplicate chain DEC HL LD (HL),E POP HL ; Recover string table ptr RET ; Return it to caller PAGE ; Get fixed-length code from (old-style) crunched file ; These codes are packed in left-to-right order (msb first). Two codes ; fit in three bytes, so we alternate processing every other call based ; on a rotating flag word in BITS (initialized to 55H). Location BITSAV ; holds the middle byte between calls (coding assumes BITSAV = BITS-1). OGETCR: CALL GETCX ; Get next input byte EXX ; Save output regs RET C ; Return (carry set) if end of file LD E,A ; Copy byte (high or low part of code) LD HL,BITS ; Point to rotating bit pattern RRC (HL) ; Rotate it JR C,OGETC1 ; Skip if this is high part of code DEC HL ; Point to saved byte from last call LD A,(HL) ; Fetch saved byte AND 0FH ; Mask low nibble (high 4 bits of code) EX DE,HL ; Get new byte in L (low 8 bits of code) LD H,A ; Form 12-bit code in HL RET ; Return (carry clear from mask) OGETC1: PUSH DE ; Save byte just read (high 8 code bits) CALL GETCX ; Get next byte EXX ; Save output regs POP HL ; Restore previous byte in L RET C ; But return if eof LD (BITSAV),A ; Save new byte for next call AND 0F0H ; Mask high nibble (low 4 bits of code) RLA ; Rotate once through carry LD H,A ; Set for circular rotate of HL & carry REPT 4 ADC_HL HL ;;Form the 12-bit code ENDM RET ; Return (carry clear after last rotate) ; Output next byte decoded from crunched file PUTCR: EXX ; Swap in output registers JP 0 ; Vector to the appropriate routine PUTCRP EQU $-2 ; (ptr to PUT or PUTUP stored here) PAGE ; Low-level output routines ; Register usage (once things get going): ; ; B = Flag for repeated byte expansion (1 = repeat count expected) ; C = Last byte output (saved for repeat expansion) ; DE = Output buffer pointer ; HL = CRC value ; Setup registers for output (preserves AF) PUTSET: LD HL,(BUFPAG-1) ; Get buffer start address LD L,0 ; (It's always page aligned) EX DE,HL LD H,E ; Clear the CRC LD L,E LD B,E ; Clear repeat flag RET ; Return ; Table of starting output buffer pages ; (No. of entries must match ARCVER) OBUFT: ; Header version: DB HIGH BUFF ; 1 - Uncompressed (obsolete) DB HIGH BUFF ; 2 - Uncompressed DB HIGH BUFF ; 3 - Packed DB HIGH BUFFSQ ; 4 - Squeezed DB HIGH BUFFCX ; 5 - Crunched (unpacked) (old) DB HIGH BUFFCX ; 6 - Crunched (packed) (old) DB HIGH BUFFCX ; 7 - Crunched (packed, faster) (old) DB HIGH BUFFCR ; 8 - Crunched (new) DB HIGH BUFFCQ ; 9 - Squashed PAGE ; Unpack and output packed byte PUTUP: DJNZ PUTUP4 ; Expecting a repeat count? LD B,A ; Yes ("byte REP count"), save count OR A ; But is it zero? JR NZ,PUTUP2 ; No, enter expand loop (did one before) LD A,REP ; Else ("REP 0"), JR PUT ; Go output REP code as data PUTUP1: LD A,C ; Get repeated byte CALL PUT ; Output it PUTUP2: DJNZ PUTUP1 ; Loop until repeat count exhausted RET ; Return when done PUTUP3: INC B ; Set flag for repeat count next RET ; Return (must wait for next call) PUTUP4: INC B ; Normal byte, reset repeat flag CP REP ; But is it the special flag code (REP)? JR Z,PUTUP3 ; Yes, go wait for next byte LD C,A ; Save output byte for later repeat ; Output byte (and update CRC) PUT: LD (DE),A ; Store byte in buffer XOR L ; Include byte in lower CRC LD L,A ; to get lookup table index LD A,H ; Save high (becomes new low) CRC byte LD H,HIGH CRCTAB ; Point to table value low byte XOR (HL) ; Include in CRC INC H ; Point to table value high byte LD H,(HL) ; Fetch to get new high CRC byte LD L,A ; Copy new low CRC byte INC E ; Now that CRC updated, bump buffer ptr RET NZ ; Return if not end of page INC D ; Point to next buffer page LD A,(BUFLIM) ; Get buffer limit page CP D ; Buffer full? RET NZ ; No, return PAGE ; Output buffer PUTBUF: PUSH HL ; Save register (i.e. CRC) LD HL,(BUFPAG-1) ; Get buffer start address XOR A ; (it's always page-aligned) LD L,A EX DE,HL ; Swap with buffer end ptr SBC_HL DE ; Compute buffer length JR Z,PUTB2 ; But skip all the work if it's empty PUSH BC ; Save register (i.e. repeat flag/byte) LD B,H ; Copy buffer length LD C,L LD HL,(LEN) ; Get (remaining) output file length SBC_HL BC ; Subtract size of buffer LD (LEN),HL ; (Should be zero when we're all done) JR NC,PUTB1 ; Skip if double-precision not needed LD HL,(LEN+2) ; Update upper word of length DEC HL LD (LEN+2),HL PUTB1: PUSH DE ; Save buffer start CALL WRTBUF ; Write the buffer POP DE ; Reset output ptr for next refill POP BC ; Restore register PUTB2: POP HL ; Restore register RET ; Return to caller PAGE ; Write buffer to disk WRTBUF: LD A,(OFLAG) ; Output file open? OR A JR Z,TYPBUF ; No, go typeout buffer instead LD H,D ; Get buffer end ptr LD L,E ADD HL,BC JR WRTB2 ; Enter loop WRTB1: LD (HL),CTLZ ; Fill last record with CP/M EOF... INC HL INC BC WRTB2: LD A,L ; Buffer ends on a CP/M record boundary? AND 7FH JR NZ,WRTB1 ; No, loop until it does OR B ; At least one page to write? JR Z,WRTB4 ; Skip if not WRTB3: PUSH BC ; Save remaining byte count CALL WRTREC ; Output 2 records to disk (i.e. 1 page) CALL WRTREC ; (Note returns A=0 as expected below) POP BC ; Restore count DJNZ WRTB3 ; Loop for all (full) pages in buffer WRTB4: OR C ; Half-page left? RET Z ; No, return ; Write record to disk WRTREC: LD HL,128 ; Get CP/M record length ADD HL,DE ; Add buffer ptr PUSH HL ; Save next record start CALL SETDMA ; Set to write from buffer ptr LD C,$WRITE ; Write a record to output file CALL OFDOS POP DE ; Restore ptr for next call DEC A ; Write error? RET Z ; No, return LD DE,DSKFUL ; Disk is full, report error JP PABORT ; and abort PAGE ; Typeout buffer TYPBUF: LD A,(CHECKF) ; Just checking file? OR A RET NZ ; Yes, ignore buffer LD A,(PROUTF) ; Printer output enabled? OR A JR NZ,PRTBUF ; Yes, go print buffer instead ; Note: The file typeout facility was originally added to this program ; as an afterthought. The primitive nature of this facility has ; been enhanced considerably with the addition of screen pauses in ; UNARC 1.4. Areas for future improvement include intelligent ; handling of screen width and terminal characteristics. TYPB0: LD A,(DE) ; Fetch next byte from buffer CP CTLZ ; Is it CP/M end-of-file? JP Z,EXIT ; Yes, exit program early PUSH BC ; Save remaining byte count INC A ; Bump ASCII code (simplifies DEL test) AND 7FH ; Mask to 7 bits CP ' '+1 ; Is it a printable char? DEC A ; (Restore code) JR C,TYPB3 ; Skip if non-printable TYPB1: CALL PCHAR ; Type char TYPB2: INC DE ; Bump ptr to next byte POP BC ; Restore byte count DEC BC ; Reduce count LD A,B ; Done all bytes? OR C JR NZ,TYPB0 ; No, loop for next RET ; Yes, return to caller TYPB3: CP HT ; Is (non-printing) char a tab? JR Z,TYPB1 ; Yes, go type it JR C,TYPB2 ; But ignore if low control char CP CR ; Does char generate a new line? JR NC,TYPB2 ; No, ignore control char (incl. CR) CALL CRLF ; Yes (LF/VT/FF), start a new line PUSH DE ; Save buffer ptr CALL CABORT ; Good place to check for CTRL-C abort POP DE ; Restore ptr LD HL,LINCT ; Point to line count INC (HL) ; Bump for one more line JR Z,TYPB2 ; But skip if 256 (must be no limit) LD A,(TYLIM) ; Get max allowed lines CP (HL) ; Reached limit (e.g. for RCP/M)? JR NZ,TYPB2 ; No, go back to typeout loop CALL WHLCK ; But is wheel byte set? JR Z,TYPB2 ; Yes, do not enforce limit LD DE,TYPERR ; Else, report too many lines JP PABORT ; and abort PAGE ; Print buffer ; This added in UNARC 1.41 as a quick hack to allow printing of ; highly-compressed binary plot images. It may not be suitable for ; general text file listing. (In particular, CTRL-Z is not treated ; as a file terminator.) PRTBUF: EX DE,HL ; Buffer ptr -> HL PRTB1: LD E,(HL) ; Fetch next byte from buffer PUSH HL ; Save buffer ptr PUSH BC ; Save remaining byte count LD C,$LIST ; Print byte (on listing device) CALL BDOS CALL CABORT ; Check for CTRL-C abort POP BC ; Restore byte count POP HL ; Restore ptr INC HL ; Bump to next byte in buffer DEC BC ; Reduce count LD A,B ; Done all bytes? OR C JR NZ,PRTB1 ; No, loop for next RET ; Yes, return to caller PAGE SUBTTL Listing Routines ; List file information LIST: LD HL,(TFILES) ; Get total files so far LD A,H ; Test if this is first file OR L INC HL ; Add one more LD (TFILES),HL ; Update total files CALL Z,LTITLE ; If first file, list column titles LD DE,SIZE ; Point to compressed file size PUSH DE ; Save for later LD HL,TSIZE ; Update total compressed size CALL LADD LD DE,LEN ; Point to uncompressed length PUSH DE ; Save for later LD HL,TLEN ; Update total length CALL LADD LD HL,LINE ; Setup listing line pointer LD DE,OFCB+@FN ; List file name from output FCB LD C,0 ; (with blank fill) CALL LNAME POP DE ; Recover file length ptr PUSH DE ; Save again for factor calculation CALL LTODA ; List file length CALL LDISK ; Compute and list disk space CALL LSTOW ; List stowage method and version POP BC ; Restore uncompressed length ptr POP DE ; Restore compressed size ptr CALL LSIZE ; List size and compression factor LD A,(DATE) ; Check for valid file date OR A ; (This anticipates no-date CP/M files) JR NZ,LIST1 ; Skip if valid LD B,18 ; Else, clear out date and time fields CALL FILLB JR LIST2 ; Skip LIST1: CALL LDATE ; List file date CALL LTIME ; List file time LIST2: CALL LCRC ; List CRC value PAGE ; Terminate and print listing line LISTL: LD DE,LINE ; Setup listing line ptr JR LIST3 ; Go finish up and list it ; List file totals LISTT: LD HL,LINE ; Setup listing line ptr LD_DE (TFILES) ; List total files CALL WTODA LD DE,TLEN ; List total file length PUSH DE ; and save ptr for factor calculation CALL LTODA LD_DE (TDISK) ; List total disk space CALL LDISK1 LD B,13 ; Fill next columns with blanks CALL FILLB POP BC ; Recover total uncompressed length ptr LD DE,TSIZE ; Get total compressed size ptr CALL LSIZE ; List overall size, compression factor LD B,20 ; Fill next columns with blanks CALL FILLB LD_DE (TCRC) ; List sum of all CRC values CALL WHEX LD DE,TOTALS ; Point to totals string (precedes line) LIST3: LD (HL),0 ; Terminate listing line JR PRINTL ; Go print it, followed by new line ; Print character PCHAR: CP BEL ; Is it a noisy one? JR NZ,PCHAR1 ; No, skip LD HL,BELLS ; Yes, is silence desired? AND (HL) RET Z ; Yes, keep quiet PCHAR1: PUSH DE ; Save register PCHAR2: LD E,A ; Setup char DEC A ; But is it special program name marker? JR Z,PNAME ; Yes, go insert name LD C,$CONOUT ; Send to BDOS console output CALL BDOS POP DE ; Restore register RET ; Return ; Print program name string, followed by blank PNAME: LD DE,USAGE ; Point to name string in help message PNAME1: LD A,(DE) ; Reached trailing blank? CP ' ' JR Z,PCHAR2 ; Yes, back to PCHAR to print it CALL PCHAR ; Print name char INC DE ; Point to next JR PNAME1 ; Loop until blank delimiter ; Print string on new line, then start another PRINTX: CALL CRLF ; Print string, then start new line PRINTL: CALL PRINTS ; Start new line ; Note: Must preserve DE CRLF: LD A,CR CALL PCHAR LD A,LF CALL PCHAR LD HL,LPSCT ; Reached end of screen? DEC (HL) RET NZ ; No, return LD A,0 ; But are screen pauses enabled? LPS EQU $-1 ; (lines per screen = 0 if not) OR A RET Z ; No, return LD (HL),A ; Reset count of lines left PUSH DE ; Save register LD DE,MORE ; Print '[more]' on the new line CALL PRINTS CRLF1: CALL CABORT ; Wait for char (or ^C abort) JR Z,CRLF1 PUSH AF ; Save input response LD DE,NOMORE ; Blank out the '[more]' line CALL PRINTS POP AF ; Restore response POP DE ; Restore register XOR ' ' ; Was response the space bar? RET NZ ; Anything else scrolls another screen INC A ; Yes, set to pause after one more line LD (LPSCT),A RET ; Return PAGE ; Print string on new line ; Note: Restricted to at most 5 stack levels (c.f. CHECK). CRLF will ; not perform page pause during this restriction, but PCHAR will ; execute PNAME (during ABOMSG print), so we're now at the limit! PRINT: CALL CRLF ; Print NUL-terminated string PRINTS: LD A,(DE) OR A RET Z CALL P,PCHAR ; (Ignore help msg chars with MSB set) INC DE JR PRINTS ; Output warning message about extracted file OWARN: PUSH DE LD DE,WARN CALL PRINTS POP DE JR PRINTL PAGE ; List column titles ; Note: This saves some much-needed space, by using the same template ; to generate the title line and the 'equal signs' separator line. LTITLE: CALL CRLF LD DE,TITLES PUSH DE LD A,(DE) LTITL1: CP '=' ; For titles, convert '=' to blank JR NZ,LTITL2 LD A,' ' LTITL2: CALL PCHAR INC DE LD A,(DE) OR A JR NZ,LTITL1 POP DE CALL CRLF LTITL3: LD A,(DE) OR A JR Z,CRLF CP ' ' ; Separator converts non-blank to '=' JR Z,LTITL4 LD A,'=' LTITL4: CALL PCHAR INC DE JR LTITL3 PAGE ; List file name ; Note: We use name in output file FCB, rather than original name in ; archive header (illegal chars already filtered by GETNAM). ; This routine also called by INIT to unparse ARC file name. LNAME: LD B,12 ; Setup count for name, '.', and type LNAME1: LD A,B ; Get count CP 4 ; At end of name? LD A,'.' JR Z,LNAME2 ; Yes, go store separator LD A,(DE) ; Get next char INC DE CP C ; Ignore blanks (possibly) JR Z,LNAME3 LNAME2: LD (HL),A ; Store char INC HL LNAME3: DJNZ LNAME1 ; Loop for all chars in name and type RET ; Return to caller PAGE ; Compute and list disk space for uncompressed file LDISK: PUSH HL ; Save line ptr LD HL,(LEN) ; Convert file length to 1k disk space LD A,(LEN+2) ; (Most we can handle here is 16 Mb) LD DE,1023 ; First, round up to next 1k ADD HL,DE ADC A,0 RRA ; Now, shift to divide by 1k RR H RRA RR H AND 3FH LD L,H ; Result -> HL LD H,A LD A,(LBLKSZ) ; Get disk block size DEC A ; Round up result accordingly LD E,A LD D,0 ADD HL,DE CPL ; Form mask for lower bits AND L LD E,A ; Final result -> DE LD D,H LD HL,(TDISK) ; Update total disk space used ADD HL,DE LD (TDISK),HL POP HL ; Restore line ptr LDISK1: CALL WTODA ; List result LD (HL),'k' INC HL RET PAGE ; List stowage method and version LSTOW: CALL FILL2B ; Blanks first EX DE,HL LD HL,STOWTX ; Point to stowage text table LD A,(VER) ; Get header version no. PUSH AF ; Save for next column LD BC,8 ; Use to get correct text ptr CP 3 JR C,LSTOW1 ADD HL,BC JR Z,LSTOW1 ADD HL,BC CP 4 JR Z,LSTOW1 ADD HL,BC CP 9 JR C,LSTOW1 ADD HL,BC JR Z,LSTOW1 ADD HL,BC LSTOW1: LDIR ; List stowage text EX DE,HL ; Restore line ptr POP AF ; Recover version no. LSTOW2: LD B,3 ; List in 3 cols, blank-filled JP BTODB ; and return PAGE ; List compressed file size and compression factor LSIZE: PUSH DE ; Save compressed size ptr PUSH BC ; Save uncompressed length ptr CALL LTODA ; List compressed size POP DE ; Recover length ptr EX (SP),HL ; Save line ptr, recover size ptr ; Compute compression factor = 100 - [100*size/length] ; (HL = ptr to size, DE = ptr to length, A = result) PUSH DE ; Save length ptr CALL LGET ; Get BCDE = size LD H,B ; Compute 100*size LD L,C ; in HLIX: PUSH DE POP_IX ; size ADD_IX IX ADC_HL HL ; 2*size ADD_IX DE ADC_HL BC ; 3*size ADD_IX IX ADC_HL HL ; 6*size ADD_IX IX ADC_HL HL ; 12*size ADD_IX IX ADC_HL HL ; 24*size ADD_IX DE ADC_HL BC ; 25*size ADD_IX IX ADC_HL HL ; 50*size ADD_IX IX ADC_HL HL ; 100*size EX (SP),HL ; Swap back length ptr, save upper CALL LGET ; Get BCDE = length PUSH_IX POP HL ; Now have (SP),HL = 100*size LD A,B ; Length = 0? OR C ; (Unlikely, but possible) OR D OR E JR Z,LSIZE2 ; Yes, go return result = 0 LD A,101 ; Initialize down counter for result LSIZE1: DEC A ; Divide by successive subtractions SBC_HL DE EX (SP),HL SBC_HL BC EX (SP),HL JR NC,LSIZE1 ; Loop until remainder < length LSIZE2: POP HL ; Clean stack POP HL ; Restore line ptr CALL BTODA ; List the factor LD (HL),'%' INC HL RET ; Return PAGE ; List file creation date ; ARC files use MS-DOS 16-bit date format: ; ; Bits [15:9] = year - 1980 ; Bits [8:5] = month of year ; Bits [4:0] = day of month ; ; (All zero means no date, checked before call to this routine) LDATE: LD A,(DATE) ; Get date AND 1FH ; List day CALL BTODA LD (HL),' ' ; Then a blank INC HL EX DE,HL ; Save listing line ptr LD HL,(DATE) ; Get date again PUSH HL ; Save for listing year (in upper byte) ADD HL,HL ; Shift month into upper byte ADD HL,HL ADD HL,HL LD A,H ; Get month AND 0FH CP 13 ; Make sure it's valid JR C,LDATE1 XOR A ; (Else will show as "???") LDATE1: LD C,A ; Use to index to 3-byte string table LD B,0 LD HL,MONTX ADD HL,BC ADD HL,BC ADD HL,BC LD C,3 LDIR ; Move month text into listing line EX DE,HL ; Restore line ptr LD (HL),' ' ; Then a blank INC HL POP AF ; Recover high byte of date SRL A ; Get 1980-relative year ADD A,80 ; Get true year in century LDATE2: LD BC,256*2+'0' ; Setup for 2 digits with high-zero fill JR BTOD ; and convert binary to decimal ASCII PAGE ; List file creation time ; ARC files use MS-DOS 16-bit time format: ; ; Bits [15:11] = hour ; Bits [10:5] = minute ; Bits [4:0] = second/2 (not shown here) LTIME: EX DE,HL ; Save listing line ptr LD HL,(TIME) ; Fetch time LD A,H ; Copy high byte RRA ; Get hour RRA RRA AND 1FH LD B,'a' ; Assume am JR Z,LTIME1 ; Skip if 0 (12 midnight) CP 12 ; Is it 1-11 am? JR C,LTIME2 ; Yes, skip LD B,'p' ; Else, it's pm SUB 12 ; Convert to 12-hour clock JR NZ,LTIME2 ; Skip if not 12 noon LTIME1: LD A,12 ; Convert 0 to 12 LTIME2: PUSH BC ; Save am/pm indicator ADD HL,HL ; Shift minutes up to high byte ADD HL,HL ADD HL,HL PUSH HL ; Save minutes EX DE,HL ; Recover listing line ptr CALL LSTOW2 ; List hour LD (HL),':' ; Then ":" INC HL POP AF ; Restore and list minutes AND 3FH CALL LDATE2 POP AF ; Restore and list am/pm letter LD (HL),A INC HL RET ; Return PAGE ; List hex CRC value LCRC: CALL FILL2B LD_DE (CRC) PUSH HL LD HL,(TCRC) ; Update CRC total ADD HL,DE LD (TCRC),HL POP HL ; List hex word in DE WHEX: CALL DHEX LD D,E ; List hex byte in D DHEX: LD (HL),D RLD CALL AHEX LD A,D ; List hex nibble in A AHEX: OR 0F0H DAA CP 60H SBC A,1FH LD (HL),A INC HL RET ; A few decimal ASCII conversion callers, for convenience WTODA: LD B,5 ; List blank-filled word in 5 cols WTODB: LD C,' ' ; List blank-filled word in B cols JR WTOD ; List C-filled word in B cols BTODA: LD B,4 ; List blank-filled byte in 4 cols BTODB: LD C,' ' ; List blank-filled byte in B cols JR BTOD ; List C-filled byte in B cols LTODA: LD BC,9*256+' ' ; List blank-filled long in 9 cols ; JR LTOD PAGE ; Convert Long (or Word or Byte) Binary to Decimal ASCII ; R. A. Freed ; 2.0 15 Mar 85 ; Entry: A = Unsigned 8-bit byte value (BTOD) ; DE = Unsigned 16-bit word value (WTOD) ; DE = Pointer to low byte of 32-bit long value (LTOD) ; B = Max. string length (0 implies 256, i.e. no limit) ; C = High-zero fill (0 to suppress high-zero digits) ; HL = Address to store ASCII byte string ; ; Return: HL = Adress of next byte after last stored ; ; Stack: n+1 levels, where n = no. significant digits in output ; ; Notes: If B > n, (B-n) leading fill chars (C non-zero) stored. ; If B < n, high-order (n-B) digits are suppressed. ; If only word or byte values need be converted, use the ; shorter version of this routine (WTOD or BTOD) instead. RADIX EQU 10 ; (Will work with any radix <= 10) LTOD: PUSH DE ; Entry for 32-bit long pointed to by DE EXX ; Save caller's regs, swap in alt set POP HL ; Get pointer and fetch value to HADE LD E,(HL) INC HL LD D,(HL) INC HL LD A,(HL) INC HL LD H,(HL) EX DE,HL ; Value now in DAHL JR LTOD1 ; Join common code BTOD: LD E,A ; Entry for 8-bit byte in A LD D,0 ; Copy to 16-bit word in DE WTOD: PUSH DE ; Entry for 16-bit word in DE, save it EXX ; Swap in alt regs for local use POP HL ; Recover value in HL XOR A ; Set to clear upper bits in DE LD D,A ; Common code for all entries LTOD1: LD E,A ; Now have 32-bit value in DEHL LD C,RADIX ; Setup radix for divides SCF ; Set first-time flag PUSH AF ; Save for stack emptier when done PAGE ; Top of conversion loop ; Method: Generate output digits on stack in reverse order. Each loop ; divides the value by the radix. Remainder is the next output digit, ; quotient becomes the dividend for the next loop. Stop when get zero ; quotient or no. of digits = max. string length. (Always generates at ; least one digit, i.e. zero value has one "significant" digit.) LTOD2: CALL DIVLB ; Divide to get next digit OR '0' ; Convert to ASCII (clears carry) EXX ; Swap in caller's regs DJNZ LTOD5 ; Skip if still more room in string ; All done (value fills string), this is the output loop LTOD3: LD (HL),A ; Store digit in string INC HL ; Bump string ptr LTOD4: POP AF ; Unstack next digit JR NC,LTOD3 ; Loop if any RET ; Return to caller ; Still more room in string, test if more significant digits LTOD5: PUSH AF ; Stack this digit EXX ; Swap back local regs LD A,H ; Last quotient = 0? OR L OR D OR E JR NZ,LTOD2 ; No, loop for next digit ; Can stop early (no more digits), handle leading zero-fill (if any) EXX ; Swap back caller's regs OR C ; Any leading fill wanted? JR Z,LTOD4 ; No, go to output loop LTOD6: LD (HL),A ; Store leading fill INC HL ; Bump string ptr DJNZ LTOD6 ; Repeat until fill finished JR LTOD4 ; Then go store the digits PAGE SUBTTL Miscellaneous Support Routines ; Note: The following general-purpose routine is currently used in this ; program only to divide longs by 10 (by decimal convertor, LTOD). ; Thus, a few unneeded code locations have been commented out. ; (May be restored if program requirements change.) ; Unsigned Integer Division of Long (or Word or Byte) by Byte ; R. A. Freed ; Divisor in C, dividend in (A)DEHL or (A)HL or L (depends on call used) ; Quotient returned in DEHL (or just HL), remainder in A ;DIVXLB:OR A ; 40-bit dividend in ADEHL (A < C) ; JR NZ,DIVLB1 ; Skip if have more than 32 bits DIVLB: LD A,D ; 32-bit dividend in DEHL OR E ; But is it really only 16 bits? JR Z,DIVWB ; Yes, skip (speeds things up a lot) XOR A ; Clear high quotient for first divide DIVLB1: CALL DIVLB2 ; Get upper quotient first, then swap: DIVLB2: EX DE,HL ; Upper quotient in DE, lower in HL DIVXWB: OR A ; 24-bit dividend in AHL (A < C) JR NZ,DIVWB1 ; Skip if have more than 16 bits DIVWB: LD A,H ; 16-bit dividend in HL CP C ; Will quotient be less than 8 bits? JR C,DIVBB1 ; Yes, skip (small dividend speed-up) XOR A ; Clear high quotient DIVWB1: LD B,16 ; Setup count for 16-bit divide JR DIVB ; Skip to divide loop ;DIVBB: XOR A ; 8-bit dividend in L DIVBB1: LD H,L ; For very small nos., pre-shift 8 bits LD L,0 ; High byte of quotient will be zero LD B,8 ; Setup count for 8-bit divide ; Top of divide loop (vanilla in-place shift-and-subtract) DIVB: ADD HL,HL ; Divide AHL (B=16) or AH (B=8) by C RLA ; Shift out next remainder bit ; JR C,DIVB1 ; (This needed only for divsors > 128) CP C ; Greater than divisor? JR C,DIVB2 ; No, skip (next quotient bit is 0) DIVB1: SUB C ; Yes, reduce remainder INC L ; and set quotient bit to 1 DIVB2: DJNZ DIVB ; Loop for no. bits in quotient RET ; Done (quotient in HL, remainder in A) PAGE ; Fetch a long (4-byte) value LGET: LD E,(HL) ; Fetch BCDE from (HL) INC HL LD D,(HL) INC HL LD C,(HL) INC HL LD B,(HL) RET ; Add two longs LADD: LD B,4 ; (DE) + (HL) -> (HL) OR A LADD1: LD A,(DE) ADC A,(HL) LD (HL),A INC HL INC DE DJNZ LADD1 RET ; Fill routines FILL2B: LD B,2 ; Fill 2 blanks FILLB: LD C,' ' ; Fill B blanks FILL: LD (HL),C ; Fill B bytes with char in C INC HL DJNZ FILL RET ; Convert character to upper case UPCASE: CP 'a' RET C CP 'z'+1 RET NC ADD A,'A'-'a' RET PAGE IF NOT Z80 ; EXX instruction emulator EXX: IRP AA, PUSH AA LD HL,(AA&SAV) EX (SP),HL LD (AA&SAV),HL ENDM POP BC POP DE POP HL RET ; LDIR instruction emulator LDIR: PUSH AF LDIR1: LD A,(HL) LD (DE),A INC HL INC DE DEC BC LD A,B OR C JP NZ,LDIR1 POP AF RET ; CPIR instruction emulator CPIR1: POP AF CPIR: CP (HL) INC HL DEC BC RET Z PUSH AF LD A,B OR C JP NZ,CPIR1 POP AF RET ENDIF PAGE SUBTTL Messages and Initialized Data IF Z80 NOTZ80: DB BEL,'Z80 required!$' ELSE USEZ80: DB 'NOTE: The Z80 version is smaller and faster!',CR,LF,'$' ENDIF ABOMSG: DB BEL,1,'aborted!',0 CPMERR: DB 'CP/M version 2 or higher required',0 NOROOM: DB 'Not enough memory',0 NAMERR: DB 'Ambiguous archive file name',0 OPNERR: DB 'Cannot find archive file',0 FMTERR: DB 'Invalid archive file format',0 HDRERR: DB BEL,'Warning: Bad archive file header, bytes skipped = ' HDRSKP: DB '00000',0 NOFILS: DB 'No matching file(s) in archive',0 BADIDR: DB 'Invalid archive file drive',0 BADODR: DB 'Invalid output drive',0 ARCMSG: DB 'Archive File = ' ARCNAM: DB 'FILENAME.ARC',0 OUTMSG: DB 'Output Drive = ' OUTDRV: DB 'A:',0 CHKMSG: DB 'Checking archive...',0 BADVER: DB 'Cannot extract file (need newer version of UNARC?)',0 EXISTS: DB BEL,'Replace existing output file (y/n)? ',0 DSKFUL: DB 'Disk full',0 DIRFUL: DB 'Directory full',0 CLSERR: DB 'Cannot close output file',0 UCRERR: DB 'Incompatible crunched file format',0 TYPERR: DB 'Typeout line limit exceeded',0 WARN: DB BEL,'Warning: Extracted file has incorrect ',0 CRCERR: DB 'CRC',0 LENERR: DB 'length',0 MORE: DB '[more]',0 NOMORE: DB CR,' ',HT,CR,0 ; Note: Tab (HT) added above in UNARC 1.5 for proper following tab ; expansion (since CP/M 2.2 BDOS does not reset its column ; position after raw CR output). The blanks are still generated ; in case of BDOS implementations which do not expand tabs. MONTX: DB '???JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec' STOWTX: DB 'Unpacked' DB ' Packed ' DB 'Squeezed' DB 'Crunched' DB 'Squashed' DB 'Unknown!' TITLES: DB 'Name======== =Length Disk =Method= Ver =Stored Save' DB 'd ===Date== =Time= CRC=' LINLEN EQU $-TITLES DB 0 TOTALS: DB ' ==== ======= ==== ======= ===' DB ' ====' DB CR,LF DB 'Total ' ; (LINE must follow!) ; .COM file ends here (except for non-Z80 self-unpacking startup code) COMLEN EQU $-TBASE ; Length of initialized code and data PAGE SUBTTL Data Storage ; Unitialized data last (does not contribute to .COM file size) ; Note: Following macro introduced in UNARC 1.5 to avoid use of the ; assembler DS directive, which generates unneeded records in the ; .COM file when linked with L80 (unlike SLRNK). (Also preserves ; location counter for self-unpacking initialization code in the ; non-Z80 version.) DSS MACRO SYM,BYTES SYM EQU $D $D DEFL $D+(BYTES) ENDM $D DEFL $ ; Start of data storage (pseudo PC) DSS LINE,LINLEN+1 ; Listing line buffer (follow TOTALS!) $D DEFL $D+(25*2) ; Program stack (25 levels) STACK EQU $D ; (Too small will only garbage listing) TOTS EQU $D ; Start of listing totals DSS TFILES,2 ; Total files processed DSS TLEN,4 ; Total uncompressed bytes DSS TDISK,2 ; Total 1K disk blocks DSS TSIZE,4 ; Total compressed bytes DSS TCRC,2 ; Total of all CRC values DSS LINCT,1 ; Line count for file typeout DSS ARKFLG,1 ; Default file type flag (allows .ARC) DSS PROUTF,1 ; Printer output flag DSS CHECKF,1 ; Check archive validity flag TOTC EQU $D-TOTS ; Count of bytes to clear DSS GETPTR,2 ; Input buffer pointer DSS LPSCT,1 ; Lines per screen counter DSS LBLKSZ,1 ; Disk allocation block size for listing DSS TNAME,11 ; Test pattern for selecting file names DSS OFCB,@FCBSZ ; Output file FCB ; DSS IFCB,@FCBSX ; Input file FCB IFCB EQU DFCB ; (Currently using default FCB instead) HDRBUF EQU $D ; Archive file header buffer... DSS VER,1 ; Header version no. (stowage type) DSS NAME,13 ; Name string (NUL-terminated) DSS SIZE,4 ; Compressed bytes DSS DATE,2 ; Creation date DSS TIME,2 ; Creation time DSS CRC,2 ; Cyclic check of uncompressed file DSS LEN,4 ; Uncompressed bytes (version > 1) HDRSIZ EQU $D-HDRBUF ; Header size (4 less if version = 1) IF NOT Z80 ; Data for Z80 instruction emulation DSS HLSAV,2 ; HL' DSS DESAV,2 ; DE' DSS BCSAV,2 ; BC' DSS AFSAV,2 ; AF' DSS IXSAV,2 ; IX ENDIF MINMEM EQU $D-1 ; Min memory limit (no file output) PAGE ; Data for file output processing only ; Following order required: DSS BUFPAG,1 ; Output buffer start page DSS BUFLIM,1 ; Output buffer limit page ; Following order required: DSS CODES,1 ; Code count for crunched input DSS BITSAV,1 ; Bits save for crunched input DSS BITS,1 ; Bit count for crunched input DSS STRCT,2 ; No. entries in crunched string table ; Tables and buffers for file output ; (All of the following must be page-aligned) $D DEFL ($D+255) AND 0FF00H ; Align to page boundary DSS CRCTAB,256*2 ; CRC lookup table (256 2-byte values) BUFF EQU $D ; Output buff for non-squeezed/crunched ; or: TREE EQU $D ; Decoding tree for squeezed files TREESZ EQU 256*4 ; (256 4-byte nodes) BUFFSQ EQU TREE+TREESZ ; Output buffer for squeezed files ; or: STRT EQU $D ; String table for crunched files STRSZ EQU 4096*3 ; (4K 3-byte entries) BUFFCR EQU STRT+STRSZ ; Output buffer for newer crunched files ; plus (for old-style crunched files): HSHT EQU BUFFCR ; Extra table for hash code chaining HSHSZ EQU 4096*2 ; (4K 2-byte entries) BUFFCX EQU HSHT+HSHSZ ; Output buffer for older crunched files ; or (for squashed files): STQSZ EQU 8192*3 ; (8K 3-byte string table entries) BUFFCQ EQU STRT+STQSZ ; Output buffer for squashed files PAGE IF NOT Z80 ; Initialization for self-unpacking archive file (non-Z80 version only) ; Note: Following is needed only when UNARCA.COM is executed from a ; self-unpacking archive file. It is subsequently overlayed by ; data during program execution, so the only additional run-time ; overhead for self-unpacking support is the 26 bytes immediately ; preceding BEGIN. (The added disk space for this code is also ; minimal, and none of this is included in the Z80-only version, ; UNARC.COM, which applies to the majority of users.) .PHASE $+26 ; This code is offset 26 bytes in memory SELFUP: LD C,$DISK ; Get current default disk drive no. CALL BDOS ; (archive file drive) LD B,A ; Save default for extracted files ADD A,'A' ; Get ASCII drive letter LD (SELFMD),A ; Store in archive file name message LD DE,DFCB ; Point to default FCB LD A,(DE) ; Disk drive specified on command line? OR A JP NZ,SELFU1 ; Yes, skip to use it LD A,B ; Recover default disk no. INC A ; Convert to drive code SELFU1: LD (SELFXD),A ; Store drive code for extracted files ADD A,'A'-1 ; Get ASCII drive letter LD (SELFCD),A ; Store in command line LD HL,SELFCB ; Point to fixed internal FCB LD BC,SELFSZ ; Get no. bytes to move to system page CALL SELFMV ; Move down fixed command parameters LD DE,TBASE ; Setup normal .COM file base LD HL,TBASE+26 ; Setup current (offset) base in memory LD BC,COMLEN ; Setup .COM file length CALL SELFMV ; Relocate .COM file to its proper place LD (CCPSV),A ; Force reboot later (and max. buffer) INC A ; Set default disk block size to 1K LD (DBLSZ),A ; (e.g., might be running CP/M-68K) LD A,'$' ; Patch usage message LD (USEA),A ; for program identification LD (USEB),A ; and copyright displays only LD DE,SELFCR ; Start with a blank display line CALL SELFPR LD DE,USAGE ; Show program id CALL SELFPR LD DE,USEC ; Show copyright CALL SELFPR LD DE,SELFMS ; Show archive file name (new user aid) CALL SELFPR JP BEGIN1 ; Go begin (skip Z80 warning note) ; Brute force memory mover (can't use LDIR emulation yet) SELFMV: LD A,(HL) LD (DE),A INC HL INC DE DEC BC LD A,B OR C JP NZ,SELFMV RET ; Return with A = 0 ; Print message via BDOS (can't use internal print routines yet) SELFPR: LD C,$PRTSTR JP BDOS ; Fixed FCB's and command line for self-unpacking file extraction SELFCB: DB 0 ; Archive file drive (default always) SELF ; Archive file name REPT SELFCB+9-$ ; (pad with blanks to 8 chars) DB ' ' ENDM DB 'COM' ; Archive file type (always .COM) DB 0,0,0,0 ; Extent descriptor bytes SELFXD: DB 0 ; Drive code for file extraction DB ' ' ; Files to extract (defaults to *.*) DB 0,0,0,0 ; Extent descriptor bytes DB 0,0,0,0 ; Current and random record nos. DB SELFCE-SELFCL ; Command line length (moves to DBUF) SELFCL: DB ' ' ; Command line tail... SELF DB '.COM ' ; (e.g. ' UNARC15.COM A: N') SELFCD: DB 'A: N' ; (extract all files, no screen pauses) SELFCE: DB 0 ; (end of command line) SELFSZ EQU $-SELFCB ; Size of fixed command data to move ; Message naming self-unpacking archive file SELFMS: DB CR,LF,LF,'(Self-unpacking file ' SELFMD: DB 'A:' SELF DB '.COM)' SELFCR: DB CR,LF,'$' .DEPHASE ; End of special self-unpacking code for non-Z80 version ENDIF ; That's all, folks! IF ($ AND 7FH) NE 0 ; Clear out final record of the .COM file ; (Needed only for precise M80/L80 compatibility with Z80ASM/SLRNK) REPT 128-($ AND 7FH) DB 0 ENDM ENDIF END BEGIN