PATCHARK.DOC Copyright 1988 by Dale H. Cook Documentation for PATCHARK.AZM Brian Moore's ARK.COM program allows CP/M systems to create archive files in the same format as those creates on MS-DOS systems. As of the present ver- sion (ARK035.COM) automatic date/time stamping of the created archives is not fully supported. However, beginning with Version 03 the date/time storage within ARK has been standardized, and Brian intends to maintain that standard in all later versions so that users can add their own RTC support routines. PATCHARK.AZM will patch ARK035.COM and later versions to provide RTC support for the Kaypro 4-84 and 10-84 computers with the stock MM58167A real- time-clock. Two equates, set for ARK035, will have to be changed by the user for later versions. START must be set to the address of the jump instruction that begins ARK - low-byte at 0101H, high-byte at 0102H. ENDARK must be set to the first non-used byte after the end of ARK. SUPERZAP or another disk editor can be used to find these values. The value loaded into A at the label GET0: is the current year in BCD - thus 88H as supplied here for 1988. Be sure to change this value and re-patch ARK every January. (The Kaypro RTC does not support the current year) Use Z80MR to assemble PATCHARK and MLOAD to link it to ARK: A0>Z80MR PATCHARK.AAZ (should assemble with no errors) A0>MLOAD ARK.COM=ARK.COM,PATCHARK.HEX That's all there is to it - when you run the patched version it will fetch the date and time BCD values from the Kaypro RTC, convert them to binary and store them in the correct locations in ARK, then execute the program proper. Dale H. Cook, August 16, 1988 CompuServe 71370,2635 GEnie DHCOOK